How will they rule ??!

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Left/MSM need to get their stories straight. Here ya got left-wing USA defending Trumps talks with Putin:

"The mere fact of a U.S. president seeking better relations with Russia should not be controversial. President Barack Obama certainly did his best, blaming the George W. Bush administration for souring relations between the two powers. We had Hillary Clinton’s famous 2009 “Russian reset,” complete with a mistranslated red button stolen from a hotel jacuzzi.

Obama mocked Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney in a 2012 debate for his remark that Russia was America’s “biggest geopolitical threat,” saying “the 1980s are now calling to ask for their foreign policy back.” And who can forget Mr. Obama’s 2012 hot-mic moment assuring outgoing Russian President Dmitry Medvedev that he would have “more flexibility” in dealing with Moscow after the election?

And was Obama ever flexible. He responded to Russia’s illegal annexation of Crimea by imposing limited sanctions on a few officials and pleading with Moscow to reverse course (which it didn’t). He dismissed Russia’s 2015 military intervention in Syria as a sign of weakness, and adopted a wait and see posture that was essentially wait and do nothing.

He was more than happy to have Moscow’s assistance negotiating the flawed nuclear agreement with Russia’s client state Iran. And in September 2016, after he was informed of alleged Russia attempts to influence the U.S. election, he personally told Vladimir Putin to “cut it out,” threatening — but later lamely discarding — “serious consequences.”

So for Democrats to now invoke the ghost of Joe McCarthy and cry treason at Trump’s efforts to improve relations with Moscow has more than a whiff of hypocrisy. Besides, do they want relations to get worse? Should the United States purposely freeze out the second (or maybe first) largest nuclear power in the world? Yet if Trump took a hard line with the Kremlin, his critics would say he was trying to conceal his collusion, so it’s a no-win situation."
And the millenials favorite CIA mishap....IRAN CONTRA!!! IRAN CONTRA!!! OMG IRAN CONTRA!!!

It's like Farakhan said. Trump hates the government, he is exposing them, doesn't trust them, etc etc. BLACK PEOPLE HATE THE GOVT AND DON'T TRUST THEM!

Liberals adore black people and really hate the govt to the point of attacking police officers, blatantly disregarding laws, etc etc etc.

TRUMP IS A LIBERAL DREAM, and these mfers are so caught up in the swamp they can't even see it.
I like Putin's invitation to have our "Special Counsel" go to Russia to investigate them in return for their intelligence to investigate the good ole US of A. Sounds like a fair deal to me. Wouldn't it be fun to learn how and why Hillary got a $400,000,000 illegal donation from a Russian. Putin knows we meddle more than anybody and Obama and his minions tried to kick the Israeli PM out of office during their election. Not a word from our glorious press corps. Not even the Grand Ole Party elite spoke up.

Our nation is corrupt in both of our major political parties and we need to straighten that up before we worry about Russia meddling since they have been meddling for many decades. The U.S. government is not Snow White.

I am not registered with the Dims or GOP and the reason I support Trump and most people I associate with support him is because he doesn't give a damn. He knows how corrupt the FBI and Justice Department are. Before he leaves in 2024 I hope he blows the whole rotten system up and leaves it in a big dust pile.
So The Hack, what do you think about my statement on where our main problems lie? Right here in this forum we have right-wing tin-foil hat guys saying our entire intelligence community is subverted and acting against the best interests of the American people. I ask you because I think you have a bit a sanity left, still I think you may be underestimating how completely mental this cabal of insecure and unstable right wing zealots who have nurtured themselves on hate and obstinate denialism has become.
He said multiple times that your premise of right wing doom was not correct. He also bashed far left hyperbole. Like most things that are uncomfortable to your preconceived notions, you ignored. You seem so desperate, try @cardkilla. He has the blind idiotic hatred you lust.
What’s more, being intelligent and informed can often make the problem worse. The higher someone’s IQ, the better they are at coming up with arguments to support a position—but only a position they already agree with, as one study showed. High levels of knowledge make someone more likely to engage in motivated reasoning—perhaps because they have more to draw on when crafting a counterargument.

People also learn selectively—they’re better at learning facts that confirm their worldview than facts that challenge it. And media coverage makes that worse. While more news coverage of a topic seems to generally increase people’s knowledge of it, one paper, “Partisan Perceptual Bias and the Information Environment,” showed that when the coverage has implications for a person’s political party, then selective learning kicks into high gear.

This is from a very good article:
I can sum up everything the left says in one of 2 words: either hypocrisy or irony.
Amen, two good descriptions.

The left seeks power and wealth. Power over the people and a lust for their wealth. Bernie Sanders is the most outspoken elected socialist in our government and spews crap about the down trodden and weak among us while living like a king with his multi-millions. Hypocrisy at work.
I had problems with DT yesterday but on the bright side it did get liberals to sound patriotic for a few hours. Like Rex mentioned, maybe they can channel that into stopping the open borders talk.
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Before he leaves in 2024 I hope he blows the whole rotten system up and leaves it in a big dust pile.
Another man had a similar thought.
We now have Trumpsters using the "America does the same thing!" argument. Didn't you guys destroy Obama for the so called "apology tour"?

Now, it's "before we worry about Russia, we need to take a look at our own corruption first".

I'm old enough to remember the days when if you criticized the government at all (during the Bush years), you were considered unpatriotic. I mean, shit, the goddamn Dixie Chicks caught hell from Republicans.
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We now have Trumpsters using the "America does the same thing!" argument. Didn't you guys destroy Obama for the so called "apology tour"?

Now, it's "before we worry about Russia, we need to take a look at our own corruption first".

I'm old enough to remember the days when if you criticized the government at all (during the Bush years), you were considered unpatriotic. I mean, shit, the goddamn Dixie Chicks caught hell from Republicans.
Policy and outcomes>>>>>>>emotions and faux outrage
I always get a laugh out of the furiosity which the paid trolls bring when they get activated.

Wonder what their bat symbol is? What's the call for them to spring into action? Is it a pic of Hillary passing out or falling down stairs?

I just imagine the whole time they're posting their talking points, there is a room full of people frantically looking at polls trying to see if it's helping
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I always get a laugh out of the furiosity which the paid trolls bring when they get activated.

Wonder what their bat symbol is? What's the call for them to spring into action? Is it a pic of Hillary passing out or falling down stairs?

I just imagine the whole time they're posting their talking points, there is a room full of people frantically looking at polls trying to see if it's helping
They're the favorite incels of Democrat SuperPACs.
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What’s more, being intelligent and informed can often make the problem worse. The higher someone’s IQ, the better they are at coming up with arguments to support a position—but only a position they already agree with, as one study showed. High levels of knowledge make someone more likely to engage in motivated reasoning—perhaps because they have more to draw on when crafting a counterargument.

People also learn selectively—they’re better at learning facts that confirm their worldview than facts that challenge it. And media coverage makes that worse. While more news coverage of a topic seems to generally increase people’s knowledge of it, one paper, “Partisan Perceptual Bias and the Information Environment,” showed that when the coverage has implications for a person’s political party, then selective learning kicks into high gear.

This is from a very good article:
Exactly. Look at all the man-made global warming nonsense by highly educated & smart people.
Amen, two good descriptions.

The left seeks power and wealth. Power over the people and a lust for their wealth. Bernie Sanders is the most outspoken elected socialist in our government and spews crap about the down trodden and weak among us while living like a king with his multi-millions. Hypocrisy at work.

The ones who promote and implement socialism/Communism certainly don't live like the peasants.
I am just amazed how an agency that killed JFK according to many leftist is now above reproach.

What a turnaround.

Every day, I'm amazed that leftists see themselves as "rebels" fighting the machine all while backing career politicians, deep state intel agencies and are using the same talking points as Google, Amazon, Soros, Starbucks (lol), Buffett, Soros, Hollywood and academia. Yeah, you're real rebels.

Remember when this poster and slogan was okay before the media deemed it a "Nazi slogan" in 2016?
The Dems theme for Reagan was "You can't let this warmonger have his finger on the button!".

They tried portraying him as the one to destroy the world thru nuclear war with the USSR.

We know how that turned out... but he did destroy the USSR all right lol.
The Dems theme for Reagan was "You can't let this warmonger have his finger on the button!".

They tried portraying him as the one to destroy the world thru nuclear war with the USSR.

We know how that turned out... but he did destroy the USSR all right lol.

When our mainstream media demonized Reagan and Trump while advocating for Carter, Obama and the Clintons, yeah, they can GFT. What they want for this nation sure as hell isn't best for a strong America.
We now have Trumpsters using the "America does the same thing!" argument. Didn't you guys destroy Obama for the so called "apology tour"?

Now, it's "before we worry about Russia, we need to take a look at our own corruption first".

I'm old enough to remember the days when if you criticized the government at all (during the Bush years), you were considered unpatriotic. I mean, shit, the goddamn Dixie Chicks caught hell from Republicans.

Umm... obama apoligzed for the behavior of every day Americans.. trump is bashing the deep state elitists.

Only a dumbass cant see the difference. Are you that dumbass ?