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Monsanto provides 90% of the seed for US Soy & Corn, the targets of Trumps bailout. Bayer is dropping the name because it is hated in the US, name hasn't been retired yet so you are dismissed.
Bullshit. Listen, I know this goddamn space one helluva lot better than you. I'm a former shareholder. Reason I sold is because of the goddamned merger.

RIP Monsanto: The Agriculture Giant Americans Loved to Hate.

The German pharmaceutical company Bayer has been in the process of buying the company for more than two years, and the $66 billion deal is finally closing this week. On Monday, Bayer (bayry, +0.41%) announced in a statement that it had received all the necessary regulatory approvals to buy Monsanto, and that they would retire the 117-year-old name of “almost surely the most vilified company on the planet.”

“Bayer will remain the company name. Monsanto will no longer be a company name. The acquired products will retain their brand names and become part of the Bayer portfolio,” the statement said.

Monsanto is now a German-owned company.

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Economy doing great right now, get back to us when it tanks like you want it to.
Trump inherited a good economy. His presidency did make the stock market move up. But it wasn't going down when he took control.

Where was the economy when Obama was in office? A timeline of the NYSE a year before and during the Obama period tells the truth.
Where has this UKVisitor guy been? I never see that guy on here but he’s super fired up today.
This is how the left is destroying our country...

Check out @NATASHA41684228’s Tweet:
Hell yeah it is. Unemployment rates across the board the lowest ever, plus the GDP this quarter is expected to maybe be 5%. If that's not great, nothing will be to you libs.
I appreciate your comment without your slur. The slur just makes me feel like your ass is sore.

If Trump was elected following Bush would you be so upbeat on the economy?
Just a reminder, the economy was trash when Bush left office and you know it.
Bullshit. Listen, I know this goddamn space one helluva lot better than you. I'm a former shareholder. Reason I sold is because of the goddamned merger.

RIP Monsanto: The Agriculture Giant Americans Loved to Hate.

The German pharmaceutical company Bayer has been in the process of buying the company for more than two years, and the $66 billion deal is finally closing this week. On Monday, Bayer (bayry, +0.41%) announced in a statement that it had received all the necessary regulatory approvals to buy Monsanto, and that they would retire the 117-year-old name of “almost surely the most vilified company on the planet.”

“Bayer will remain the company name. Monsanto will no longer be a company name. The acquired products will retain their brand names and become part of the Bayer portfolio,” the statement said.

Monsanto is now a German-owned company.

whoah your a former shareholder? that must make you a pharmaceutical genius! I got 50 shares of Amazon, that must make me a online sales genius!

All the Monsanto branded seeds still have the Monsanto name on them, its just not the name of the company anymore. Thanks Trump for letting the evil German foreigners take over the US seed market!
Trump inherited a good economy. His presidency did make the stock market move up. But it wasn't going down when he took control.

Where was the economy when Obama was in office? A timeline of the NYSE a year before and during the Obama period tells the truth.

The federal interest rate had been at zero for the entire Obama Presidency, that is not a good economy. That is an economy that is hanging on by a thread.

Obama took office at the absolute best time for an incoming Prsident. He wasn't going to get blamed for anything,economy wise, and literally anything he did would seem to benefit the economy, whether it did or not did'nt matter.

If Trump was elected following Bush would you be so upbeat on the economy?
Just a reminder, the economy was trash when Bush left office and you know it.
Seems like a strange what if. I don't care who Trump followed, yes the economy is the best its been in probably 2 or 3 decades.
whoah your a former shareholder? that must make you a pharmaceutical genius! I got 50 shares of Amazon, that must make me a online sales genius!

All the Monsanto branded seeds still have the Monsanto name on them, its just not the name of the company anymore. Thanks Trump for letting the evil German foreigners take over the US seed market!
Ummm, US seed market is still in good shape.

To alleviate U.S. anti-trust concerns, DOJ forced Bayer to sell their own ag seed and herbicide business to BASF. Dow and DuPont, both US-based, are still major players in the space.
It's like he has Nixon's ghost

How is it Nixon like? You're just repeating what you heard on TV. A security clearance is a privilege not a right for partisan hacks who advocate for the president to be put to death. You have to earn them and maintain certain behavior to keep them.

It only hurts the administration when they need to bring in an old official and get a rundown on an old program or advice about policy shift.

This is made up bs. Pretty sure if the Trump administration was in this position the old officials would never be Brennan Comey or Clapper. All are corrupt liars who have tds. They would be the last people the administration confides in and you know it.
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Probably a take on the Obama admin blaming Bush his first 6 to 7 years in office. Just a guess though. Yes, he should be above that but, maybe he is just rattling some chains to see where the ghost are.

Agree with this. The "blame the previous guy" act is hardly new, it's been going on for as long as I can remember.
Ummm, US seed market is still in good shape.

To alleviate U.S. anti-trust concerns, DOJ forced Bayer to sell their own ag seed and herbicide business to BASF. Dow and DuPont, both US-based, are still major players in the space.
Dow and Dupont use Monsantos licenses for their seeds. Dupont is their biggest customer.
She looks like a genius compared to the below fine representative of the Republican party

What a f****** dumbass.
Geez now we're posting Borat links and trying to pretend it's a serious matter? This thread is going downhill. If you can't see the difference I'll explain it.

She showed her stupidity in a serious setting while being interviewed by a real journalist and being asked real questions. The other is a prank show where the sole intention is meant to trick people into being stupid or have them play along and be as stupid as possible.
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Monsanto has their hands in on GMO for 90% but they don't provide 90% of the seed themself the other companies have to go through them.

At the end of the day that means Monsanto is providing it though right? Like if I buy my crack from Willy then sell it to you, Willy is still the supplier - i just played middle man - and probably smoked half your crack before delivery :)
At the end of the day that means Monsanto is providing it though right? Like if I buy my crack from Willy then sell it to you, Willy is still the supplier - i just played middle man - and probably smoked half your crack before delivery :)


They own a patent on GMO it doesn't mean they're providing the seed. Pioneer is nation's largest Seed Company. May be was now.

You guys ever been on a farm?
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Trump just requested that $12 billion dollars of your tax money that goes to support his tariffs. This will not make a a farmer profitable but will save the farmer from failing. You like that stuff?


But if it's going anywhere, I prefer it go to working people who were innocently hindered by government action. Especially when the alternative is free everything, including phones, to free loaders
Geez now we're posting Borat links and trying to pretend it's a serious matter? This thread is going downhill. If you can't see the difference I'll explain it.

She showed her stupidity in a serious setting while being interviewed by a real journalist and being asked real questions. The other is a prank show where the sole intention is meant to trick people into being stupid or have them play along and be as stupid as possible.
It's a fake interview, edited together. He even said it was fake in his post about it. Now who's showing their stupidity?
That was actually Rand Paul's idea and it might be pretty good. Why do people not in the government need to have access to secret information? This is especially true when they are earning a living by going on television to opine but could let something slip. Or an even worse case like Sandy Berger who used his clearance to steal/destroy secret documents to help the Clintons.

Exactly. Once you're out your clearance should end. Honestly I was shocked when I learned they kept it
I hate to ask but who should own the seed companies?
Everybody. It you want to cultivate it and sell it to others, that is good stuff.
If you want to make a reasonable profit on your effort: Good stuff.
Telling people, you can't grow my stuff unless you pay me for your seed is mafia like.
Many big seed companies do that. This is not a new social question
Surprisingly, it is usually about corn.
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