How will they rule ??!

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Biden and his groupies had a week to prepare for last night. They failed. Mightily. They had to have known this was coming but anything short of him falling off a bike, he had to appear and make the best of it with the hope he may come off somewhat coherent. Instead, you had 30 word run on sentences that had lfjegwergwergjwerjnwergfjwergfj in the middle and the end. You had him with his blank stare. You had him forgetting words, switching topics, and so on. This was really bad, and he is the POTUS.

When your heavy lefties are shitting their pants this morning, you know it was bad. They can't even make an excuse, and it was on their home turf w/ their own lib pundits. Speaking of which....anyone check on Rachel Maddog? How is he taking it?

And let's address the deep fakes and manipulated video is their crow tasting?

So Trump is the threat to democracy vs. what we witnessed last night?

The debate last night was appalling to say the least. Neither candidate did anything to inspire hope. Biden rambling incoherently and staring off into space multiple times, Trump rattling off lie after lie like he always does, both candidates hurling insults at each other.

In a country of 300 million this is all we could come up with. Absolute bullshit.
Great post on X from Bill Ackman......

From his post:

"A favored technique of some of the most evil leaders in history was to mislead the people by constantly repeating the Big Lie.

The Big Lie is so audacious that people accept it as truth because it is repeated so often that how can it be that something so important and material could be an outright falsehood?

In this case the Big Lie was our president’s fitness for office, let alone a second term. "

His best line is that about the misleading involves Trump and Biden.

They’ve been lying about Biden all along. Some of us knew it. Democrats didn’t. Do you think they’re being honest about Trump? A lot of us know they’re not.

TDS is a mental disorder, so I don’t expect a lot of democrats will take a step back and evaluate facts rather than the message they’ve been fed.
The problem with your view is that you think it's "freedom from religion". Jefferson was the genesis of "separation of church and state" yet he was a Christian and donated bibles and paid for preachers for the army during the revolution. Christianity is the basis for our legal system. If you completely push out Christianity, then you undermine the point of our founding documents. Nobody is demanding people accept a religion but only Christianity is being banned.

Our constitution doesn't work in an atheist majority.
Separation of church and state was intended to keep government out of church, not the other way around.
Jill clearly loves the perks of being First Lady much more the she loves her husband. Even the liberal talking heads on CNN acknowledged that last night. Why else would you let a loved one embarrass themselves regularly on public stages? How bad will Joe look like 2-3 years from now?
Why isn't there a single Democrat calling for Biden to resign?

If he isn't a viable candidate for next term, then why is he viable now?
Offer a refund or rain check to your visitors. That employee was as loyal as ever!!!
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After last night, it's probably best you sit this one out going forward. If Trump fails to deliver, then you're free to pounce in a year or so. Go find a ferret or something to play with.
Donated to multiple Republican candidates. Biden was not my first choice. Biden is a dead man walking. He has aged terribly in 4 years. Trump is older than Biden was.
Biden has one foot in the grave.
Trump has one foot in a prison cell.
I can't vote for either in good conscience.
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The fact checker is out there for you to read.
With all due respect, if the "fact" checkers are the same people that:

  1. Assured us that Hunter's laptop was fake....
  2. Assured us that Trump was colluding with Russia....
  3. Assured us that masking and social distancing would stop the spread...
  4. Etc
  5. Etc
  6. Assured us that (until about 10PM CDT last night) that Biden was fit for the office of POTUS...
(and they are the same people, btw)

Why should anyone put any credence whatsoever in what these "fact" "checkers" have to say?
I haven't seen anyone comment about how all the usual suspects have used almost the same words in their 'review' of the debate last night when referring to Trump. "Falsehoods", "Spewed lies", "All lies", etc. - almost like they received marching orders from a single source of what to say. But that can't be true, right? And, BTW, I haven't seen an actual direct comment that is a 'falsehood' from last night that was debunked in any commentary. Trump does blow hard but, many times, his statements are pretty darn close to the actual facts. We may not have had 'the best economy in history of the US' but that's not a lie - it's hyperbole, it's hype. Prior to COVID, we did have a very strong economy, with low unemployment, low inflation, minority wages accelerating, etc. Biden saying that he inherited high inflation and an economy flat on its back is factually incorrect. It may not be a lie but it's provably incorrect. And to keep repeating the same BS about Charlottesville and J6 and Russian collusion and Laptop disinformation, etc. is propagating lies that have been shown to be 'fake news'.

I even saw one reviewer (I think USA Today) who made the 'lies', 'falsehoods' statement several times. And then said Biden relies on 'exaggerations', not lies, so he's SO much better. The bias in the MSM is appalling.
Smart people knew 4 years ago a vote for Biden is a vote for an anonymous group of people with Marxist ideals and intentions. Coordinated by Barry Obama. Do not feel sorry for that corrupt, stupid, evil POS who has grifted his way thru life for 50 years doing nothing positive for the American people.
And even smarter people know a vote for Trump will be another disaster with crazy policies. And it’s all out there to be read, they’re broadcasting it. They’re not hiding it. Trump is already saying he’s going to use the justice system to go after opponents (an insane thought you would normally disagree on). He’s already talking about putting tariffs on at least 10% of imports which is only going to cost you more money. His buddies like MTG want to completely gut every federal agency and tear them down (sure they can be more efficient, but they literally don’t want them to exist). They want to establish a Christian nationalist agenda. Remember that pesky separation of church and state you used to believe in? Project 2025 lays out their other insane agenda items. They want to criminalize porn. You want to live in that world? They want to eradicate the Affordable care act. They want to eliminate the department of education and free lunch programs for kids with poor families. They want to get rid the agency that tracks hurricanes and any other government institution that might have concerns about the climate. They want to expand all presidential powers to the point where Trump is king through the Unitary Executive Theory. Even for you guys that love to blow Trump, that can’t be what you want. They want to change thousands of government jobs from merit based jobs to political appointees. So jobs that used to require you to be smart in a certain agency now wouldn’t need you to be smart at all in your field. Instead Trump can hire anyone he wants that’s loyal and will be a yes man. I’m sure some of you love the sound of the My Pillow Guy in a major role in making key decisions for government agencies though.

I have never agreed with @warrior-cat before and probably never will but we need a 3rd option of some kind. Not a huge Biden fan but I’m frightened of what Trump and the crazy right want to turn this country into.
I don't care if he wants to play w/ Slinky's and Lincoln Logs. I know what he can do. The "more presidential" cliché is nonsense in today's culture. I want a POTUS who can speak to the people as if he is one of them, like Trump does. He eats McD's, cusses, probably likes bourbon, golfs, and tells people they suck when they do. The JFK aura is long gone.
That is why he is not just completely destroying Biden. This race should have been over long before this debate. I like the fight in Trump, I just don't like the approach when fighting. That won't change. As I said before, he was not someone I really cared for in the past, but his policies and his obvious love for the country is what won me over. Still voting for him just don't care for some of his antics.
Dion’s Communist indoctrination has him believing that all Business Owners are these big Oligarchs that sit all day at the end of a 30 foot long Board room table waving their hands delegating everything to the minions while enjoying a steak dinner and a big cigar. He doesn’t understand that the work that goes into the vast majority of businesses and that most big businesses started as very small businesses and that Owners actually put in the work.
When you work for someone, you have a boss.
When you have your own business—you have MANY bosses.
This board is hilarious. That debate isn’t causing people to change their vote. Half the country is voting Biden and the other half worships Trump. The people who claim to be undecided are either stupid or lying. It’s the same shitty candidates as last time. One was a catastrophe when faced with a global pandemic and the other is old but cleaned up Dear Leaders mess and at least has things moving forward in a positive way economically. Not perfect but still a better option. Trump was always going to win this election though. Nothing changed last night. It’s not like either one of them are good debaters.

Only the Democratic Party would be dumb enough to leave Newsome sitting on the bench when he’s the best option to beat Trump. It’s like Cal not starting Reed and Rob.
You must be the most blissful person in the world. Geez.
This board is hilarious. That debate isn’t causing people to change their vote. Half the country is voting Biden and the other half worships Trump. The people who claim to be undecided are either stupid or lying. It’s the same shitty candidates as last time. One was a catastrophe when faced with a global pandemic and the other is old but cleaned up Dear Leaders mess and at least has things moving forward in a positive way economically. Not perfect but still a better option. Trump was always going to win this election though. Nothing changed last night. It’s not like either one of them are good debaters.

Only the Democratic Party would be dumb enough to leave Newsome sitting on the bench when he’s the best option to beat Trump. It’s like Cal not starting Reed and Rob.
Damn, what an idiot.
This board is hilarious. That debate isn’t causing people to change their vote. Half the country is voting Biden and the other half worships Trump. The people who claim to be undecided are either stupid or lying. It’s the same shitty candidates as last time. One was a catastrophe when faced with a global pandemic and the other is old but cleaned up Dear Leaders mess and at least has things moving forward in a positive way economically. Not perfect but still a better option. Trump was always going to win this election though. Nothing changed last night. It’s not like either one of them are good debaters.

Only the Democratic Party would be dumb enough to leave Newsome sitting on the bench when he’s the best option to beat Trump. It’s like Cal not starting Reed and Rob.
Handpicking Newsome and tossing aside Kamala.....go for it. Watch the black vote go bye bye.
I have never agreed with @warrior-cat before and probably never will but we need a 3rd option of some kind. Not a huge Biden fan but I’m frightened of what Trump and the crazy right want to turn this country into.
You have just shown a lack of understanding unparalleled by most on here with this statement. Biden and the liberal left have turned this country into a third world type socialist government. My biggest problem with Trump is his ego and childish like attacks. Outside of that, he has the best interest of the nation in mind and wants to make us first. I have no problem with that part.
I want to see the Trump vs. Biden long drive contest. That would be amazing.

Biden is a really evil person in a very bad family of his making. They deserve all of this.
Out of the numerous Biden lies this was clearly his worst. Trump would absolutely smoke this guy on a golf course/range.
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