How will they rule ??!

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    Votes: 41 82.0%
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    Votes: 9 18.0%

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I know it's hard but take a look in the mirror. You are obviously going to follow the left off a cliff and when you are falling to your stupid death maybe you will wake up.

The left is nothing but spin, whatever big headline CNN runs with, or racist nazi crap.
Takes one to know one.

Criminalizing thought- at the same time were being told that social media and IT giants are monitoring- archiving- suppressing- and weaponizing our own words against us


I mean - great idea!

I suggest a means of also physically separating those with dangerous thoughts while we’re at it....maybe some place they can go and work honorably until they express and embody “rightthink”

Why has no one thought of this before???
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I love how nationalism (wanting the best for your own country) somehow morphed into a supposed bad thing.

Money from far left sets the agenda (globalism) and talking points
Media drives messaging incessantly, using ginned up personal stories and labels (alt right)to push emotion
Dumb whores whose thinking is primarily emotion-focused rant on social media (inc catpaw)
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We are all now fully aware that Republicans have zero morals. Greed and power is all that matters.

Takes one to know one.

Please explain. While you guys are still crying and screaming at the sky, refusing to do anything and I mean anything to help this country out, you accuse me of being a blind dumbass like you? I hate and have stated many times in this thread about Republicans I hate, issues I have with some ideas.

You on the other hand butterfly just listen and believe whatever CNN fake news and Facebook tell you. And you like an idiot March lock and step with the rest right off the cliff.
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Cool niches in terms of history - under - appreciated and often misunderstood areas :

  • Croatia
  • Bulgaria
  • The Principality of Liechtenstein
  • "BIOT" - British Indian Ocean Territory (Diego Garcia)

The period of history where SWEDEN (F'ing auto correct) and Lithuania were major military powers (Gustavius Aldophus for the win)...

Russia's nascent beginnings as "The KIEV-IAN (F'ing auto correct) State"....and their long standing cultural ties with Germany (before there was a Germany in fact).....via the Hanseatic League ....then Catherine the Great etc.....

The Tunguska Event

The life of Nikola Tesla


Albert Hoffman - Aldous Huxley and USG experiments with LSD

I am going to bet that even though that's a - not so mainstream list - someone on here is going to have recently read up on some of this and will have a little gem of wisdom

(I'm also looking for ways to talk history / politics without saying "Communism" )
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More Lib screwed up head bs. You're deranged.

Believe it.

Who was that guy on here who flat out admitted to being a racist last month? The one who said he avoids black people at all costs. Did he get banned or did he just STFU?

He is a fan of University of Kentucky sports, but he hates black people.

Pretty sure he'll be at that white nationalist rally next month along with a few others on this thread.

"Many sides..."
Believe it.

Who was that guy on here who flat out admitted to being a racist last month? The one who said he avoids black people at all costs. Did he get banned or did he just STFU?

He is a fan of University of Kentucky sports, but he hates black people.

Pretty sure he'll be at that white nationalist rally next month along with a few others on this thread.

"Many sides..."

What is a white nationalist?
Are you white? Do you love America? Have patriotic feelings? Believe that America is a superior country?

If so, then, by definition, you are a text book 'white nationalist'. There are also black, yellow, brown and red people who have just as much love for America and share these same feelings. They are also nationalists -- American nationalists. Race is irrelevant.

For someone who's supposed to be so intelligent, you sure do repeat some of the dumbest shit.

You f***s are so deranged that you literally ignore the literal definition of a word, stick the white race in front of it, and make it into a racist or bad thing.

Blows2 is, I'm pretty sure, a fan of another school who thinks he can do damage to our recruiting by painting all UK fans as racists. Didn't he mention that when he first posted? That is how delusional of a character you're replying to. Write him off. He can't be helped.