How will they rule ??!

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What is the US, specifically the current president, to do to Russia to punish them for this supposed attack? Keyser, you understand we do the same to them and other nations right? The only real question is did their tampering lead to a change in the election results? Democrats would have you think so. Most of us realize that's bullshit. As has been said this is only a ploy to discredit the election. Politics as usual for the left wingers.
We do the same thing so its OK. We shouldn't, we should respect everyone's sovereignty, but even if we did, we have to hit back any country that attacks us.
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Another one minimizing it and blaming America. They have to be Russians. Just look at their actions, Russia attacked us but it isnt that big of a deal and hey, we do it too, so its cool.

More hyperbole. Your definition of "attack" is stretched to the limit. Maybe we should launch a few nucs at them in response to their "attack".
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I think someone has made the point, but if these are Russian government agents, why are they being indicted in a civilian court?
I's bizarre, or not bizarre if your intention is just show you make indictments to keep the charade going. There will never be a trial for those 12 *ever*. Hell, just indict Putin.

I'm a non lawdog so could be wrong but the basic gist is Mueller indicted those facebook ad people and a company and the company showed up iirc and said mmmmkay let's see your evidence and Mueller said uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh LOOK OVER THEIR THEIRS A UFO IN THE SKY

Learned his lesson, indict some folks that are *not* going to come over here for evidence or anything, now some dumb idiot on Catpaw can update his meme to show more indictments.

What a goddamn farce this whole thing is. Entire careers have been made on this lie.

Russia must pay.

US Launches National Security Probe Into Uranium Imports

As Bloomberg and others previewed yesterday, on Wednesday morning the Trump administration announced it has launched a probe whether uranium imports threaten national security, a move which may result in tariffs on the metal.

According to the Commerce Department, the probe will determine "whether the present quantity and circumstances of uranium ore and product imports into the U.S. threaten to impair the national security.” The probe will cover the entire uranium sector, from the mining industry to enrichment, defense and industrial consumption.
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You could just walk into these dudes homes and they'd be like it's no big deal and I've walked into a house too. Real men protect their house, these dudes want no part of that and are terrified of Russia.
So you are supportive of building a wall then I take it? Our country is like a house that needs protection. We also need voter ID's to prevent all the illegal immigrants from voting for Trump in 2020. Don't you agree?
We do the same thing so its OK. We shouldn't, we should respect everyone's sovereignty, but even if we did, we have to hit back any country that attacks us.

We did hit back Keyzer, that’s the point you’re missing. We sanctioned Russia, we armed Ukraine, we are opposing their natural gas pipeline to Europe. Those are all in “hits” in response to this.
You’re implying we haven’t done anything, do you want us to go to war with Russia for something that didn’t affect anything, and wouldn’t be a big deal if Clinton had won?
  • We supported the rebels in the Bay of Pigs (or said we would, but ultimately didn't).
  • We armed the Sandanistas in Nicaragua.
  • We overthrew Manuel Noriega in Panama.
  • We armed the Mujaheddin in Afghanistan to fight against the USSR.
  • We released a virus that specifically targeted a particular machine used by Iran to purify uranium to make it surreptitiously malfunction and ruin the purification process to sabotage Iran's nuclear aspirations.
These are but a few examples of the U.S. meddling in the affairs of other nations. We do need to hold Russia accountable because this was brought to light. But let's not act like this is something unprecedented in international clandestine warfare. In that sphere, you don't get get even.

By all accounts, Russia did not support Trump; They were trying to weaken whoever won, and promote dissension and strife to polarize the American electorate. Their target was often Clinton because she was the front-runner, and they sought to weaken her and prevent her from governing from an electoral mandate.

If you have any doubt as to Russia's intentions, look no further than what Russia did after the election, when they played a hand in organizing and promoting rallies that were in opposition to Trump. And then there's the Trump dossier, which relied almost exclusively on Russian intelligence to discredit Trump. Supporting Trump? Not at all. Causing strife and weakening our president? You betcha.

So, all you lefties, keep in mind that the more you oppose Trump, and the more irrational you act, and the further you deviate from mainstream, the more you further the agenda of Russia to divide and weaken our great nation.
We did hit back Keyzer, that’s the point you’re missing. We sanctioned Russia, we armed Ukraine, we are opposing their natural gas pipeline to Europe. Those are all in “hits” in response to this.
You’re implying we haven’t done anything, do you want us to go to war with Russia for something that didn’t affect anything, and wouldn’t be a big deal if Clinton had won?
In 2018 words are more important than policy and actions.
You folks should stop responding to stupid people.

It makes the board difficult to follow (I have Keyser and Dion blocked)... and I know its fun to beat up on the intellectually challenged... but frankly its a waste of time.
I didn't realize that hacking John Podesta's e-mail and that of the DNC rose to the level of an "attack on our country". If you don't think that we try to do the same to the Russians to steal their secrets, you are kidding yourself.

I'd like to thank whoever leaked the DNC documents for showing what giant pieces of shit the media and the Dem Party truly are. Imagine if any of you dumbass leftists bothered to actually read those emails and see the truth instead of swallowing the garbage from these outlets.
  • We supported the rebels in the Bay of Pigs (or said we would, but ultimately didn't).
  • We armed the Sandanistas in Nicaragua.
  • We overthrew Manuel Noriega in Panama.
  • We armed the Mujaheddin in Afghanistan to fight against the USSR.
  • We released a virus that specifically targeted a particular machine used by Iran to purify uranium to make it surreptitiously malfunction and ruin the purification process to sabotage Iran's nuclear aspirations.

Yes, and in doing so, we opposed Commie and other repressive regimes. This moral relativism equating actions defending the free world, versus actions by dictatorships against the free world are bizarre, coming from self-described conservatives. Reagan is rolling over in his grave.
We meddle af everyone’s elections and vice versa whether it’s righht or wrong. Do it better than your adversaries (please pronounce that word correctly like that beautiful Russian Sean Connery did in HFRO)....and protect yourself against their efforts.

A tale as old as effing time. Obama openly campaigns in France and Israel’s elections. We covertly subvert *everyone*. Everyone tries to subvert us.

I can’t believe we are having these discussions. KS, I get your a kid and don’t know better but your leaders are playing you for an absolute clown show.
Well maybe talk to those people. I said Russia attacked us and needs to be punished. All the "real Patriots" on this board are breaking their back to defend and minimize a foreign adversary attacking our country.
Just to refresh your memory. I was replying to a question you asked me. I had replied to Dwayne, you were not mentioned or called out.

You jumped in and tried to be be clever, so I replied to your question. I have not addressed anything to you as I figured you were getting your ass kicked around enough as it was.
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"A coalition of high-tax blue states is suing the federal government, claiming the Republican tax overhaul singles them out by capping treasured deductions.

The lawsuit from New York, New Jersey, Connecticut and Maryland amounted to their latest bid to fight the limit on state and local tax (SALT) deductions imposed by the GOP-authored tax plan."

How can it be that Congress can decide what all other deductions are, or are not, but not SALT ones? Truly bizarre. Dems' goofiness never ends. But guess they've come to realize their ends runs around this restriction aren't going to work given IRS ruling, so it's their hail mary last gasp.
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Man... yall stop... yall are going on a multi day long argument.... though... not really an argument because everytime the sexual assault supporter is asked a legitimate question, he or she doesnt answer.

Hes been asked:
What proof?
What did russia do besides make some memes?
And most importantly

What action should be taken against russiA?

He responds with nothing but "youre a fake patriot "

Over and over

This is the same guy who for months BASHED everyone about art briles... his main line of bashing was something similar to this....

"You just believe everything you read? How do YOU KNOW that art briles did anything wrong? What PROOF have YOU SEEN? Youre just a sheep being led in which ever way the powers with money want"

Now look at the way he believes any and everything the leftists say.

If only putin was being accused of raping someone.. then ol keyser sogay would be defending him for months on end.

** keyser will definitely be triggered by this. I will not respond to that imbeciles bs response. The board.. not even just the political board.. but the whole entire kentucky fanbase knows this guy is of low character. I have been responsible for triggering this guy a few times before..the week prior to the election was epic..where he went on days long tangents posting the same thing over and over again(much like hes done in this argument.. made hundreds of posts, but not said anything) but i will not reply..
Man... yall stop... yall are going on a multi day long argument.... though... not really an argument because everytime the sexual assault supporter is asked a legitimate question, he or she doesnt answer.

Hes been asked:
What proof?
What did russia do besides make some memes?
And most importantly

What action should be taken against russiA?

He responds with nothing but "youre a fake patriot "

Over and over

This is the same guy who for months BASHED everyone about art briles... his main line of bashing was something similar to this....

"You just believe everything you read? How do YOU KNOW that art briles did anything wrong? What PROOF have YOU SEEN? Youre just a sheep being led in which ever way the powers with money want"

Now look at the way he believes any and everything the leftists say.

If only putin was being accused of raping someone.. then ol keyser sogay would be defending him for months on end.

** keyser will definitely be triggered by this. I will not respond to that imbeciles bs response. The board.. not even just the political board.. but the whole entire kentucky fanbase knows this guy is of low character. I have been responsible for triggering this guy a few times before..the week prior to the election was epic..where he went on days long tangents posting the same thing over and over again(much like hes done in this argument.. made hundreds of posts, but not said anything) but i will not reply..
Responded and answered twice. What are you even talking about? Now you're trying to excuse your own cowardice.

Triggered, oh and you cant respond, you've been shown to be a coward who runs.
The Trumpsters' logic in this thread:

Russia hit us with a drone attack last week! But we shouldn't do anything about it cause we do it, too.

We shouldn't try to get imprisoned American citizens back on U.S. soil because we do it, too.

We shouldn't care if foreign countries establish military bases on U.S. soil becaue, HEY, WE DO IT, TOO!

That should be Trump's 2020 slogan. "IT'S OKAY CAUSE WE DO IT, TOO!"
  • Like
Reactions: ~Keyser Soze~
The Trumpsters' logic in this thread:

Russia hit us with a drone attack last week! But we shouldn't do anything about it cause we do it, too.

We shouldn't try to get imprisoned American citizens back on U.S. soil because we do it, too.

We shouldn't care if foreign countries establish military bases on U.S. soil becaue, HEY, WE DO IT, TOO!

That should be Trump's 2020 slogan. "IT'S OKAY CAUSE WE DO IT, TOO!"
These are the most pathetic people I've ever seen. They're literally scared of everything, cant stand on their own, and are passive when aggression is used against them.
  • Like
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Man... yall stop... yall are going on a multi day long argument.... though... not really an argument because everytime the sexual assault supporter is asked a legitimate question, he or she doesnt answer.

Hes been asked:
What proof?
What did russia do besides make some memes?
And most importantly

What action should be taken against russiA?

He responds with nothing but "youre a fake patriot "

Over and over

This is the same guy who for months BASHED everyone about art briles... his main line of bashing was something similar to this....

"You just believe everything you read? How do YOU KNOW that art briles did anything wrong? What PROOF have YOU SEEN? Youre just a sheep being led in which ever way the powers with money want"

Now look at the way he believes any and everything the leftists say.

If only putin was being accused of raping someone.. then ol keyser sogay would be defending him for months on end.

** keyser will definitely be triggered by this. I will not respond to that imbeciles bs response. The board.. not even just the political board.. but the whole entire kentucky fanbase knows this guy is of low character. I have been responsible for triggering this guy a few times before..the week prior to the election was epic..where he went on days long tangents posting the same thing over and over again(much like hes done in this argument.. made hundreds of posts, but not said anything) but i will not reply..
If I remember correctly, he was banned from posting in this thread for acting like a total PITA some time ago.

Let's end this right now and complain to the mods.
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We meddle af everyone’s elections and vice versa whether it’s righht or wrong. Do it better than your adversaries (please pronounce that word correctly like that beautiful Russian Sean Connery did in HFRO)....and protect yourself against their efforts.

A tale as old as effing time. Obama openly campaigns in France and Israel’s elections. We covertly subvert *everyone*. Everyone tries to subvert us.

I can’t believe we are having these discussions. KS, I get your a kid and don’t know better but your leaders are playing you for an absolute clown show.
You're not having a discussion, you're excusing Russia's attack on our country because of politics come before country for you people.
If I remember correctly, he was banned from posting in this thread for acting like a total PITA some time ago.

Let's end this right now and complain to the mods.
Let's tell the mods. Hes not letting us bully him like we get away with bullying everyone else that comes here. More cowardice.
Trump really can't stop saying stupid stuff. Today asked if russia is still targeting US with cyber attacks, said no twice so he can't spin it as more accidental word use. of course his DNI just testified before congress that Russia is more aggressive than ever atm with its cyber attacks against the US.
The Trumpsters' logic in this thread:

Russia hit us with a drone attack last week! But we shouldn't do anything about it cause we do it, too.

We shouldn't try to get imprisoned American citizens back on U.S. soil because we do it, too.

We shouldn't care if foreign countries establish military bases on U.S. soil becaue, HEY, WE DO IT, TOO!

That should be Trump's 2020 slogan. "IT'S OKAY CAUSE WE DO IT, TOO!"
Why didn't Obama do anything about it? Last I checked Trump was not President in 2016. You guys don't seem to care about that though.

Hell Susan Rice gave a f*****g stand down order against it. If Trump did that you guys would be losing your minds over it.
Perhaps Mexico should respect our sovereignty? Should we hit back?

Get lost, kid.

This is lost on them all the time for some reason. I don't know if it's brainwashing or they just truly never are challenged on their ideology.

Leftist logic
DNC/Podesta/Media gets exposed colluding, trying to influence the election, proven to use paid protesters, plating stories with outlets, letting political camps edit and approve articles, letting DWS dictate what can be said on MSNBC and how much time to give to a topic, categorizing people on race, trying to use Bernie being a Jew against him, leaking debate questions, letting the Hillary camp pick the interview and debate questions for GOP, taking money for access, engaging privately in bigotry against Christians/Catholics, DOJ working with the DNC in discussing investigation, Hillary's people believing Obama committed voter fraud in 2008, Podesta saying, "Needy Latinos" and then discussing how they're the most brand loyal people in being key to win elections, having private dinners with only Democrat reporters on how to "craft the message", strategizing, etc. = No problem

Trying to usher in an invasion from the third world= no problem
Not wanting the border to be protected to get more votes= no problem
Wanting to show voter ID and audit the voter rolls for dead people= OUTRAGEOUS!

And because lefties on here have never actually read any of the leaks, I'll share some for them.

- Shows they use paid protesters and even resort to using interns.


Shows how they view Latinos

Hillary camp showing they place stories with "friendlies" aka hack journalists


Ken Vogel giving his story for approval


I forgot about the WaPo and DNC having a joint fundraising party.

DWS being upset



Liberal Jon Harwood getting Podesta to pick questions on what to ask Jeb and then bragging about going after Trump at debate





DNC working with media to build up pied piper candidates

This came out before the DNC leaks in regards to Benghazi but it shows Hillary knew damn well that a YouTube video didn't cause Benghazi but went out there and told everyone anyway and lied to the families and then lied about telling the families that it was because of the video. Oh, Diane Reynolds is Chelsea's pseudonym.


DNC picking Wolf Blitzer's questions for Trump.
