How will they rule ??!

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It is almost as if spying and propaganda have not been in use for centuries.

I guess President Trump gave the Russians a new idea.

I can see it now Putin looks at his team after the debate and says “Why did you guys not think of this? Get on it.”

This is all Al Gore’s fault, if he had never invented the internet we would not be in this predicament.

Sarcasm off.
So you're excusing it?
Use your words sheepboy. Go ask someone what to say.

the dumbass brigade going at it today. something like 12 pages since noon.
Read and heed, Señor. Read and heed.

Billionaire Clinton supporter: If Democrats take over Congress, the stock market could see more chaos
  • Marc Lasry says a Democratic takeover on Capitol Hill in the midterm elections could lead to a shakeup on Wall Street.
  • "If Congress shifts, you'll have more investigations. You'll have more issues," argues the co-founder of Avenue Capital.
  • Lasry says Donald Trump’s presidency has so far been good for American business interests and growth.
Not at all. Just saying it is not a new concept and President Trump did not come up with the idea, nor did spying and using propaganda start in July of 2016.

That seems to be a narrative these days. That Donald Trump started the spying and propaganda practices.

That is my only point.
I didn't say Donald Trump started anything, I didn't even mention him. I said Russia attacked our country and violated our sovereignty and needs to be punished. That somehow offended a bunch of people over here.
Not at all. Just saying it is not a new concept and President Trump did not come up with the idea, nor did spying and using propaganda start in July of 2016.

That seems to be a narrative these days. That Donald Trump started the spying and propaganda practices.

That is my only point.

Libs have told me that division in this country started with Trump as well. Haha. Dumbest group of people on the planet. They're a cult.
The Book Report. Students at a local school were assigned to read 2 books,
'Titanic' and 'My Life' by Bill Clinton. One student turned in the following book report, with the proposition that they were nearly identical stories!

Titanic: The story of Jack and Rose, their forbidden love, and subsequent catastrophe.

Clinton : The story of Bill and Monica, their forbidden love, and subsequent catastrophe.

Titanic: Jack is a starving artist.
Clinton : Bill is a bullshit artist.

Titanic: In one scene, Jack enjoys a good cigar.
Clinton : Ditto for Bill.

Titanic: During the ordeal, Rose's dress gets ruined.
Clinton : Ditto for Monica.

Titanic: Jack teaches Rose to spit.
Clinton : Let's not go there.

Titanic: Rose gets to keep her jewelry.
Clinton : Monica is forced to return her gifts.

Titanic: Rose remembers Jack for the rest of her life.
Clinton : Clinton doesn't remember Jack.

Titanic: Rose goes down on a vessel full of seamen.
Clinton : Monica.. Ooh, let's not go there, either.

Titanic: Jack surrenders to an icy death.
Clinton : Bill goes home to Hillary - basically the same thing
So you're excusing it?
Serious questions - and you may have already posted it in one of your thousand posts yesterday - but what exactly should Trump do to Russia that he isn't doing already?

Do you want him to talk a big game and say mean things about Russia and Putin?

Do you want him drop bombs and start a war?

Do you want him to say "f*ck it" and step down (even though it is well documented that not one single vote was tampered with)?

Do you want him to levy even more sanctions than he already has?

Do you want him to make sure the US never meddles in other countries elections?

Do you want to start a war/sanction all the other superpowers that have done the same thing?

Do you want him to look back decades and "punish" every single country that has done the same things?

Do you want him to investigate Obama and his admin for giving the stand down order?

Do you want him to investigate why Hillary sold 20% of our uranium to a country trying "subvert our sovereignty" in return for 400M donated to her foundation to go along with 500G's to Bill Clinton's personal checking account for a 10 minute speech?

What should he do?
I didn't say Donald Trump started anything, I didn't even mention him. I said Russia attacked our country and violated our sovereignty and needs to be punished. That somehow offended a bunch of people over here.
Attacked? Come on now 12 russians got on a computer and hacked the dnc exposing many treasonous violations. Stop with this idea that hacking is akin to a military attack. It’s tiddlywinks.
Remember when Hilary Clinton fainted, shit herself, was tossed in a van like a side of beef, sped off to "Chelsea's apartment" then they trotted out a body double to waive to the crowds then she forgot to go to Wisconsin and now is required to wear a brace she hides with scarves?

It wasn't that though.

It was a jesus christ arm wrestling satan meme. That's why people didn't vote for her.

Quite frankly it was all of Willy's Pepe meme's that did it for me, not her continued perpetual disregard for rule of law in the United States.
Attacked? Come on now 12 russians got on a computer and hacked the dnc exposing many treasonous violations. Stop with this idea that hacking is akin to a military attack. It’s tiddlywinks.


No one has been convicted. Furthermore, all indication we have at this point is the US government never had access to the servers that were allegedly hacked. According to Comey, they relied on an assessment by a founded by a Russian and hired by the DNC to say the Russians hacked the servers.
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I didn't say Donald Trump started anything, I didn't even mention him. I said Russia attacked our country and violated our sovereignty and needs to be punished. That somehow offended a bunch of people over here.
Well, since your guy Obama did nothing, why should Trump? Just wait till your next guy gets in & take it up with her.
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I think someone has made the point, but if these are Russian government agents, why are they being indicted in a civilian court?
Who are these people in WI PA MI (OH is not a tossup state anymore, of course) that would change their vote because #walkaway is trending?

Who. Are. These. People.

None people is the answer, btw.
Brown very likely to be re-elected to Senate & Cordray leading DeWine in governor polls a bit.
Attacked? Come on now 12 russians got on a computer and hacked the dnc exposing many treasonous violations. Stop with this idea that hacking is akin to a military attack. It’s tiddlywinks.
There wasn't any hacking. Hilldawg's emails were released to Wikileaks via Seth Rich (we know the end of this story.)
The DNC 'hacks' were nothing but retarded boomer politicians stupid enough to fall for a phishing scam and willingly sent their passwords to others. No one called any dumbass who fell for Nigerian prince emails in the 2000's 'hacked'.
Here comes my random flyby political post - no need to reply because I won’t be back to read them....

Hillary lost because she simply isn’t likable and Bernie stole enough votes from the college dreamers.

White men love voting for some older white men - kinda not surprising.

The next election is NOT going to make white men happy. Remember last time after older white guy was elected? Ya that’s right the US voted in a black guy with a Muslim sounding name for 8 years.

Trump is a moron who shouldn’t hold any office. Those who defend his many, many, many gaffes do so in my opinion out of fear that they are supporting an idiot. News flash - he is an idiot.

The extreme left is also full of idiots. Nobody wants full on socialism, sorry we know that won’t work here. Looks like a bunch of crazy women saying anything for attention.

What is frustrating is the obvious rhetoric our current leaders are spewing to keep the public worried about things they wants us worried about. While both parties go about making sure the country’s economy only benefits the wealthiest. Nobody is taking our guns, Russia isn’t controlling our president, N Korea isn’t getting rid of their nukes, we aren’t going to build a wall to keep out army of illegal Mexican kids. But we are losing our middle class, our ability to afford an college education and fair & balanced taxation. Hey politicians how about balance a damn budget.
Trump is the best thing to ever happen to the US in a long long time.
Attacked? Come on now 12 russians got on a computer and hacked the dnc exposing many treasonous violations. Stop with this idea that hacking is akin to a military attack. It’s tiddlywinks.
They continue to minimize it. A foreign country violating our sovereignty is far more than tiddlywinks. They lose their minds when someone kneels for the anthem but call a foreign adversary leveling a multi level attack on our elections tiddlywinks.
They continue to minimize it. A foreign country violating our sovereignty is far more than tiddlywinks. They lose their minds when someone kneels for the anthem but call a foreign adversary leveling a multi level attack on our elections tiddlywinks.
This has nothing to do with kneeling . That’s quite a jump to try to make a point. You will never convince me that internet trolling is on par with being a sovereign nation lol. The biggest threat to our sovereignty is illegal immigration ... guess who supports that
Well, since your guy Obama did nothing, why should Trump? Just wait till your next guy gets in & take it up with her.
Obama ain't my guy for one, the fact that you ask why the president should punish the country responsible for violating our sovereignty speaks volumes. I'm not a Republicrat sheep, my guy will likely never get in.
This has nothing to do with kneeling . That’s quite a jump to try to make a point. You will never convince me that internet trolling is on par with being a sovereign nation lol. The biggest threat to our sovereignty is illegal immigration ... guess who supports that
Yeah, you guys wrap yourselves in the flag with your fake patriotism then excuse and minimize it when our country is attacked. Dan Coats, Mike Pompeo, and Christopher Wray think they're far more than internet trolls, are they wrong? They have all the information available to them.
That's because you are incapable of knowing when you've lost an argument.
The sheep are being outed by trump.. McCain, corker they are just as obvious as the libs
Yeah, you guys wrap yourselves in the flag with your fake patriotism then excuse and minimize it when our country is attacked. Dan Coats, Mike Pompeo, and Christopher Wray think they're far more than internet trolls, are they wrong? They have all the information available to them.
this isn’t an attack when Obama was president and our sailors kneeled and surrendered to Iranians that was more of an attack. Or Benghazi when bullets were flying that’s an attack and our leaders left them high and dry. Or the clock boy going to the White House that’s more of obama pissing in the face of Americans not an attack but more so than doing something on a keyboard
That's because you are incapable of knowing when you've lost an argument.
What did I lose? Making a bunch of shep mad is losing? Whatever you need to make yourselves feel better.

Sorry I came in your safe space where you can actually feel like you're somebody amongst the other sheep.