How will they rule ??!

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"If you can convince the lowest white man he's better than the best colored man, he won't notice you're picking his pocket. Hell, give him somebody to look down on, and he'll empty his pockets for you." LBJ
Nice post. Maybe your best ever.

LBJ was a democrat. And that's a typical view for the leaders of the Democratic Party for the last 50+ years.
Nice post. Maybe your best ever.

LBJ was a democrat. And that's a typical view for the leaders of the Democratic Party for the last 50+ years.

How many Democrats do you think know that FDR and Mussolini were super fond of each other and that in order to get the New Deal passed, he had to agree to not support anti-lynching legislation and that he also appointed a member of the KKK to the SCOTUS?

That's the Democrats favorite president of all-time.
A REALLY big mistake the left continues to make is assuming that all republicans are alike. Many Trump fans I know aren't even registered Republicans. Trump won because America wanted an outsider to try and clean the government and the country up, not simply because they wanted a Republican. In my, and many others' eyes, a big chunk of the R's are just as bad as a big chunk of the D's and all are simply in DC to get money and power.
So how is that clean-up going? I'm not one of those people you speak of, in fact I've been posting the big name republicans that have left the GOP. We agree it's a sewer but it is far worse now than just two years ago. Hell now we have agents from Russia in our government, photographed in our White House and a dimwit schmoozing with an ex-KGB operative. How clear must it be that things are worse?
An oldie but a goodie. Makes Donahue look like a fool....

Check out @RandPaul’s Tweet:

Thanks for sharing that.

As short as that clip is, it's a great example of emotion vs reality/logic. The left is always chasing this utopia that has never worked and they can't even articulate how it's going to work but they keep trying.
So how is that clean-up going? I'm not one of those people you speak of, in fact I've been posting the big name republicans that have left the GOP. We agree it's a sewer but it is far worse now than just two years ago. Hell now we have agents from Russia in our government, photographed in our White House and a dimwit schmoozing with an ex-KGB operative. How clear must it be that things are worse?

You honestly think it’s worse now than 2 years ago? You’re problem is that you simply take a headline and run with it, never reading the article.
The “agent” you speak of was in the Govt in 2015, she was caught in this administration.

That Ex KGB agent schmoozed with every President in the last 20 years, it didn’t start with this President.

2 years ago we had Govt agencies being used as aggressors against political opponents in order to protect Obama’s legacy, and the MSM helped them.
We had cabinet members leaking classified info, creating scenarios where damaging, unverified info could be put reported on.

You’re take is so outrageous it lends one to think you’re simply trolling.
Hell now we have agents from Russia in our government, photographed in our White House and a dimwit schmoozing with an ex-KGB operative. How clear must it be that things are worse?

You act like Trump is the only U.S. president or presidential candidate who ever sat down with Putin. The Clintons via the Uranium One deal and Russian donations to their foundation were far more cozy with Putin than Trump. Here is a trip down memory lane for you:




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The list of demands from the Cincinnati homeless is rather hilarious.

* You can't tell us to leave
* Give us 3 public restrooms with showers and clean them every day
* Give us garbage and recycling and pick it up routinely
* You have to find us a place to live, but we get to pick it
* Free IDs, healthcare, transportation, mental health

Surprised they're not asking for paychecks
Why don’t they clean the bathrooms every day
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"If you can convince the lowest white man he's better than the best colored man, he won't notice you're picking his pocket. Hell, give him somebody to look down on, and he'll empty his pockets for you." LBJ

LBJ was a democrat you nitwit. And yes that's exactly how the liberal elite look at the world.
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Hell now we have agents from Russia in our government

This is a horrible take. That girl Butina isn't accused of espionage. She's far from some secret spy. She's accused of failing to register as a foreign agent. That's not what you probably think it means. It doesn't mean she's a Russian spy. It means she was lobbying on behalf of a foreign government without registering with the US government.

Americans are also required to register as foreign agents for the lobbying work they do. Look up FARA. It's the same thing Mueller charged Manafort with. It is Mueller's go to crime because everyone in DC is lobbying on behalf of foreign governments and no one bothers to registers. Several of his indictments are for FARA violations. Heck half of DC is guilty of it and and the government hardly ever prosecutes because it's so common.

Between 1966 and 2015 there were a total of 7 criminal prosecutions for FARA violations. 7 total In 49 years. Simply put it's low hanging fruit for Mueller. He's tricking people who are uninformed like you into thinking he's actually getting somewhere.

This is a horrible take. That girl Butina isn't accused of espionage. She's far from some secret spy. She's accused of failing to register as a foreign agent. That's not what you probably think it means. It doesn't mean she's a Russian spy. It means she was lobbying on behalf of a foreign government without registering with the US government.

Americans are also required to register as foreign agents for the lobbying work they do. Look up FARA. It's the same thing Mueller charged Manafort with. It is Mueller's go to crime because everyone in DC is lobbying on behalf of foreign governments and no one registers. Half of DC is guilty of it and and the government hardly ever prosecutes.

Between 1966 and 2015 there were a total of seven criminal prosecutions for FARA violations. 7 total In 49 years. Simply put it's low hanging fruit for Mueller. He's tricking people who are uninformed like you into thinking he's actually getting somewhere.

It's says a lot that you are using the word spy and I did not. That is the type of inaccuracy that prevents comprehension.
It's says a lot that you are using the word spy and I did not. That is the type of inaccuracy that prevents comprehension.

Then what were you trying to imply? You included it in your post about cleaning up the government and saying it was clear things were worse under Trump for something that always goes on in DC.

Your exact words: "Hell now we have agents from Russia in our government. How clear must it be that things are worse?"

There are dozens probably even more people in DC including Americans who are considered Russian agents and some are even registered as such because they lobby on behalf of the Russian government. That's how DC has always worked. It didn't start under Trump. There is no "now" to it.

So if you knew what you were talking about your fearmongering sentence above makes zero sense.
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Lowered taxes, got rid of the individual mandate in Obamacare (and would have repealed/replaced if it weren't for a crotchety old man in AZ), decreased regulations on businesses, started talks with North Korea, got out of the Paris Climate Agreement, forced the EU, Mexico, Canada and China to reevaluate (and likely change) unfavorable trade agreements, got North Korea to even talk about denuclearizing, improved the conditions in the Middle East, and pushed forward domestic energy production ALL while the the left/media/swamp in DC have been screaming at the tops of their lungs how the world is ending and doing all they can to derail him.

Damn straight I'd say that's a helluva record.
My favorite thing is when millenial idiots are too young and dumb to understand that Trump is more Democrat than the current Democratic Party.
Hes definitely an old school democrat. When dems actually cared about working people.
A REALLY big mistake the left continues to make is assuming that all republicans are alike. Many Trump fans I know aren't even registered Republicans. Trump won because America wanted an outsider to try and clean the government and the country up, not simply because they wanted a Republican. In my, and many others' eyes, a big chunk of the R's are just as bad as a big chunk of the D's and all are simply in DC to get money and power.
Damn good post.
Mueller's team just got slapped around again. Being petty and trying to introduce pictures of Manafort's closet into evidence to show his 'lavish lifestyle'.

The judge denied entry of evidence and had to remind the prosecutor - for the second time today - that this is America and that wealth, buying fancy clothes, cars, etc... isn't evidence of corruption or criminality.

There's also reports that Mueller's team is second guessing calling their supposed star witness, Gates, to testify now that the judge isn't going to allow them to try to besmirch Manafort's character by focusing on his wealth.
The judge is calling out everyone today. During the back-and-forth with the prosecution about whether Rick Gates will testify at Manafort's trial, Judge Ellis noted the flurry of journalists who left the courtroom in a hurry, saying that they "scurried out of here like rats out of a sinking ship."

Yes, you read that right. He called the media rats and compared the prosecution's day in court to a sinking ship.