How will they rule ??!

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What did I lose? Making a bunch of shep mad is losing? Whatever you need to make yourselves feel better.

Sorry I came in your safe space where you can actually feel like you're somebody amongst the other sheep.

You aren’t making anyone mad, you’re being completely unreasonable, and making yourself look silly.
Trump is a moron who should hold any office. Those who defend his many, many, many gaffes do so in my opinion out of fear that they are supporting an idiot. News flash - he is an idiot..
Your post listed above, before you caught your own gaffe and edited it. My point is that anyone can make a mistake. I was glad the President owned up to his regarding the “would vs wouldn’t” statement.
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Here comes my random flyby political post - no need to reply because I won’t be back to read them....

Hillary lost because she simply isn’t likable and Bernie stole enough votes from the college dreamers.

White men love voting for some older white men - kinda not surprising.

The next election is NOT going to make white men happy. Remember last time after older white guy was elected? Ya that’s right the US voted in a black guy with a Muslim sounding name for 8 years.

Trump is a moron who shouldn’t hold any office. Those who defend his many, many, many gaffes do so in my opinion out of fear that they are supporting an idiot. News flash - he is an idiot.

The extreme left is also full of idiots. Nobody wants full on socialism, sorry we know that won’t work here. Looks like a bunch of crazy women saying anything for attention.

What is frustrating is the obvious rhetoric our current leaders are spewing to keep the public worried about things they wants us worried about. While both parties go about making sure the country’s economy only benefits the wealthiest. Nobody is taking our guns, Russia isn’t controlling our president, N Korea isn’t getting rid of their nukes, we aren’t going to build a wall to keep out army of illegal Mexican kids. But we are losing our middle class, our ability to afford an college education and fair & balanced taxation. Hey politicians how about balance a damn budget.

Congrats on the 58 lifetime likes...pretty impressive stuff!
Your post listed above, before you caught your own gaffe and edited it. My point is that anyone can make a mistake. I was glad the President owned up to his regarding the “would vs wouldn’t” statement.
you mean blatantly lied not owned up. he's already walking back his first walk back with his new tweet storm. you can tell he is very mad that everybody including his fox news buddies are shitting on him. Just like the Kim summit he thought he would come home with praise and instead came home looking like a fool.
You aren’t making anyone mad, you’re being completely unreasonable, and making yourself look silly.
Unreasonable, I said the same thing Dan Coats, Mike Pompeo, and Christopher Wray said and that's being unreasonable? LOL OK.

Saying what all of our intelligence agencies said is being unreasonable? The question is why are you guys so hurt by me saying Russia attacked us and should be punished?

the white house is now admitting the tax cut has done nothing to spur growth. projecting a deficit of 1.1 trillion and growth under 3%. their original projection based on tax cut "booming" the economy was a 500billion deficit and 5% growth. so they were only 100% off.

Honest question, where would the growth come at this point? A large percentage of businesses in this country are pass-through entities. The tax cuts for those owners (other than the rate reduction) comes from the 20% QBI deduction. The IRS told us we'd have guidance on that mid-July, but has now pushed that back to late July as best case scenario.

So, given the fact we don't know for sure how tax reform will operate, what sort of massive growth do you anticipate? We weren't given any safe harbors for business owners to reduce their estimates, and they will all be subject to interest and penalties if they don't pay enough in based on an analysis of a bill we aren't sure how the IRS will interpret.

So I guess, in sum, are you really declaring tax reform a failure before we even have guidance on how the tax cuts will work? Seems pretty short sighted if you ask me.
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Great day in the morning, you guys are on a 10,000 post per day pace, or whatever. Can’t keep up. Anyway, this is from Byron York, pretty smart take. SIAP:

“There have always been two parts to the Trump-Russia probe: the what-Russia-did part, which is the investigation into Russia’s actions during the campaign, and the get-Trump part, which is the effort to use the investigation to remove him from office.

Trump’s problem is that he has always refused, or been unable, to separate the two. One is about national security and international relations, while the other is about Donald Trump.

The president clearly believes if he gives an inch on the what-Russia-did part — if he concedes that Russia made an effort to disrupt the election — his adversaries, who want to discredit his election, undermine him, and force him from office, will take a mile on the get-Trump part. That’s consistent with how Trump approaches other problems; he doesn’t admit anything, because he knows his adversaries will never be satisfied and just demand more.”
Honest question, where would the growth come at this point? A large percentage of businesses in this country are pass-through entities. The tax cuts for those owners (other than the rate reduction) comes from the 20% QBI deduction. The IRS told us we'd have guidance on that mid-July, but has now pushed that back to late July as best case scenario.

So, given the fact we don't know for sure how tax reform will operate, what sort of massive growth do you anticipate? We weren't given any safe harbors for business owners to reduce their estimates, and they will all be subject to interest and penalties if they don't pay enough in based on an analysis of a bill we aren't sure how the IRS will interpret.

So I guess, in sum, are you really declaring tax reform a failure before we even have guidance on how the tax cuts will work? Seems pretty short sighted if you ask me.
750billion of the tax cut has already been spent this year. it all went to stock buybacks and executive stock bonuses. it hasn't spurred growth because all of that is being hoarded and not put back into the economy. it was sold to us as money that would get dumped into wage growth and job creation. that didn't happen. it was just a legal way for Trump to reward his ultrarich supporters with a mountain of cash.

the threshold for the passthrough deduction is pretty low. 315k is top amount for 20%, 415k ends the deduction. I'm sure tax lawyers will game the shit out of that though.

CEOs are dumping stock in their companies. Here's what that means
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750billion of the tax cut has already been spent this year. it all went to stock buybacks and executive stock bonuses. it hasn't spurred growth because all of that is being hoarded and not put back into the economy. it was sold to us as money that would get dumped into wage growth and job creation. that didn't happen. it was just a legal way for Trump to reward his ultrarich supporters with a mountain of cash.

the threshold for the passthrough deduction is pretty low. 315k is top amount for 20%, 415k ends the deduction. I'm sure tax lawyers will game the shit out of that though.

CEOs are dumping stock in their companies. Here's what that means
Just 6 more years of Trump as President! Good luck!
It's quite obvious that you side with the Russians.

You do realize that if Hillary had won all these agencies you’re trusting so much would have swept this interference under the rug and never brought this before the people, right? The only reason we know about the dank memes is because Hillary lost.

Don’t you find it the least bit odd that leading up to the election that everyone and their mom was laughing at the notion of any interference and doing their best to downplay it, going as far to say hacking was impossible?

If anything, you should be furious at these agencies that pick and choose what to bring to light.

I look forward to being called a sheep and a fraud for not thinking like you.
Obama ain't my guy for one, the fact that you ask why the president should punish the country responsible for violating our sovereignty speaks volumes. I'm not a Republicrat sheep, my guy will likely never get in.
So you voted for McCain & Romney? Or you didn't vote because your diapers were too tight? Again, this happened under Obama.
I was in a meeting a few years ago with the CEO of a security company that not only proved the Chinese Army was hacking US businesses, his firm specifically sent out a press release with the address of said location where this was going down. His firm even sent people to that building to take pictures; when the release went out they evacuated the building - all hell broke loose.

This was in some of the major publications a few years ago - too lazy to search for them, but my point is, nobody's flipping out about Trump meeting with Xi because of this sort of thing. Why the big issue with Putin?

Because a lot of swamp dwellers are getting super rich off the Chinese "meddling" ???
Here comes my random flyby political post - no need to reply because I won’t be back to read them....

Hillary lost because she simply isn’t likable and Bernie stole enough votes from the college dreamers.

White men love voting for some older white men - kinda not surprising.

The next election is NOT going to make white men happy. Remember last time after older white guy was elected? Ya that’s right the US voted in a black guy with a Muslim sounding name for 8 years.

Trump is a moron who shouldn’t hold any office. Those who defend his many, many, many gaffes do so in my opinion out of fear that they are supporting an idiot. News flash - he is an idiot.

The extreme left is also full of idiots. Nobody wants full on socialism, sorry we know that won’t work here. Looks like a bunch of crazy women saying anything for attention.

What is frustrating is the obvious rhetoric our current leaders are spewing to keep the public worried about things they wants us worried about. While both parties go about making sure the country’s economy only benefits the wealthiest. Nobody is taking our guns, Russia isn’t controlling our president, N Korea isn’t getting rid of their nukes, we aren’t going to build a wall to keep out army of illegal Mexican kids. But we are losing our middle class, our ability to afford an college education and fair & balanced taxation. Hey politicians how about balance a damn budget.
Name some people who ought to me elected. You criticize everyone you name. Thanks.
You do realize that if Hillary had won all these agencies you’re trusting so much would have swept this interference under the rug and never brought this before the people, right? The only reason we know about the dank memes is because Hillary lost.

Don’t you find it the least bit odd that leading up to the election that everyone and their mom was laughing at the notion of any interference and doing their best to downplay it, going as far to say hacking was impossible?

If anything, you should be furious at these agencies that pick and choose what to bring to light.

I look forward to being called a sheep and a fraud for not thinking like you.
You do realize that if Hillary had won all these agencies you’re trusting so much would have swept this interference under the rug and never brought this before the people, right? The only reason we know about the dank memes is because Hillary lost.

Don’t you find it the least bit odd that leading up to the election that everyone and their mom was laughing at the notion of any interference and doing their best to downplay it, going as far to say hacking was impossible?

If anything, you should be furious at these agencies that pick and choose what to bring to light.

I look forward to being called a sheep and a fraud for not thinking like you.
Oh, well that excuses the Russian attack on our country.
I didn't say Donald Trump started anything, I didn't even mention him. I said Russia attacked our country and violated our sovereignty and needs to be punished. That somehow offended a bunch of people over here.
My reply was in reference to the thought that this started with Donald Trumps comment about Russia finding the emails and supposedly the meddling started then.

There have been many people making comments. I concede you did not mention President Trump by name.
So you voted for McCain & Romney? Or you didn't vote because your diapers were too tight? Again, this happened under Obama.
I voted for Ron Paul (write in) because the Libertarian candidate was basically a Republican and Gary Johnson. I'm not sure what that has to do with the Russia attack.

It happened under Obama so let's excuse Russia for attacking our country. You're a joke.
My reply was in reference to the thought that this started with Donald Trumps comment about Russia finding the emails and supposedly the meddling started then.

There have been many people making comments. I concede you did not mention President Trump by name.
Well maybe talk to those people. I said Russia attacked us and needs to be punished. All the "real Patriots" on this board are breaking their back to defend and minimize a foreign adversary attacking our country.
Great day in the morning, you guys are on a 10,000 post per day pace, or whatever. Can’t keep up. Anyway, this is from Byron York, pretty smart take. SIAP:

“There have always been two parts to the Trump-Russia probe: the what-Russia-did part, which is the investigation into Russia’s actions during the campaign, and the get-Trump part, which is the effort to use the investigation to remove him from office.

Trump’s problem is that he has always refused, or been unable, to separate the two. One is about national security and international relations, while the other is about Donald Trump.

The president clearly believes if he gives an inch on the what-Russia-did part — if he concedes that Russia made an effort to disrupt the election — his adversaries, who want to discredit his election, undermine him, and force him from office, will take a mile on the get-Trump part. That’s consistent with how Trump approaches other problems; he doesn’t admit anything, because he knows his adversaries will never be satisfied and just demand more.”
York is catching up with me. I posted the same thoughts 2-3 days ago, 7-10 pages back. My difference was/is that it's clear Trump refuses to separate the two, not is unable, because if he does the Left/MSM will discredit his election. He's smart to not give in, ever. And he is smart. I don't know why it's taking media geniuses so long to figure it out.
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Oh, well that excuses the Russian attack on our country.

I didn't realize that hacking John Podesta's e-mail and that of the DNC rose to the level of an "attack on our country". If you don't think that we try to do the same to the Russians to steal their secrets, you are kidding yourself.
I didn't realize that hacking John Podesta's e-mail and that of the DNC rose to the level of an "attack on our country". If you don't think that we try to do the same to the Russians to steal their secrets, you are kidding yourself.
Another one minimizing it and blaming America. They have to be Russians. Just look at their actions, Russia attacked us but it isnt that big of a deal and hey, we do it too, so its cool.
You could just walk into these dudes homes and they'd be like it's no big deal and I've walked into a house too. Real men protect their house, these dudes want no part of that and are terrified of Russia.
What is the US, specifically the current president, to do to Russia to punish them for this supposed attack? Keyser, you understand we do the same to them and other nations right? The only real question is did their tampering lead to a change in the election results? Democrats would have you think so. Most of us realize that's bullshit. As has been said this is only a ploy to discredit the election. Politics as usual for the left wingers.
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