How will they rule ??!

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It's a fake interview, edited together. He even said it was fake in his post about it. Now who's showing their stupidity?

I not referring to that video. No shit it's fake genius. It says it right there in the tweet. I'm talking about the actual serious interviews she has done that she's being made fun of for.

Like the one where she said unemployment was low because people are working two or more jobs then brags about how she majored in economics. Or the one where she said Israel are illegal occupiers but is really clueless proving she was only repeating radical left wing talking points. Or where she said her and Bernie are going to flip the seat in Kansas red. Those are all very real and she was dead serious not something said or done on a prank show that's meant to be stupid.

That's why people are editing together videos and making fun of her. Not because they're scared of her but because they're laughing at what a clueless dumbass she is.
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Exactly. Once you're out your clearance should end. Honestly I was shocked when I learned they kept it
I was surprised as well. Didn't know about it at all. Made sense when those types often work in private enterprise on government projects that require having secret information or work as consultants with the government. Like if someone from a previous administration joins a company that has a government contract to produces vehicles, weapons, etc. for the armed forces, they need to know some sort of secret information to complete the job.
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Trump inherited a good economy. His presidency did make the stock market move up. But it wasn't going down when he took control.

Where was the economy when Obama was in office? A timeline of the NYSE a year before and during the Obama period tells the truth.
He inherited a fair economy and ramped it up
Everybody. It you want to cultivate it and sell it to others, that is good stuff.
If you want to make a reasonable profit on your effort: Good stuff.
Telling people, you can't grow my stuff unless you pay me for your seed is mafia like.
Many big seed companies do that. This is not a new social question

They have the seed that the market( the growers/planters/farmers) desire. You are not required/ forced to buy their seed.

They hold the patents. You pay their premium for their patented product.

“If you want to make a reasonable profit”

Exactly who are you to determine reasonable?

“Many big seed companies do this”

****** ALL seed companies do this. *****

Anyone in business does this with any product.

In your way of thinking, maybe Apple should do everything open source and rely on donations.
Don't worry, they just get accusatory and defensive whenever anyone invades their safe space.
Not true as always. When you saturate the site with lies and or wildly exaggerated opinion pieces people usually pick you apart and you become butt hurt because your lies get debunked. If you did not hate this country so much and quit wishing for this admins demise through a failing economy people might engage you with a little respect. So far you just post regurgitated lies baiting people and when you get the response you were looking for, you cry about it like Keyser.
What happened to the poor border children? That fight benefits dem voters more than world economics, tbh.

CBS news was talking about poor Nicaraguan children. Their country is falling apart (shocker) so we’re going to take in a lot more Nicaraguans (shocker).

I think trumps weak border control is the thing that’s disappointed me the most. Bring our troops home and build a damn border. That doesn’t seem so hard in my non expert opinion.
What happened to the poor border children?

Saw a report today 500 of them so a quarter of the 2000 that were separated were abandoned. That's right their parents did not qualify for amnesty and were ordered deported by a judge and they voluntarily chose to leave their children in US government custody.

Kind of hard for the Democrats to say "but what about the kids" when a good portion of their parents don't even give crap.
All senate dems have refused to meet with Judge Kavanaugh. They are trying to stall his confirmation vote until after the election. Its just sad as he is clearly highly qualified for the job. The GOP didn't try to block Kagen or Sotomayor just because they were liberals. Fortunately, Mitch has threatened to keep the senate in session through the August recess and up until election day if necessary to confirm Kavanaugh.
As long as he's confirmed by Dec 31, doesn't matter what Dems do.
The green revolution which allows most of the planet to be fed is partially dependent on Hydrid Seed and later GMO. The people need specialist for this.

Free seed won't cut it.

Trump tax cut benefits all congressional districts, up to $44,697 per family

All 425 congressional districts have benefitted from tax cuts President Trump signed into law in December, with the potential payoff for a family of four reaching $44,697, according to an exhaustive impact report.

The Heritage Foundation analysis added that the payoffs can be pushed higher if the legislation is made permanent.

The state-by-state report and map showed that urban areas, especially around Washington, were among the biggest winners.
What about the other 10 districts?
I don't think that you understand today's usage of the term snowflake. It describes someone who easily offended, based on conceptions of snowflakes' fragility and weakness. In other words, liberal wusses who are taught to be offended at any microaggression and to run to their safe spaces at Universities, etc. Stopping Obama's last Supreme Court pick wasn't a weak move; the GOP boldly kicked the libs arses with that one.
Are you really going to drink less beer because the can costs a fraction of a penny more due to an aluminum tarriff? Same goes with lots of products.
Actually, I'll drink more from high-end micro brews since the cost difference is less.
and Trump threatening old officials with revoking security clearance? It's like he has Nixon's ghost on speed dial for all his advice on how to look like an idiot. Taking away their clearance doesn't do anything to them. It only hurts the administration when they need to bring in an old official and get a rundown on an old program or advice about policy shift.
There's no reason anyone out of government should continue to have security clearance.
You do know the US collects $$ due to the tariffs to pay for these bail outs, right?
tariff revenue will increase 2 billion this year. cost of the increased tariffs is estimated at 20-30 billion so far with 12 billion now being used to bail out pissed off farmers. When its all said and done the cost of the tariffs will end up doubling the yearly tariff revenue of 35 billion. that's a good deal? we are already in debt 800 billion this year so $0 of tariff revenue will be used to pay for this bailout.
So the new conservative motto is. "It may be ****ing stupid and not the least bit conservative but since Obama may have done it this one time Trump might as well do it to!" Your standards are now Trump can do anything Obama did, the guy you consider the worst President ever? So i guess that makes Trump also the worst President ever? Or a genius for stealing ideas from the worst President ever?
There's a difference. He's not doing what Obama did. He's giving it to productive farrners, not DA solar screwballs.
Trumps trade line: It was Obama.
Obama has been long gone. Trump needs to let that excuse rest.
He likes the spotlight: It is on you, Trump. It is all you. Just the way you like it. (except when you have problems talking))
Funny, didn't hear that from Libs when Obama brought up W's policies EIGHT years later.
Monsanto provides 90% of the seed for US Soy & Corn, the targets of Trumps bailout. Bayer is dropping the name because it is hated in the US, name hasn't been retired yet so you are dismissed.
June 4, 2018:

"The Monsanto company name....will disappear after the completion of its $63bn (£47bn) sale to the German company Bayer on Thursday."

Of course Monsanto is hated by Libs for helping provide genetically superior crops. Libs hate on everything they don't come up with.

Libs are comical about GMO's wrt to food stuff. Yet you never hear them complain about humans being genetically modified with stem cells or gene splicing. But contradictions are their specialty.
All the Monsanto branded seeds still have the Monsanto name on them, its just not the name of the company anymore. Thanks Trump for letting the evil German foreigners take over the US seed market!
Bayer & Monsanto ought to be proud of all the good they've done for improving food supply around the globe.

Back when Monsanto was more of a chemicals company, I visited a SO3 production facility of theirs. Tied into a surfactant production plant, SO3 combined with alcohol ethoxylates makes good stuff for cleaning products.
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