How will they rule ??!

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Oh no it's a drone attack. Everyone duck.

(Literally a real Russian Facebook post)

The Trumpsters' logic in this thread:

Russia hit us with a drone attack last week! But we shouldn't do anything about it cause we do it, too.

We shouldn't try to get imprisoned American citizens back on U.S. soil because we do it, too.

We shouldn't care if foreign countries establish military bases on U.S. soil becaue, HEY, WE DO IT, TOO!

That should be Trump's 2020 slogan. "IT'S OKAY CAUSE WE DO IT, TOO!"

I think the bigger question everyone is wondering is why were none of you this upset when other countries meddled in the past? It’s a legitimate question. You seem outraged now... And if you were outraged before 2016 then by all means continue with your outrage.

And you compare anything you disagree with to Hitler, nazis, white supremacy, racism and/or fascism. When it comes to using logic, maybe you should sit it out?
A couple more real Russian Facebook posts. But remember the 'logical' thing to do is to treat it as a drone attack. The US should declare war on our only nuclear rival and attack them immediately.

Because that's exactly what I would expect to happen if Russia actually droned the US.

I just wonder..if JFK were able to come back to life, I wonder what his opinions would be of our so called "patriotic intelligence agency's"?
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A couple more real Russian Facebook posts. But remember the 'logical' thing to do is to treat it as a drone attack. The US should declare war on our only nuclear rival and attack them immediately.

Because that's exactly what I would expect to happen if Russia actually droned the US.

^^^^^ Those are Russian pro-Hillary Facebook ads?

Really? And she still lost?

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I think the bigger question everyone is wondering is why were none of you this upset when other countries meddled in the past? It’s a legitimate question. You seem outraged now... And if you were outraged before 2016 then by all means continue with your outrage.

And you compare anything you disagree with to Hitler, nazis, white supremacy, racism and/or fascism. When it comes to using logic, maybe you should sit it out?
What about...
Good thing I didn’t see this before November 8th 2016. May have influenced my vote.

Where are all of these people that didn't already know who they were voting for six months before Election Day? We knew Hillary was going to be the candidate for eight years. It was a matter of whether it would be Trump, Cruz, Rubio or Bush.

Why it's so difficult for Democrats to accept that Hillary was pure shit with tons of corruption and little accomplishments is really staggering. And I've said this before, the pattern of presidential terms has been very consistent since FDR. Only one time did a party win three straight elections and that was Reagan/Reagan/Bush.

I think because Democrats are in a huge bubble, they're truly clueless to all of the people that don't agree with them. They don't have conservative friends or work with conservatives (in general), only consume liberal media and Hollywood and then got rocked on Election Night.
What about...

It's a fair question and you don't have an answer because you're a fake. If Russians need to be punished in '16 for election meddling then shouldn't they have been punished in '12 for election meddling?

Matter of fact if their election meddling in '12 was taken as seriously as their election meddling in '16 and Obama actually did something about back then and punished them then it might have been avoided in '16.

Instead no one cared in '12 and Obama gave the stand down order in '16.
What about...

My last response to you because it’s honestly just running in circles now. You get a response and can’t answer legitimate questions you get asked in return.

Why would you care more about one meme interference than the other? You should either be condemning every meme attack the same or just stfu. If you were THAT concerned about meddling and it’s effect on our elections then you’d be this upset every election.

But I see you’re like your agencies you trust so much. Pick and choose when to get all in a tizzy.
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These are the most pathetic people I've ever seen. They're literally scared of everything, cant stand on their own, and are passive when aggression is used against them.

You should keep up with the news. Trump is not afraid to fight back. We killed hundreds of Putin's Russian mercenaries in Syria. Trump has also sent advanced weapons to help Ukraine fight Russia which is something that Barry never had the balls to do. All Obozo could do is paint phony red lines. Fortunately Trump actually enforced the chemical weapon red line when he bombed Syrian air bases. Barry not so much.

The skirmish occurred on Feb. 7, 2018 when forces aligned with Syria's dictator Bashar Al Assad, backed by Russian mercenaries from a shadowy company called Wagner, which are possibly under the direct control of the Kremlin, launched an attack on U.S. forces and members of the U.S.-backed Syrian Democratic Forces, a predominately Kurdish group, in eastern Syria. The opposing force consisted of tanks and heavy artillery.

After a massive American counter-attack involving air and artillery strikes beat back the opposing troops, reports emerged afterwards suggesting that as many as 200 Russians had died in the engagement, which you can read more about in detail here and here.
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How many liberals helped "interfere in our democracy" and "attack our sovereignty"?

Remember the "Not My President" rally that hundreds of thousands of vagina hats across the country participated in?

It was all planned, funded and carried out by the Russians. Yeah that's right. Your derangement and blind hate for Trump turned you into to propaganda pawns.

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We shouldn't try to get imprisoned American citizens back on U.S. soil because we do it, too.

The others are obviously stupid, but this one, coupled with the Keyser like, makes me think you two are on vacation at the same special ed camp.

North Korea tortured Otto Wambier until he had your intellectual capacity, then shipped him back to the US. Trump got some Americans sent home before they were tortured into mental incapacity.

Why would you even put something that stupid on your dumb list?
It's a fair question and you don't have an answer because you're a fake. If Russians need to be punished in '16 for election meddling then shouldn't they have been punished in '12 for election meddling?

Matter of fact if their election meddling in '12 was taken as seriously as their election meddling in '16 and Obama actually did something about back then and punished them then it might have been avoided in '16.

Instead no one cared in '12 and Obama gave the stand down order in '16.
Yes, why do you guys keep asking these stupid questions. Any country at any time that violates our sovereignty should be punished, even your precious Russia.
The others are obviously stupid, but this one, coupled with the Keyser like, makes me think you two are on vacation at the same special ed camp.

North Korea tortured Otto Wambier until he had your intellectual capacity, then shipped him back to the US. Trump got some Americans sent home before they were tortured into mental incapacity.

Why would you even put something that stupid on your dumb list?
OK genius who claims every US intelligence department is lying about Russia attacking us. Anyone who disagrees with your nonsense is crazy.
The others are obviously stupid, but this one, coupled with the Keyser like, makes me think you two are on vacation at the same special ed camp.

North Korea tortured Otto Wambier until he had your intellectual capacity, then shipped him back to the US. Trump got some Americans sent home before they were tortured into mental incapacity.

Why would you even put something that stupid on your dumb list?
OK genius who claims every US intelligence department is lying about Russia attacking us. Anyone who disagrees with your nonsense is crazy.
The others are obviously stupid, but this one, coupled with the Keyser like, makes me think you two are on vacation at the same special ed camp.

North Korea tortured Otto Wambier until he had your intellectual capacity, then shipped him back to the US. Trump got some Americans sent home before they were tortured into mental incapacity.

Why would you even put something that stupid on your dumb list?

But what about the corruption of the Bush administration?
OK Poll Pocket who claims dank memes and shitposts are an "attack" on the United States.

For Christ's sake, if shitposting is a crime, you've earned the death penalty.
The director of homeland security did too. It ain't just me comrade . Keep fighting for Mother Russia though.
It’s funny :joy:to think someone can be influenced by something they read on facebook.
Are voters really becoming that brain lazy?

Dude, they called Mark fn Zuckerburg up to Capital Hill to grill him about MEMES. We are living in an Idiocracy right now. You couldn't write this any better.

And it's not going to get better. Soon as the old folks die, and the country is run by the people who never knew a life without the internet - IT'S OVER.
Let's tell the mods. Hes not letting us bully him like we get away with bullying everyone else that comes here. More cowardice.
Pretty high opinion of yourself. If you stick around, I promise you we will disabuse you of that notion. You ain't so muckin' fuch, little man. You just mouthy, trying to shout people down, that's all.

Funny, you haven't been around--until Trump mis-speaks, and now you are Johnny Bad@ss, calling everyone cowards, pathetic, jokes, morons, and demanding we respond to a very clumsy and ineffective psyops "attack" that happened 2 years ago (under a prior administration who failed to act) like it happened yesterday and demanding retaliation without specifying any particular action that should be taken. In your opinion: what is the appropriate response?
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