How will they rule ??!

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    Votes: 41 82.0%
  • NO - Disqualified

    Votes: 9 18.0%

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I am confused about what I am supposed to be outraged about.

Those are symbols of the former USSR. A former communist country.

I haven’t heard a Democrat speak badly of a communist since JFK. Socialism and Communism are good -isms that progressives say progressing societies move towards.

So are they saying thank you to the GOP for seeing the light?

Are the Dems anti Socialist/Communist now or just anti white Socialist/Communist?

Maybe people of color communism is still good.

These issues tug at my soul.
Will Trump & Giuliani report on the dozens of times they praised Cohen as trustworthy, honest, great guy? They ruined any attempt to play down his testimony by going on TV and saying he would never lie to the FBI. Trump ruined his legal options when he hired this clown. The reason smart attorneys don't turn their case into a clown show is to avoid shooting yourself in the face later.

That would be impressive since presidential polling didn't exist when Abe was alive!

Will Trump & Giuliani report on the dozens of times they praised Cohen as trustworthy, honest, great guy? They ruined any attempt to play down his testimony by going on TV and saying he would never lie to the FBI. Trump ruined his legal options when he hired this clown. The reason smart attorneys don't turn their case into a clown show is to avoid shooting yourself in the face later.

Um. Trump and Giuliani are not reporters.
ICE has only been an agency for 15 years. The US managed just fine for the 225 years before that. Conservatives & libertarians are supposed to be against creating huge government agencies that surrender freedom in the name of security.

Look at how many pounds of drugs they have many foreign gang members they many kids they saved from sexual child trafficking...

You are low life Platinumdrgn, and how exactly is ICE ‘surrendering freedom’ for American citizens? Maybe you just outed yourself as pro-drugs, pro-gang, and pro-molesters.
JamesLee doesn't understand the difference in a boycott and a ban. James, boycotts are what people do when they refuse to contribute to the profits of people or businesses whose ideals ar opposed to theirs. Bans are what liberals try to do when they know they don't have the majority opinion but insist they're going to have their way.

Im not big on boycotts. If I enjoy a musician or a chicken sandwich I'm going to partake in them. If they try to shove their political ideals down my throat constantly I'll probably eventually tune them out.
Look at how many pounds of drugs they have many foreign gang members they many kids they saved from sexual child trafficking...

You are low life Platinumdrgn, and how exactly is ICE ‘surrendering freedom’ for American citizens? Maybe you just outed yourself as pro-drugs, pro-gang, and pro-molesters.
The left/liberals are all about drugs, gangs, and pedophilia. Our resident liberal posters seem to embrace this. They all lack in moral character and it seems intelligence and common sense.
Will Trump & Giuliani report on the dozens of times they praised Cohen as trustworthy, honest, great guy? They ruined any attempt to play down his testimony by going on TV and saying he would never lie to the FBI. Trump ruined his legal options when he hired this clown. The reason smart attorneys don't turn their case into a clown show is to avoid shooting yourself in the face later.

I agree. No idea why he brought him on. Rudy was probably sharp at one point. No longer.
Will Trump & Giuliani report on the dozens of times they praised Cohen as trustworthy, honest, great guy?

[laughing] The media just spent two years calling Cohen a liar, cheater, fraud, conman, shyster, fixer, etc, etc, etc.

When Trump made those comments he wasn't aware that his lawyer was secretly taping him. He has every right to rescind his praise. Most people would after being betrayed in a such a way.
It's like saying since you were under the impression that your wife was faitful and loyal two years ago, but now that you've found out she's sucking dudes on the regular, you can't change your opinion of her and call her out for being the lying, cheating sloot that she is.

Seriously, what kind of backwards, moronic logic is that?
Like I said, Jameslee buys every lie the left spouts hook, line, and sinker. He lacks the intelligence to know what is real or fake. CNN and MSNBC's target audience.
Ah, the OTHER conspiracy angle instead of the ACTUAL conspiracy where Russian meddling such as money laundering, bank fraud, identity theft, cyber warfare including spear phishing and hacking etc. produced 26 Russian indictments from a federal grand jury.

But you don't buy the fake Russian campaign in 2016 and yet bought ALL the Facebook posts and Twitter retweets hook, line and sinker. No matter where they came from. And yet I'm the rube who doesn't know what's real or fake?? [roll][roll][roll][roll][roll]

If anything the MSM has led you to believe none of this real. But please interject some new angle, throw around the collusion word, the vote count or throw Obama, HRC, Cohen, Stormy, Manafort, Rosenstein, the FBI or Mexican immigration into the mix to deflect any Kremlin criminal behavior. Don't forget "Witch Hunt' also pussy-cat.

This is President Trump on the subject knowing full well what was communicated to him before the Justice Department announcement on July 13.
“I think that we’re being hurt very badly by the — I would call it the witch hunt,” said Trump as he stood beside British Prime Minister Theresa May. “It really hurts our relationship with Russia.”

Call it a fake republican conspiracy or whatever you want rube. Dems will use treason, obstruction or ignorance. But you can bet Russians want us to believe everyone is partisan. One way or the other. I am old enough to know not everything is so black and white.
ICE has only been an agency for 15 years. The US managed just fine for the 225 years before that. Conservatives & libertarians are supposed to be against creating huge government agencies that surrender freedom in the name of security.
ICE was formed by merging parts of several much older agencies such as US Customs and Immigration and Naturalization. So it is not something that we did without 15 years ago. A nation must enforce its borders or it will cease to exist which is what the hate America crowd wants
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