How will they rule ??!

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True story. And don't lie, I know a couple of you fags follow her and believe every word of it, even repeat some of it in this very thread.

Putin is awesome!

Evidently he has given us higher growth, lower unemployment, a better national defense, and better trade deals!

"Therapists say there's been a rise in anxiety stemming from the country's politics, and it is being called "Trump Anxiety Disorder."

A report from CBC News in Canada says that since President Trump was elected, mental health professionals in the United States have seen an increase in patients whose stress has come from politics.

A prevalent "symptom" of the "disorder" is feeling as though the world is going to end.

Elisabeth LaMotte, founder of the D.C. Counseling and Psychotherapy Center in Washington, D.C., said that some of her patients feel "on edge" about Trump's decisions.

"It's very disorienting and constantly unsettling," LaMotte said.

LaMotte told CBC News, too, that even those who support the president feel isolated within social spaces or their families."

EVEN TRUMP SUPPORTERS??? WTF? Why wouldn't Trump supporters be upset at the wailing & verbal abuse & threats & attacks that started the moment he was elected & haven't stopped since? They should think those actions are just fine given their belief in his ideas & actions? Talk about lack of self-awareness of the crazies actions. If anyone should be upset with the unhinged emotions & behaviors it is Trump supporters
@AustinTXCat...are you prepared to change your screename?

A nation gone crazy and mad.

A antifaf group decided they were going to take down the monument on our court house square and they bused in instigators from out of town and state. Our sheriff roped off the monument, surrounded it was armed guards and even ask citizens if they would like to be a deputy for a day and bring their rifles. When the instigators showed up they got back on their buss and left town. The monument stands proudly like it has for over 100 years. You can stop these anarchist if you want to.
It's hilarious how easy it is for Trump to troll you guys. Hook. Line. Sinker. Every damn time.
The President is using a “Catch and Release” policy. Hooks them in the lips, drags them around until they’re exhausted, pulls the hook out and and says “I was just fvckin’ with ya,” as he throws’em back into the swamp.
Who are you talking about?

No matter you are a joke and a racist baiting loser.

I think the handle was something like santamaria78. If he's still around, he can chime in and let you know how much he hates black people.

Or was it you?

"Racist baiting"...LOL good one, bro.
Trump just taking a sledgehammer to Mueller right now

And you think that's a....good idea?

Nobody's above the law in America. He needs to be a big boy and let this play out.

Is this blow-back from Trump driven by his ego? If there was indeed "no Collusion" and "no Obstruction," why in the hell does he seem so paranoid? Is the idea of his election appearing illegitimate bruising his little feelings?


Somebody get PJ Washington in here so he can explain why he got Willy banned.
Yeah, who is going to pay for everything and be blamed for everything? Lol

Diversity really does mean chasing down the last white person. In a perfect world, people could just co-exist and share the same values and appreciate history and country, people take care of themselves and do their part. But nope, that’s not going to be allowed especially with Democrats pushing hate and victim narrative.

Seriously though, we do this with schools, with neighborhoods, with cities and what happens is, crime and problems come into neighborhoods, schools get worse, property value goes down, people end up abandoning the area to be somewhere safer and then we do it all over again when someone says it’s not “diverse enough.”


Hahaha you are a troubled soul, bro.

No way in hell you would share these thoughts, out loud, to a person who's not white. This is your safe space.
Blows2 is, I'm pretty sure, a fan of another school who thinks he can do damage to our recruiting by painting all UK fans as racists. Didn't he mention that when he first posted? That is how delusional of a character you're replying to. Write him off. He can't be helped.


SMH. Good one, bro.

Quit pouring ranch dressing all over your Little Caesar's pizza, go change the oil in your Ford truck, and stop being such a damn snowflake.

You want me in this thread. YOU NEED ME IN THIS THREAD.

Sarah Huckabee Sanders for life. God I'm gonna miss my baby.
I actually don’t blame or mock the saddest people suffering because of Trump...I blame the hysterical media, who for ratings and because of their agenda play on those who are vulnerable...and whip them up to a frenzy for no reason.
No reason to blame anyone other than those that have it. They own their emotions, no one else.
@AustinTXCat...are you prepared to change your screename?
Unless state approves change, I doubt it can happen. State should just keep referring to it as Austin & deny state benefits to any other named city. OR, if Austin changes its name, state can pick open land 250 miles away & name that Austin & put Capitol there.
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SMH. Good one, bro.

Quit pouring ranch dressing all over your Little Caesar's pizza, go change the oil in your Ford truck, and stop being such a damn snowflake.

You want me in this thread. YOU NEED ME IN THIS THREAD.

Sarah Huckabee Sanders for life. God I'm gonna miss my baby.

No one needs you in this thread bro. You do provide humor with your terrible political takes though. Honestly a scary thought that you're a teacher but considering how bad the education system is in America it doesn't surprise me.
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No one needs you in this thread bro. You do provide humor with your terrible political takes though. Honestly a scary thought that you're a teacher but considering how bad the education system is in America it doesn't surprise me.

Yeah bro, according to the people on this thread i teach "liberal science" and even "liberal math." Fear me. SMH.

If you're (not you in particular) raising kids in the US and think the education system is so bad, why don't you just move to another country?



Or maybe...

