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Brennan calling for impeachment

Comey says everyone must vote for Democrats now

No bias in the Intelligence community at all. I'm old enough to remember Schumer threatening Trump and warning him to be careful because the IC has "six ways to Sunday" to get you.

Surely with that threat from the most powerful Democrat and all the bias we've that has come to light Trump doesn't think they might actually be out to get him.
Oh, the irony.
Remember the Charlottesville incident when I told the dude that it wasnt ab accident a d tou started crying about me not attacking the left. I wasnt attacking anyone except for the dude that killed that girl and you came in attacking over your bs politics. Of course the rest of the sheep followed you and started attacking too. Garbage ass human beings!
No bias in the Intelligence community at all. I'm old enough to remember Schumer threatening Trump and warning him to be careful because the IC has "six ways to Sunday" to get you.

Surely with that threat from the most powerful Democrat and all the bias we've that has come to light Trump doesn't think they might actually be out to get him.

Strzok promised he didn't have bias either. Lol of course not.
Were you this mad and post this many times when this happened? Where was the outrage about China needing to be punished? Or did you ignore it like every other single hack that has "attacked our sovereignty"?

Again you don't see the hypocrisy? This US getting hacked isn't new and the only time people care is when they can use it as a political weapon to go after Trump because he is a president they hate. You cant be mad about one hack but ignore the rest just because it's convenient for your narrative.
Frustration grows with Obama over response to China hacks
I posted this many times because the trash that posts here came at me. You seem to care more about me caring about things than you do Russia attacking us.
You're absolutely terrible. Why do mods allow you to attack everyone who post here on a daily basis? You're a trash human being and you show it daily.

You are a horrible person. Look at how you attack people that have a different opinion.
You don't have an opinion. You have democrat talking points. You are merely spewing the vomit of your puppet masters. I doubt you've EVER had a personal cogent opinion.

The Reps here all have something in common as well. We love our country. We love our constitution. We love the soldiers who have served over the years to secure and maintain our freedom. We dislike fools like you who take all those things for granted and go as far as to denigrate them in a public venue.

Take one for the gipper, off yourself.
I posted this many times because the trash that posts here came at me. You seem to care more about me caring about things than you do Russia attacking us.

I'm just pointing out the selective outrage. You seem to care more about Russia hacking us in '16 than China or than Russia during the '12 election. Why is one worth more outrage than the others? They are all attacks correct?

I wasn't mad about the China hacks nor am I'm mad about the Russia hacks. That's the way the cyber age works. It's inevitable. Stuff is going to get hacked. The US hacks too.

But if you don't think it's odd or hypocritical that people only seem to be mad about the hack they can use against Trump and don't care about the others then that's on you.

Although I will say ignoring the others does nothing to bolster your claim that you're not a partisan and don't care about either party. Being mad about one and not the others is textbook partisan.
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I'm just pointing out the selective outrage. You seem to care more about Russia hacking us in '16 than China or than Russia during the '12 election. Why is one worth more outrage than the others? They are all attacks correct?

I wasn't mad about the China hacks nor am I'm mad about the Russia hacks. That's the way the cyber age works. It's inevitable. Stuff is going to get hacked. The US hacks too.

But if you don't think it's odd or hypocritical that people only seem to be mad about the hack they can use against Trump and don't care about the others then that's on you.

Although I will say ignoring the others does nothing to bolster your claim that you're not a partisan and don't care about either party. Being mad about one and not the other is textbook partisan.
I'm just pointing out your fake patriotism. Everyone is a partisan to you extremists.
Remember the Charlottesville incident when I told the dude that it wasnt ab accident a d tou started crying about me not attacking the left. I wasnt attacking anyone except for the dude that killed that girl and you came in attacking over your bs politics. Of course the rest of the sheep followed you and started attacking too. Garbage ass human beings!
Willy gets banned yet this ^ is allowed? Incredible.
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I'm just pointing out your fake patriotism. Everyone is a partisan to you extremists.
Fake patriotism? I'm not mad about any of the hacks. I'm a big boy. I understand that's the way things are.

You're the fake. There have been hundreds even thousands of hacks on America and you only seem to care about one of them. If you really cared about the US getting hacked you would care about them all and be just as mad about them all.

World's biggest fake patriot. In here faking outrage about a hack when you couldn't give a damn about the dozen hacks that just took place in the last 30 minutes.
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If you hate the media as much as I, you’ll love this beatdown Crowder gives this lying reporter. She wrote a complete BS hit piece about this video of an incident where Crowder was doing a “change my mind” video and some trans nut at a restaurant who called for violence against Crowder’s team, to firebomb their van and slash his tires.

She doesn’t know they’re being recorded until the end. Lol
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Fake patriotism? I'm not mad about any of the hacks. I'm a big boy. I understand that's the way things are.

You're the fake. There have been hundreds even thousands of hacks on America and you only seem to care about one of them. If you really cared about the US getting hacked you would care about them all and be just as mad about them all.

World's biggest fake patriot. In here faking outrage about a hack when you couldn't give a damn about the dozen hacks that just took place in the last 30 minutes.
Yeah, dude making excuses for the Russians because of politics, I'm the fake one. Person questioning why someone would be outraged by another country attacking their country, I'm the fake one.
Yeah, dude making excuses for the Russians because of politics, I'm the fake one. Person questioning why someone would be outraged by another country attacking their country, I'm the fake one.

I haven't made a single excuse. Stop lying. I told you straight up Im not mad about any of the hacks. That's the way the world works in the cyber age. There's no avoiding it.

Definition of fake is not genuine. Your outrage isn't genuine. You're only mad about this hack because you're using it to push a narrative.

When Russia hacked both McCain's and Obama's campaign during the '12 election your fake butt didn't say a word. And that's a fact.

If your outrage was genuine you would have been outraged back then just like you're pretending to be right now.
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Person questioning why someone would be outraged by another country attacking their country, I'm the fake one.

And I'm not questioning why you're outraged about the Russia hack. I'm questioning why if it's that big of a deal to you why you weren't just as outraged by all the other hacks.

That's why you're fake. Your outrage isn't genuine and is selective.
I haven't made a single excuse. Stop lying. I told you straight up Im not mad about any them. That's the way the world works.

Definition of fake is not genuine. Your outrage isn't genuine. You're only mad about this hack because you're using it to push a narrative.

When Russia hacked both McCain's and Obama's campaign during the '12 election your fake butt didn't say a word. And that's a fact.

If your outrage was genuine you would have been outraged back then just like you're pretending to be right now.
Nah, you're fake af. That's why you jumped in here crying about what I'm worried about and crying about outrage. I didnt engage you, you came at me. Like I said. You're more worried about me than you are your country being attacked. If you knew me you could speak on what I feel or dont feel. You dont know me, you're just a clown who joined a mob because of politics.
That's why you jumped in here crying about what I'm worried about and crying about outrage.

Pointing out your hypocrisy and selective outrage isn't crying. It's pointing out your hypocrisy and selective outrage.You can't be mad about one and not the others. A hack is a hack. They should all be treated the same.

You're more worried about me than you are your country being attacked.

I'm not worried about either. You're a fake and we have damn fine men and women that I'm quite confident in to combat such things. Maybe they'll do better next time now that they don't have an incompetent as their leader.

You still can't answer though. Why wasn't it considered an attack on America when Russia and China hacked Obama and McCain campaigns in '12? Why wasn't there a special counsel appointed to bring the hackers to justice? Why wasn't it compared to 911? Why weren't there imbeciles on Catpaw crying about sovereignty?
Pointing out your hypocrisy and selective outrage isn't crying. It's pointing out your hypocrisy and selective outrage.You can't be mad about one and not the others. A hack is a hack. They should all be treated the same.

I'm not worried about either. You're a fake and we have damn fine men and women that I'm quite confident in to combat such things. Maybe they'll do better next time now that they don't have an incompetent as their leader.

You still can't answer though. Why wasn't it considered an attack on America when Russia and China hacked Obama and McCain campaigns in '12? Why wasn't there a special counsel appointed to bring the hackers to justice? Why wasn't it compared to 911? Why weren't there imbeciles on Catpaw crying about sovereignty?
Hypocrisy because I supposedly dont care about something you know nothing about. Spoken like the true angry clown that you are. Tell me more about the things in life that upset me and the things that I dont care about.
Pointing out your hypocrisy and selective outrage isn't crying. It's pointing out your hypocrisy and selective outrage.You can't be mad about one and not the others. A hack is a hack. They should all be treated the same.

I'm not worried about either. You're a fake and we have damn fine men and women that I'm quite confident in to combat such things. Maybe they'll do better next time now that they don't have an incompetent as their leader.

You still can't answer though. Why wasn't it considered an attack on America when Russia and China hacked Obama and McCain campaigns in '12? Why wasn't there a special counsel appointed to bring the hackers to justice? Why wasn't it compared to 911? Why weren't there imbeciles on Catpaw crying about sovereignty?
The question is why are you so weak and afraid of Russia? Is it just cowardice or there something else going on?
Hypocrisy because I supposedly dont care about something you know nothing about.

I know enough about it to know that you weren't on this message board running your mouth all day and pretending to be outraged.

Anyway carry on. I'll leave you be. We all know you're a fake who didn't care when Russia and China hacked the '12 election but now you're pretending to be butt hurt about Russia hacking the '16 election because your girl lost.
The question is why are you so weak and afraid of Russia? Is it just cowardice or there something else going on?
How am I weak and afraid of Russia? They have zero bearing on my life. Me pretending to be outraged on a message board doesn't change a thing. You pretending to be outraged changes nothing.

Russia and every other country is going to try to hack us. It's called reality and it's out of my control. That's why we have cyber security in place. I feel more comfortable it wont happen again now that incompetent in chief and his gang of bums are no longer in charge of protecting us from such attacks. At least next time we might do something to try to stop it and not give the stand down order.
I know enough about it to know that you weren't on this message board running your mouth all day and pretending to be outraged.

Anyway carry on. I'll leave you to be. We all know you're a fake who didn't care when Russia and China hacked the '12 election but now you're pretending to be butt hurt about Russia hacking the '16 election because your girl lost.
Nah, you're clueless like the rest of the goofs. What's funny is I said Russia interfered in our election and should be punished. You took offense to that. I didnt allege that your god colluded with the Russians, I said they hacked both major political parties in an attempt to influence our election, hacked voting systems, including registration rolls. They sent operatives here to gather intelligence used to evaluate political targets and deployed trolls on social media to carry out their agenda. We just indicted 12 Russian intelligence officers for conspiring to interfere in the presidential election on Friday. You got mad about that and called me a hypocrite. Why are you mad?
What's funny is I said Russia interfered in our election and should be punished. You took offense to that.

No I didn't take offense. Why do you keep making things up? I asked a simple question. Why didn't you feel the same about all the other hacks? Why is this one such a threat to democracy deserving of harsh punishment but the other weren't?

I didnt allege that your god colluded with the Russians

I never said you did so what's your point?

We just indicted 12 Russian intelligence officers for conspiring to interfere in the presidential election on Friday.

Indictments that will never lead to prosecution. Basically a press announcement. Why didn't we investigate and indict Chinese and Russian operatives when they interfered in the '12 election? Why did Democrats make such a big deal out of it this time? Where were these outrageous doomsday cries back then? No one seemed to care.

Keep in mind Obama was well aware of what Russia did/was doing when he said this (below). Comey even admitted the FBI didn't take Russia meddling seriously because they thought Hillary would win. Why is that? Why didn't they care?

The reason is because it's par for the course just like in '12 and spending millions to investigate and indicting them is pointless. Numerous countries meddle in our elections and hack stuff every single election. The only reason they made a big deal out of this time is because Hillary lost. They used it as an excuse for why she lost and to delegitimize Trump.

If she would have won everything would have carried on as normal and there would have been zero investigations into Russia because they all know it was business as usual and everybody meddles in everybody's elections.

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No I didn't take offense. Why do you keep making things up? I asked a simple question. Why didn't you feel the same about all the other hacks? Why is this one such a threat to democracy deserving of harsh punishment but the other weren't?

I never said you did so what's your point?

Why didn't we investigate and indict Chinese and Russian operatives when they interfered in the '12 election? Why did Democrats make such a big deal out of it this time? Where were these outrageous doomsday cries back then? No one seemed to care.

Keep in mind Obama was well aware of what Russia did/was doing when he said this (below). Comey even admitted the FBI didn't take Russia meddling seriously because they thought Hillary would win. Why is that? Why didn't they care?

The reason is because it's par for the course just like in '12. Numerous countries meddle in our elections and hack stuff every single election. The only reason they made a big deal out of this time is because Hillary lost. They used it as an excuse for why she lost and to delegitimize Trump.

If she would have won everything would have carried on as normal and there would have been zero investigations into Russia because they know it was business as usual and everybody meddles in everybody's elections.

What about what about what about what about what about what about what about what about...
What about your precious Russians? Oh wait, you dont want to talk about the Russians and just want to make excuses for them. I see you patriot.
Remember this when these dudes start displaying their fake patriotism. They are frauds, never let them get away with it, they've been exposed!
What about what about what about what about what about what about what about what about...
What about your precious Russians? Oh wait, you dont want to talk about the Russians and just want to make excuses for them. I see you patriot.
Thanks for proving my point. I talked about Russians plenty. Can you read? I even asked why they weren't investigated and indicted in '12 for meddling in the election. You can't discuss this honestly because you and your outrage is fake.
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Remember this when these dudes start displaying their fake patriotism. They are frauds, never let them get away with it, they've been exposed!

You can't address none of what I said. The next time you expose me with your feebleness will be the first. I tried to have a decent and honest conversation with you and you ran from me. A fake pretending to be outraged repeating what he heard on cable tv.