How will they rule ??!

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I have no problem stating that I think the media is an enemy to the people (national media). These are not fighters for truth. These are political operatives with bylines who collectively collude with politicians, corporations, government agencies, etc to push BS and bury what is not in their interests and dictate policy and interfere with elections.

This is what drives me nuts about how retarded the lefties are on here and in the real world. How can you yell moronic stuff like "Russia" and then overlook/ignore the impact our media has/had? This isn't up for debate. They colluded with the DNC/Clintons/Obama to promote the left at all times and try to get Hillary in office and then joined together to go after Trump. They leaked debate questions, let the Clinton camp edit articles, let DWS tell them what to cover and not to cover mid-segment, LET HILLARY'S CAMP PICK OUT THEIR INTERVIEW/DEBATE QUESTIONS. HOW IS THAT REMOTELY A FAIR PRESS?

NBC and CBS decided to not do phone interviews with Trump anymore because Media Matters didn't like that Trump could travel more and make more rounds if he did phone interviews. If you're a fair press, you tell David Brock/Media Matters to GFT.

The left colluded with each other through media, tried to silence info on social media, pushed a bogus dossier, spied on a presidential candidate campaign and have the audacity to cry "collusion?"

The media is the enemy of the people. Left or right, look at the news as if you're a scientist and let the chips fall where they may. Stop using bogus headlines and spinning crap. Stop with 100 percent negative coverage of someone and then ignore another party. It's no coincidence that the leftist media is always on the same page and just so happens to be talking about the same damn issue over and over out of nowhere.
I have no problem stating that I think the media is an enemy to the people (national media). These are not fighters for truth. These are political operatives with bylines who collectively collude with politicians, corporations, government agencies, etc to push BS and bury what is not in their interests and dictate policy and interfere with elections.

This is what drives me nuts about how retarded the lefties are on here and in the real world. How can you yell moronic stuff like "Russia" and then overlook/ignore the impact our media has/had? This isn't up for debate. They colluded with the DNC/Clintons/Obama to promote the left at all times and try to get Hillary in office and then joined together to go after Trump. They leaked debate questions, let the Clinton camp edit articles, let DWS tell them what to cover and not to cover mid-segment, LET HILLARY'S CAMP PICK OUT THEIR INTERVIEW/DEBATE QUESTIONS. HOW IS THAT REMOTELY A FAIR PRESS?

NBC and CBS decided to not do phone interviews with Trump anymore because Media Matters didn't like that Trump could travel more and make more rounds if he did phone interviews. If you're a fair press, you tell David Brock/Media Matters to GFT.

The left colluded with each other through media, tried to silence info on social media, pushed a bogus dossier, spied on a presidential candidate campaign and have the audacity to cry "collusion?"

The media is the enemy of the people. Left or right, look at the news as if you're a scientist and let the chips fall where they may. Stop using bogus headlines and spinning crap. Stop with 100 percent negative coverage of someone and then ignore another party. It's no coincidence that the leftist media is always on the same page and just so happens to be talking about the same damn issue over and over out of nowhere.
Very much agree with you. Media spouting the ideal of the "Fourth Estate" and the value of a "free press" to defend themselves is simply lip service when their actual words and deeds fall so very short of those ideals.

“China dominates the global steel market, but Trump’s tariffs on imported steel are seen as a catalyst for domestic manufacturers such as U.S. Steel.”

Great news for domestic manufacturing! USA can be innovative and eventually produce at a price that’s competitive with the global community. Trump has worn out three sets of kneecaps from kicking so much ass.
Oh my Bevin is killing our state with his rude mouth and conservative ideals.
Too little, too late.
He has no chance of being re-elected because everybody gets their feelings hurt too easily. The welfare of the state be damned. Keep kicking the can you knuckle headed liberals. Lil Andy won’t insult you, but he will continue to screw you over.
[laughing] Suckers. So ate up they'll literally believe anything. And these weren't all anonymous randoms that fell for it. Blue check journalists and former intelligence agents were among them.

#Resistance Twitter Hero Exposed as Pro-Trump Gamer

@GuardianRover claimed to be a Delta Force commando. A little amateur detective work revealed he was just another guy on the internet.

In the world of #Resistance Twitter, @GuardianRover was a hero. As a former intelligence operative and Delta Force soldier, the person behind the account used a cartoon secret agent avatar and the alias “Mr. Smith” to share the kind of national security expertise that anxious Democrats crave in the tumultuous Trump era.

When he wasn’t meeting with Chinese freedom fighters, chatting up Ukrainian intel sources or working diplomatic security details, Smith tweeted wild claims on Twitter about collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia. Maybe, he posited, former Trump campaign foreign policy adviser Carter Page had a tape of Trump promising to lift Russian sanctions in exchange for help with the 2016 election.

Smith regularly urged his followers to “buckle up,” hinting at some kind of momentous developments in the Russia investigation just over the horizon. He also frequently claimed it would be various Trump allies’ “time in the barrel,” promising what he called “barrel time” for the likes of Trump son-in-law Jared Kushner or former Trump confidant Roger Stone (who before the election famously tweeted: “it will soon [be] the Podesta's time in the barrel”).

Smith’s tantalizing tweets and the promise that he had access to the inner workings of the intelligence community helped him amass nearly 30,000 followers on Twitter, and earned him Twitter attention from the likes of CNN analyst Asha Rangappa, citizen investigator Claude Taylor, CIA veteran John Sipher, and Resistance “game theory” theorist Eric Garland.

He regularly referred to the White House as “Whiskey Hotel,” an official-sounding codename that doesn’t appear to have actually existed before it was coined for a 2009 Call of Duty video game. Smith also promoted the debunked idea that ISIS terrorists used digital bullet holes in Call of Duty to communicate with each other.

Ultimately, Smith’s gaming habit would be his undoing. In late July, he posted a link to his account on the video game live-streaming site Twitch, urging his Resistance Twitter fans to come watch him play popular shooting game Fortnite “because we are nerds.”

Smith’s Twitch handle, ”BigOlUncleCletus,” was followed to a Reddit account called “BigOleUncleCletus.”

That Reddit user described himself as a 38-year-old Seattle man who often took care of his nephews. And, in a surprise for fans of Smith’s anti-Trump tweets, the Reddit user was a big fan of Trump. At one point, he wrote that he was once a “Never-Trumper” who was now “firmly on the Trump train.”

“HEY HEY — HO HO — DONALD TRUMP WILL NEVER GO,” the Reddit user posted in another comment, adding the hashtag #GodEmperor.
[laughing] Suckers. So ate up they'll literally believe anything. And these weren't all anonymous randoms that fell for it. Blue check journalists and former intelligence agents were among them.

#Resistance Twitter Hero Exposed as Pro-Trump Gamer

@GuardianRover claimed to be a Delta Force commando. A little amateur detective work revealed he was just another guy on the internet.

In the world of #Resistance Twitter, @GuardianRover was a hero. As a former intelligence operative and Delta Force soldier, the person behind the account used a cartoon secret agent avatar and the alias “Mr. Smith” to share the kind of national security expertise that anxious Democrats crave in the tumultuous Trump era.

When he wasn’t meeting with Chinese freedom fighters, chatting up Ukrainian intel sources or working diplomatic security details, Smith tweeted wild claims on Twitter about collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia. Maybe, he posited, former Trump campaign foreign policy adviser Carter Page had a tape of Trump promising to lift Russian sanctions in exchange for help with the 2016 election.

Smith regularly urged his followers to “buckle up,” hinting at some kind of momentous developments in the Russia investigation just over the horizon. He also frequently claimed it would be various Trump allies’ “time in the barrel,” promising what he called “barrel time” for the likes of Trump son-in-law Jared Kushner or former Trump confidant Roger Stone (who before the election famously tweeted: “it will soon [be] the Podesta's time in the barrel”).

Smith’s tantalizing tweets and the promise that he had access to the inner workings of the intelligence community helped him amass nearly 30,000 followers on Twitter, and earned him Twitter attention from the likes of CNN analyst Asha Rangappa, citizen investigator Claude Taylor, CIA veteran John Sipher, and Resistance “game theory” theorist Eric Garland.

He regularly referred to the White House as “Whiskey Hotel,” an official-sounding codename that doesn’t appear to have actually existed before it was coined for a 2009 Call of Duty video game. Smith also promoted the debunked idea that ISIS terrorists used digital bullet holes in Call of Duty to communicate with each other.

Ultimately, Smith’s gaming habit would be his undoing. In late July, he posted a link to his account on the video game live-streaming site Twitch, urging his Resistance Twitter fans to come watch him play popular shooting game Fortnite “because we are nerds.”

Smith’s Twitch handle, ”BigOlUncleCletus,” was followed to a Reddit account called “BigOleUncleCletus.”

That Reddit user described himself as a 38-year-old Seattle man who often took care of his nephews. And, in a surprise for fans of Smith’s anti-Trump tweets, the Reddit user was a big fan of Trump. At one point, he wrote that he was once a “Never-Trumper” who was now “firmly on the Trump train.”

“HEY HEY — HO HO — DONALD TRUMP WILL NEVER GO,” the Reddit user posted in another comment, adding the hashtag #GodEmperor.

Not a social media person. What is blue check?
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[laughing] @ special thanks to @GuardianRover.

Here's a former FBI special agent who 'specialized' in counterintelligence, now associate dean at Yale Law, CNN analyst and editor at Just Security (a forum on law, rights, and US national security) fearmongering about Russia/Nazi propaganda based on information that she received from a fake, conspiratorial, anti-Trump troll account. Let that sink in.

We’ve been in afghanistan for 17 years now. why haven’t the poppy fields there, the source of most of the heroin in the world, been eradicated?

I’m a staunch trump supporter, but why hasn’t this subject been brought to the forefront?
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