How will they rule ??!

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I wouldn't drink beer no mater what it cost. I only drink water. Once in a blue moon I might get some soda or tea.

And yes, if I don't consider the value of something to be worth the price, I will not buy it. As is the case with all financially rational human beings. Hence why I do not go to the movie theater anymore, price increased to the point where the price is greater than the value to me.

That's is interesting facts if it were true. Link it up. Share your knowledge with all of us.

I was wrong about the place. It was the G7 meeting.

"According to multiple reports, Trump brought up the idea of totally free trade during a meeting with the other G7 leaders which include the heads of Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, the UK, and representative for the EU.

"Ultimately that's what you want, you want tariff free, no barriers, and you want no subsides because you have some countries subsidizing industries and that's not fair," Trump said. "So you go tariff free, you go barrier free, you go subsidy free, that's the way you learned at the Wharton School of Finance."

According to reports, the other leaders were taken aback by the suggestions and not sure how serious Trump was about it. The president alluded to the surprise during the press conference."....
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Trump just requested that $12 billion dollars of your tax money that goes to support his tariffs. This will not make a a farmer profitable but will save the farmer from failing. You like that stuff?
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yadda yadda, BS
Trust me.... the outrage liberals are gonna display over this (and I'm sure there is already plenty of it on twitter) is gonna continue to backfire right in their smarmy faces. It will further solidify Trump's support in the very states you lunatic leftists need to somehow win back (and when I say somehow..... I mean find a way to not be so GD loony and hate-filled).
Trump just requested that $12 billion dollars of your tax money goes to support his tariffs. This will not make a a farmer profitable but will save the farmer from failing. You like that stuff?
If that short term money is what it takes to win the long term trade war....... I say give it a go.

Better than bailing out banks/Wall St and propping up shit like Solyndra.
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If that short term money is what it takes to win the long term trade war....... I say give it a go.

Better than bailing out banks/Wall St and propping up shit like Solyndra.
you do realize most of that money goes straight to wall street/big banks. Their biggest costs are inputs of Seed, fertilizer, machinery. Those are all sourced from corporate entities ran by wall street. Farmers can't use their own seed anymore, have to buy new seed every season from Monsanto.
Trump just requested that $12 billion dollars of your tax money goes to support his tariffs. This will not make a a farmer profitable but will save the farmer from failing. You like that stuff?
Sort of like when Obama spent billions of our tax dollars giving handouts to his buddies in the solar energy industry that all went belly up or the billions he spent giving Michelle's friend to create the Obamacare website that was a train wreck that could have been done by someone for peanuts compared to what they paid and done right the first time around.

I don't like tax dollars going to subsidize anyone but if it is the price we have to pay to keep these folks afloat but win the "trade war" then its a price we have to pay for the short term for long term gains. If it does not work then yes Trump is going to look foolish and will pay a price at the polls. Its just too early to be the first to flinch when the US has the best hand of cards to play with.
and Trump threatening old officials with revoking security clearance? It's like he has Nixon's ghost on speed dial for all his advice on how to look like an idiot. Taking away their clearance doesn't do anything to them. It only hurts the administration when they need to bring in an old official and get a rundown on an old program or advice about policy shift.
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Sort of like when Obama spent billions of our tax dollars giving handouts to his buddies in the solar energy industry that all went belly up or the billions he spent giving Michelle's friend to create the Obamacare website that was a train wreck that could have been done by someone for peanuts compared to what they paid and done right the first time around.

I don't like tax dollars going to subsidize anyone but if it is the price we have to pay to keep these folks afloat but win the "trade war" then its a price we have to pay for the short term for long term gains. If it does not work then yes Trump is going to look foolish and will pay a price at the polls. Its just too early to be the first to flinch when the US has the best hand of cards to play with.
So the new conservative motto is. "It may be ****ing stupid and not the least bit conservative but since Obama may have done it this one time Trump might as well do it to!" Your standards are now Trump can do anything Obama did, the guy you consider the worst President ever? So i guess that makes Trump also the worst President ever? Or a genius for stealing ideas from the worst President ever?
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and Trump threatening old officials with revoking security clearance? It's like he has Nixon's ghost on speed dial for all his advice on how to look like an idiot. Taking away their clearance doesn't do anything to them. It only hurts the administration when they need to bring in an old official and get a rundown on an old program or advice about policy shift.

That was actually Rand Paul's idea and it might be pretty good. Why do people not in the government need to have access to secret information? This is especially true when they are earning a living by going on television to opine but could let something slip. Or an even worse case like Sandy Berger who used his clearance to steal/destroy secret documents to help the Clintons.
you do realize most of that money goes straight to wall street/big banks. Their biggest costs are inputs of Seed, fertilizer, machinery. Those are all sourced from corporate entities ran by wall street. Farmers can't use their own seed anymore, have to buy new seed every season from Monsanto.
<- - - - - former Monsanto shareholder.

1. Bayer purchased Monsanto and is retiring the name.

2. Big 5 for ag seeds worldwide: Bayer, BASF, Dow, DuPont, and Syngenta.

You are dismissed.
Sort of like when Obama spent billions of our tax dollars giving handouts to his buddies in the solar energy industry that all went belly up or the billions he spent giving Michelle's friend to create the Obamacare website that was a train wreck that could have been done by someone for peanuts compared to what they paid and done right the first time around.

I don't like tax dollars going to subsidize anyone but if it is the price we have to pay to keep these folks afloat but win the "trade war" then its a price we have to pay for the short term for long term gains. If it does not work then yes Trump is going to look foolish and will pay a price at the polls. Its just too early to be the first to flinch when the US has the best hand of cards to play with.
Trumps trade line: It was Obama.
Obama has been long gone. Trump needs to let that excuse rest.
He likes the spotlight: It is on you, Trump. It is all you. Just the way you like it. (except when you have problems talking))
<- - - - - former Monsanto shareholder.

1. Bayer purchased Monsanto and is retiring the name.

2. Big 5 for ag seeds worldwide: Bayer, BASF, Dow, DuPont, and Syngenta.

You are dismissed.
Monsanto provides 90% of the seed for US Soy & Corn, the targets of Trumps bailout. Bayer is dropping the name because it is hated in the US, name hasn't been retired yet so you are dismissed.
and Trump threatening old officials with revoking security clearance? It's like he has Nixon's ghost on speed dial for all his advice on how to look like an idiot. Taking away their clearance doesn't do anything to them. It only hurts the administration when they need to bring in an old official and get a rundown on an old program or advice about policy shift.

This is just stupid. Have you ever had a clearance for anything? Do you know the criteria for them? If you become a risk (which those folks are) you need to be out of the loop. These people cannot be trusted, they are corrupt and will sell you down the river.
Trumps trade line: It was Obama.
Obama has been long gone. Trump needs to let that excuse rest.
He likes the spotlight: It is on you, Trump. It is all you. Just the way you like it. (except when you have problems talking))
Probably a take on the Obama admin blaming Bush his first 6 to 7 years in office. Just a guess though. Yes, he should be above that but, maybe he is just rattling some chains to see where the ghost are.
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The projected additional revenue from tariffs this year is 2 billion. So we are spending 12 billion to make 2 billion. Thats some good math there! and this is only the first round of bailouts, many more will come.
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The projected additional revenue from tariffs this year is 2 billion. So we are spending 12 billion to make 2 billion. Thats some good math there! and this is only the first round of bailouts, many more will come.
Economy doing great right now, get back to us when it tanks like you want it to.
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