How will they rule ??!

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Dude I been pushing this forever ... #jump4justice... grab attention and be historic jumping 4 justice...if u think papa john is a racist show it then jump off a tall building ... David Hogg dies after marrtying himself in jump4justice.... that’s a headline I want to read
They are just doing what the snowflake GOP did with Obama's last pick.

I don't think that you understand today's usage of the term snowflake. It describes someone who easily offended, based on conceptions of snowflakes' fragility and weakness. In other words, liberal wusses who are taught to be offended at any microaggression and to run to their safe spaces at Universities, etc. Stopping Obama's last Supreme Court pick wasn't a weak move; the GOP boldly kicked the libs arses with that one.
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You know what has helped farmers..NAFTA. Know what else would have helped them? TPP, an agreement that would have helped us against China and one that Trump didn't even look at I'm sure. TPP also had very strong intellectual property provisions. Sure, it wasn't perfect, but Trump gave China the pole position for no reason at all.

** NAFTA Negotiations Update **

Mexico’s chief negotiator, Jesus Seade, says a new deal is “inevitable.”

What I see … to be a very feasible expectation is that we’ll be concluding the negotiation in the next two months if possible, or in the next few months a bit further down the road,” Seade told Mexican radio.

More from Mr. Seade:

President Trump has a very personal style. He likes to appear chaotic. But the last thing he is is chaotic,” he said. “I think he’s a very intelligent man.

Seade once served as deputy director-general of the World Trade Organization.

** NAFTA Negotiations Update **

You are dismissed.
All senate dems have refused to meet with Judge Kavanaugh. They are trying to stall his confirmation vote until after the election. Its just sad as he is clearly highly qualified for the job. The GOP didn't try to block Kagen or Sotomayor just because they were liberals. Fortunately, Mitch has threatened to keep the senate in session through the August recess and up until election day if necessary to confirm Kavanaugh.
Not a fan of Mitch, but hope he does this.
Been largely supportive of Trump's policies, but the tariffs have already come back to bite us in the ass. $12 billion to farmers to make up for the losses? Aren't these the type of handouts and corporate welfare we conservatives have been traditionally against? How many other handouts is he going to issue for other industries negatively impacted by the tariffs? How about our prized bourbon industry?

Keep seeing headlines "the market believes" Trump is going to win this trade war. What the hell does that even mean? Even if we "win" (which really, nobody "wins" in a trade war), at what cost/price in the short run will it be?
Been largely supportive of Trump's policies, but the tariffs have already come back to bite us in the ass. $12 billion to farmers to make up for the losses? Aren't these the type of handouts and corporate welfare we conservatives have been traditionally against? How many other handouts is he going to issue for other industries negatively impacted by the tariffs? How about our prized bourbon industry?

Keep seeing headlines "the market believes" Trump is going to win this trade war. What the hell does that even mean? Even if we "win" (which really, nobody "wins" in a trade war), at what cost/price in the short run will it be?
Where's the handout for the consumers who are going to be forced to pay higher prices for stuff because of Trump's pissing contest with the rest of the world?
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I don't think that you understand today's usage of the term snowflake. It describes someone who easily offended, based on conceptions of snowflakes' fragility and weakness. In other words, liberal wusses who are taught to be offended at any microaggression and to run to their safe spaces at Universities, etc. Stopping Obama's last Supreme Court pick wasn't a weak move; the GOP boldly kicked the libs arses with that one.
Nope, it was a snowflake move.
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And how are we supposed pay for this government handout with all these taxes that got cut? Certainly not going to help cut the rapidly increasing budget deficit!
If you have to pay more for a product you want, it comes right out of your pocket.

Trump plays with your billfold like it is his. He can afford that kinda thinking, I can't

So do you think Trump should do nothing about the EU's unfair trade practices? The EU puts about 50% more trarriffs on our goods than we put on theirs. Is it worth a little short term pain to fix the problem?

Are you really going to drink less beer because the can costs a fraction of a penny more due to an aluminum tarriff? Same goes with lots of products.
I wouldn't drink beer no mater what it cost. I only drink water. Once in a blue moon I might get some soda or tea.

And yes, if I don't consider the value of something to be worth the price, I will not buy it. As is the case with all financially rational human beings. Hence why I do not go to the movie theater anymore, price increased to the point where the price is greater than the value to me.
So do you think Trump should do nothing about the EU's unfair trade practices? The EU puts about 50% more trarriffs on our goods than we put on theirs. Is it worth a little short term pain to fix the problem?

What's Trump going to do about these USA unfair trade practices on the products in the bottom half of the graphic?