How will they rule ??!

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First it was "Russians". Then it was "Russian agents of the GRU". Now it is "High ranking Russian officials" who committed the hacks. You can tell what these indictments are and the veracity of the evidence by recalling what happened when the last indictments came down. The Russians asked for a swift and speedy trial and Mueller balked. IF he had enough evidence to indict, WHY didn't he have enough evidence to go to trial? Anyone who is not a dem knows the exact reason.

Since you idiots seem so concerned about America and its democracy, why aren't you concerned about the CONTENT of the emails that were released? If a crime is committed against America, should it matter who commits it whether or not we investigate it?
Should Israel punish the US? Sanction us? Bomb us? Should Bibi order his intelligence agencies to investigate the Obama administration and indict US spies and hackers? I read articles that directly connect Obama too. Should Israel indict Obama? After all we meddled in their election big time. Far worse than hacking few emails and posting memes.

Russia meddled in France's election too. Why isn't France investigating? Why isn't France indicting hackers that will never face justice? Why isn't France's democracy under attack? Why aren't they in the midst of a constitutional crisis?

Shouldn't we be consistent here and agree that every country should punish anyone and everyone who engages in this type of behavior? Or should we face reality and realize it's only such a huge deal this time because it's being used as a political weapon to undermine a duly elected president?
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And, I literally haven't put cardkilla, levi, plat, dion, or any other moronic lefty on ignore.

Which should tell Keyser something. Not that he will listen, until banned, AGAIN, by the mods.

Also, as an aside, as a left hander, I'm ashamed that I have that much 'left' association, with the way they have acted since the election. Lol
Thanks for proving my point. I talked about Russians plenty. Can you read? I even asked why they weren't investigated and indicted in '12 for meddling in the election. You can't discuss this honestly because you and your outrage is fake.
I read you crying about me talking about the Russians. Remember you came at me, I didnt dat a word to you until you came at me trying to fit in with the group.
And, I literally haven't put cardkilla, levi, plat, dion, or any other moronic lefty on ignore.

Which should tell Keyser something. Not that he will listen, until banned, AGAIN, by the mods.

Also, as an aside, as a left hander, I'm ashamed that I have that much 'left' association, with the way they have acted since the election. Lol
Yeah, you guys like the people you can bully. You will never bully me.
And, I literally haven't put cardkilla, levi, plat, dion, or any other moronic lefty on ignore.

Which should tell Keyser something. Not that he will listen, until banned, AGAIN, by the mods.

Also, as an aside, as a left hander, I'm ashamed that I have that much 'left' association, with the way they have acted since the election. Lol
Not liking the Russians attacking us makes one a lefty now. Isnt that funny? That should tell you something. They've full on adopted the Russians as their own, all while screaming merica, and wrapping themselves in the flag.
You can't address none of what I said. The next time you expose me with your feebleness will be the first. I tried to have a decent and honest conversation with you and you ran from me. A fake pretending to be outraged repeating what he heard on cable tv.
No you didnt, you came at me calling me a leftist and a hypocrite because I was talking about the Russians attacking us. How is that trying to have an honest conversation?
These posts are disingenuous because whenever someone DOES call out an overtly racist comment in this thread you have multiple people accusing them of "playing the race card" and insulting them. If you're going to stay silent on the racist posts, stay silent on the ones calling them out. Don't defend the racist by using the "race card" line any time someone mentions anything about race.
Proving once again, that it has been used so much in instances that were not even remotely racist because of the left losing an argument they had no other response. Even if there was a racist comment no one here would believe it was meant that way.

Crying wolf by Obama and the left so much has actually hurt race relations in this country.
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You may not have said it the the person I was replying to when you attacked me did. I ain't deflecting shit, I think yall are as fake as the day is long.

Oh and look, theres Obama again. Guess what. Obama did a poor job dealing with Russia, I'm not sure what that has to do with the fact that Russia violated our sovereignty and attacked our country and needs to be punished other than your politics.
Because he could have dealt with it as it was happening regardless of who was doing it but his admin told his people to stand down.
the dumbass brigade going at it today. something like 12 pages since noon.

Some info is starting to connect up with plenty of questions left.

U1 -> Russia -> Iran

Peter Stzok? What connections does his father have to Iran? What is his connections to Iran?

Melissa Hodgeman? What was her role in the SEC to provide financial documents to the FBI?

Browder? Money to the Clinton Foundation?

Bill Clinton's $500K speech?

Unprotected server with emails going to a foreign country not on the distribution list containing classified information?

China? Did we just roll up the spies from China?

Collusion? Meddling? Attacks on our Sovereignty?

Screams get louder must be good for Art of War. Seems like Trump is weak. Why would he risk a summit with Putin if he is so weak? Didn't he know the Commie/Nazi lunatic left would tee him up? Yup this is it folks Trump is going down this time. Enjoy the show.
They hacked both major political parties in an attempt to influence our election, hacked voting systems, including registration rolls. They sent operatives here to gather intelligence used to evaluate political targets and deployed trolls on social media to carry out their agenda. We just indicted 12 Russian intelligence officers for conspiring to interfere in the presidential election on Friday.

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Their benefit was whatever they wanted it to be. Whatever would suit their interest.
I'm just pointing out the selective outrage. You seem to care more about Russia hacking us in '16 than China or than Russia during the '12 election. Why is one worth more outrage than the others? They are all attacks correct?

I wasn't mad about the China hacks nor am I'm mad about the Russia hacks. That's the way the cyber age works. It's inevitable. Stuff is going to get hacked. The US hacks too.

But if you don't think it's odd or hypocritical that people only seem to be mad about the hack they can use against Trump and don't care about the others then that's on you.

Although I will say ignoring the others does nothing to bolster your claim that you're not a partisan and don't care about either party. Being mad about one and not the others is textbook partisan.

It is almost as if spying and propaganda have not been in use for centuries.

I guess President Trump gave the Russians a new idea.

I can see it now Putin looks at his team after the debate and says “Why did you guys not think of this? Get on it.”

This is all Al Gore’s fault, if he had never invented the internet we would not be in this predicament.

Sarcasm off.
This socialist is the face of the New Democrat Party. She reflects the ideas and philosophy of some of our liberal posters and like them, each time she opens her mouth her ignorance of economics is there to see. That political party is sinking lower and lower in the ash heap of history. All they have left are the left coast and Northeast with a few pockets in large cities of "flyover country". Socialism may be the choice of the young and ignorant but they have never visited Venezuela
This socialist is the face of the New Democrat Party. She reflects the ideas and philosophy of some of our liberal posters and like them, each time she opens her mouth her ignorance of economics is there to see. That political party is sinking lower and lower in the ash heap of history. All they have left are the left coast and Northeast with a few pockets in large cities of "flyover country". Socialism may be the choice of the young and ignorant but they have never visited Venezuela

If anyone takes these ladies seriously, they're nothing but sheep. Ignorant. Liberal. Sheep.