How will they rule ??!

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Wanted to post something about the GENERAL idea of historical 'conspiracies' -

it's not a word to be afraid of, after all
Mankind has conspired for more power, more control, more money, more cocaine-sex-and-stuff since history was recorded

So I see 3 times of conspiracies that could serve as categories

Type 1 Conspiracy = proven accurate historical event(s) where a person or group consciously planned to obtain greater control / assets -- whatever --- at the expense of someone else etc -- examples:

a_ American revolution (plus every other political revolution aimed at seizing political control or breaking away from another entity)

b. CIA LSD tests -- declassified doc's and other sources inform us that the CIA did dose people unwittingly (Electric Cool Aid Tests?) and observe their behaviors ..... there were other extensions of this type of testing as both the Soviets and United-States-ers wanted to obtain battlefield advantages from warriors with no fear ,,,, or remote viewers with psychic abilities etc

c. Fast and Furious - The AG under Obama (et al) devised a plan to get automatic rifles into the hands of Mexican drug lords so that the violence and chaos they could create - would help- undermine the 2nd Amendment......since moving here to Arizona I've met people who knew the person who was killed as a result of this criminally insane idea

-- there are plenty of other actual conspiracies that are "type 1" (I,e, the real deal)

Type 2 Conspiracies - based on truth in some say but time has added embellishments and elements of urban legend - examples:

a. UFO sightings and photos from the 50-60's - there were MANY photos of objects in the sky that really were USG aircraft - the programs were necessArily covered up ......but they weren't aliens from Uranus

b) The Philadelphia experiment - the Navy was doing degaussing with the USS Eldridge - and there were also early tests for stealth in that era (recall that RADAR wss just inrtroduced about the time of WW2).......but if you read Charles Berlitz' infamous book on this'd be led to believe time travel, aliens, mass deaths, teleportation all occurred

----> having said all that......we can do the optical invisibility thing that Berlitz; book described (I,e, bending / reflecting light around a 3d object ti render it ---- invisible)

Type 3 Conspiracies - they're the moonbat tales that have grown the the internet can pick a bushel here

a. D. Icke's notion of reptilian aliens all around us controlling stuff

b. Mandela effects as a result of time travel (powered by CERN) - has people going back and changing the Bible and shat it says

c. our Moon is an alien space ship.....our world is a hologram.....the planet is flat.......North Carolina basketball is an honorable institution know.....cray-cray $$hit
Believe it.

Who was that guy on here who flat out admitted to being a racist last month? The one who said he avoids black people at all costs. Did he get banned or did he just STFU?

He is a fan of University of Kentucky sports, but he hates black people.

Pretty sure he'll be at that white nationalist rally next month along with a few others on this thread.

"Many sides..."

Who are you talking about?

No matter you are a joke and a racist baiting loser.
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Yeah because forced diversity always works so well. How many times do we have to keep doing this crap?

There's a lot going on right now

But I'll say this......if the open borders and mixed culture approach is the key to peace in our time.....

then why don't we start in the F'ing Middle East and just test the concept?

is there any other region that needs peace more than this spot?

Urge Israel to erase their borders

Urge Palestinians / Arabs / Pwersians and Jews to breed until none of them exist any more - they'll become a nice blend of Semitic-ish causins who have produced children who don't really belong to either culture......and lack traditions and identity

THERES your peace plan -- right?

What's unfolding is IMO is an attempt at mass genocide and enslavement of other populations engineered too be dumbed down and subservient

Its just going to be done in a less obvious way than in the past....more Aldous Huxley and less Hitler / "1984"

Pretense - and the need to 'sell' the ideas of a One World System --- will eventually evaporate entirely
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This will go well I'm sure

Local officials and school officials have a DUTY to disobey those type of 'orders'

Just as we were trained to only follow "lawful" orders in the Air Force.....there comes a point where people just say -- NO

But I wouldn't expect that in Oregon .....

But as we move from transsexualism to pedophilia being normalized.....keep in mind more is coming.....I'll bet my les Paul that cannabalism and Trans-Humanism are not too far behind

Public adulation of mentally ill men in dresses isn't the goal here
How long would America last without honkeys?

Yeah, who is going to pay for everything and be blamed for everything? Lol

Diversity really does mean chasing down the last white person. In a perfect world, people could just co-exist and share the same values and appreciate history and country, people take care of themselves and do their part. But nope, that’s not going to be allowed especially with Democrats pushing hate and victim narrative.

Seriously though, we do this with schools, with neighborhoods, with cities and what happens is, crime and problems come into neighborhoods, schools get worse, property value goes down, people end up abandoning the area to be somewhere safer and then we do it all over again when someone says it’s not “diverse enough.”
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And pregnancy rates just quadrupled for underage teens in a town in Oregon.

My exact thought when I saw this. I'm sorry if you told my horned up teenage version of me that I could go shower with the girls. Ya I'm going to tell my teachers I'm feeling like a girl that day. Those high school showers are just going to turn into orgies. It's probably not the best idea to have horned up opposite sexes showering together.

But ya I wont lie, I wish Cali passed this in 06-08. This is a far left ruling I would've loved.
Please explain. While you guys are still crying and screaming at the sky, refusing to do anything and I mean anything to help this country out, you accuse me of being a blind dumbass like you? I hate and have stated many times in this thread about Republicans I hate, issues I have with some ideas.

You on the other hand butterfly just listen and believe whatever CNN fake news and Facebook tell you. And you like an idiot March lock and step with the rest right off the cliff.
I did no such thing. By any definition, this makes you a liar lair.
i'm sorry who is the snowflake crying everyday on twitter? Yeah i thought so.

Not true:

"Medicaid had more than 70 million beneficiaries in 2016, of whom 43 percent were white, 18 percent black, and 30 percent Hispanic. Of 43 million food stamp recipients that year, 36.2 percent were white, 25.6 percent black, 17.2 percent Hispanic and 15.5 percent unknown. (Food stamps are formally known as the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance"
Hollywood props-a-plenty. And I hope their agent is paying them nicely for making fools of themselves for standing around on a hot Los Angeles summer afternoon wearing full length winter coats and fake, movie-set ushanka cold weather hats.
Yeah and Jameslee is so ignorant he actually believes Putin sent them.
I don't remember that. I remember republicans who disagreed with them and stopped buying their albums and seeing their shows. But i don't recall any bans. That's more from the liberal playbook.
Like I said, Jameslee buys every lie the left spouts hook, line, and sinker. He lacks the intelligence to know what is real or fake. CNN and MSNBC's target audience.

How many of us have hoped for someone who didn’t give a shit about speaking out and speaking like a normal person? All of the GOP cowards were terrified to speak out against illegal immigration except Trump. Then when media and celebs mocked Republicans, they all just took it. Not Trump.

He’d come up with nicknames for them, insult them to their face and even about their face. Lol