How will they rule ??!

  • YES - Qualified

    Votes: 41 82.0%
  • NO - Disqualified

    Votes: 9 18.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Jesus she is f*****g stupid. Most democrats are, but she takes it to another level.
If someone like her or Bernie were to ever get elected POTUS or take control of Congress I am taking out every bit of retirement and investments I have and hide the money in the ground before they can get their paws on it. I'll gladly pay the early withdrawal penalty fees, etc before I give idiots like her a chance to assuredly do everything in their power to get their hands on our 401k's, etc. because its those who work hard, save, and do the right things who are going to have to pay for their "everything is free" fantasy land.
If someone like her or Bernie were to ever get elected POTUS or take control of Congress I am taking out every bit of retirement and investments I have and hide the money in the ground before they can get their paws on it. I'll gladly pay the early withdrawal penalty fees, etc before I give idiots like her a chance to assuredly do everything in their power to get their hands on our 401k's, etc. because its those who work hard, save, and do the right things who are going to have to pay for their "everything is free" fantasy land.
I believe a reason liberals / progressive / democrat / socialist do not want students to study American history is because they would discover our ancestors in 1776 would not put up with an oppressive government ruling their lives. An informed electorate would never elect a Bernie and his ilk president and if by some fluke they did, the Spirit of 1776 would over throw him before the cows came home. By force
I hate the Cowboys but how can you not admire the ish out of Dak? I remember the end of a game last year he had played his ass off, sitting on the bench late in the 4th sipping water from a paper cup he crumbled up and tossed at the trash can behind him. But it bothered him that he missed it he got up and walked the necessary 5 feet, picked it up off the ground and put it in the trash. What superstar does that?
i'm sorry who is the snowflake crying everyday on twitter? Yeah i thought so.

I believe a reason liberals / progressive / democrat / socialist do not want students to study American history is because they would discover our ancestors in 1776 would not put up with an oppressive government ruling their lives. An informed electorate would never elect a Bernie and his ilk president and if by some fluke they did, the Spirit of 1776 would over throw him before the cows came home. By force

Study of history has moved away from American and Western History to gender studies and ethnocentric studies. No wonder these people write bro in every post. Too stupid to compose a thought.
California says you can go to jail over plastic straws but they'll hand hundreds of syringes out daily and allow junkies to discard them on the streets. Who cares if they're covered in drugs and disease. You think that one turtle has it bad? Imagine walking around SF in flip flops or sandals.
The only way I would walk around San Fransissyco would be in a hazmat suit.
Most people don't know she only got 16k votes, extremely low turnout. Manufactured marketing by the media.

The Reps might be able to steal that seat. I know it seems far fetched under normal circumstances, but her views are going to turn a lot of old school Dem voters off.
I hate the Cowboys but how can you not admire the ish out of Dak? I remember the end of a game last year he had played his ass off, sitting on the bench late in the 4th sipping water from a paper cup he crumbled up and tossed at the trash can behind him. But it bothered him that he missed it he got up and walked the necessary 5 feet, picked it up off the ground and put it in the trash. What superstar does that?
I've always liked him, even when he would destroy UKs defense lol. Hell of a player and seems like a good guy.