How will they rule ??!

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so, now it is the American citizens' fault, and we shouldn't care?

Who said now? If you were influenced by someone trolling Facebook and posting memes, then it was always your fault. And, again, you can care all you want. You have free will to be dumb, but the best way to combat a troll is to not feed the troll.

You're doing the opposite. Because of you and others like you, especially the liberal media and Democrats in congress, Putin has succeeded beyond his wildest dreams. It's simple logic that if it worked so well the first time, triggering a political investigation into the duly elected US president and in the process convincing half of the country that the duly elected US president is also a Russian spy, then of course he's going to keep doing it.

Although, if you do care so much, then why aren't you calling for a second special counsel to investigate this newly uncovered foreign 'influence' campaign that was aimed at helping the Democrats? Why aren't you also accusing Democrats of colluding and being treasonous traitors with zero evidence? If you truly cared, then why is your outrage partisan?
If I anonymously post this meme to Facebook from a foreign VPN and say, "Don't vote Trudeau. He's weak on economics." Whose fault is it if some dumb-ass is influenced by it? Have I also interfered in and influenced Canada's election? Is Trudeau's opponent colluding with me?

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I mean, I'm not gonna argue that country music is what most people think of when it comes to Nashville. That is and has been the case for a long time.

But the idea that someone wearing a hijab seems "out of place" in Nashville, or any other decently-sized city in America? Like you only expect to see white people in Nashville who no doubt love country music?

That's ridiculous. And then to tack on some bullshit about Nashville "losing its culture" because some Muslims happen to live there? That's just being ignorant to the facts.

Oh and don't even think about questioning the impact that black people have had on this city. RIP to Anthony Bourdain, but watching him omit any mention of Jefferson Street in favor of some blonde Jack White-sponsored singer that just moved here from Michigan or something? That was a disappointing look for someone who always did his homework on that show. At least he went to Bolton's, I guess.

Do you guys all live in the boonies or something? What's up with this dumbfounded shock whenever you see someone who's not white? You bums see someone who looks to be Latino and assume they're here illegally. MS-13, anyone? Trump's fear-mongering tactics have you guys on edge. SMH.
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Reactions: homeytheclown, now it is the American citizens' fault, and we shouldn't care?

Jesus H....the goal post will be out of the stadium before you guys are done moving it.
You guys changed the game years ago with Obama and left out the goal post. Everything was then acceptable.
"Dear People of Cincinnati,

We don't pay taxes, own land, or really contribute to the community. In fact, if anything, we are a drag on public funds, our makeshift tents are an eyesore, and we as a whole are a public nuisance.

But here's what we want from you:

Let us set up camp in your public areas and give us free sh!t."

Demands, huh? That takes a lot of chutzpah. A worthy response would be to bulldoze their camp at midnight tonight and send their @sses packing.
bwls2: But the idea that someone wearing a hijab seems "out of place" in Nashville, or any other decently-sized city in America? Like you only expect to see white people in Nashville who no doubt love country music?

I get uneasy when i see anyone in public (my space) wearing a mask—hijab or whatever you want to call it.

Because it’s a visceral reminder that Islam is diametrically opposed to every Western impulse.
^ Seeing Muslims anywhere in the west should outrage everyone. That is the one group who does not belong in western civilization. It’s a backwards and conflicting ideology. Everywhere they grow in numbers always follows the same pattern- more instances of assault/rape of women, makes demands of the dominant culture and then grows increasingly intolerant to others. They have bad intentions.

It’s not a coincidence that there are other countries who want them gone or don’t want them at all. It’s not a coincidence that it’s the same crap where they go- more terrorism, more rape.
What the left does and justifies while lecturing others
- Justifies corrupt deep state and sides with them. Somehow they’re heroes now.
- Sides with the government spying on American citizens and journalists
- Wants open borders, hates ICE.
- Wants citizens disarmed
- Backs Antifa, backs violence against conservatives
- Wants to continue to silence conservatives on campus and online.
- Encourages each other to riot and harass, to vandalize.
- Staging a coup
- Didn’t care that the Clinton Foundation is a slush fund for corruption/gov’t favors
- Didnt care that the IRS targeted conservatives.
- Has become completely open about being anti-white. Desperate to replace the population at everyone’s expense.
- Wants more government regulation
- Backs media colluding with the DNC/Obama/Clinton camp
- Is against tax breaks
- Wants economy to crash to stick it to Trump
- Calls everyone that’s against them “Nazis”
- They have taken up for MS-13, for Iran, for North Korea and have even cheered for Kate Stenle’s murderer to get off.
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Manafort's defense was pretty sad. Gates & my clients made me do it. guess he just assumes Trump will pardon him.

How do you know what his defense said?
Are you really that interested in a 10 year old charge that the FBI refused to prosecute?

Surely you can see what is happening? A Special Prosecutor trying to prove his use.
^ Don’t you like that the left sees Russian collusion and is all about Manafort but saw and continues to see nothing wrong about what Hillary and her scum have committed?

If our media and agencies weren’t weapons of the left/establishment, there may actually be Justice for people like Hillary, who absolutely belongs in prison.

Imagine if they cared enough to look at Hillary and Obama.
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