How will they rule ??!

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you can't make this kind of stuff up........... /

Man ... you can literally taste the desperation..

Libs are so deaperate to get rid of the Trump before he sways even more former dems and wins 2020...

Cant wait til the shackles of reelection are taken off.

So this is interesting. ^^^^^

Also, let's play a game of Who said it?

"Under President Putin, Russia has the chance to build prosperity and strength, while safeguarding that freedom and the rule of law. We've had good discussions both last night and today on a range of common interests, including nonproliferation and arms control."

"The importance of this relationship to ourselves and the world demands that we take every opportunity we can to find common ground and that, where we cannot find it, we express our differences with clarity and candor."

"We also discussed our common commitment to prevent the proliferation of missile technology and our determination to exert firm control over exports of sensitive technology and strictly enforce export control laws and regulations."

"We discussed our common interest in commercial space cooperation, including the successful joint venture that launches commercial satellites."

"We agreed that our teams would soon meet to discuss future cooperation in the commercial space area, with the aim of moving toward eliminating existing constraints on commercial space launches."

"I strongly agree with what President Putin himself has said, that Russia has no future if it suppresses civic freedoms and the press."

"I was encouraged by our discussion, pleased with our agreements, pleased with the candor and clarity of our disagreements. I am eager for more progress."

"I think President Putin has an enormous opportunity and a great challenge. If you want to know what my personal assessment is, I think he is fully capable of building a prosperous, strong Russia, while preserving freedom and pluralism and the rule of law."

"It's a big challenge. I think he is fully capable of doing it. I want to further further American interests in having a good, stable relationship with a Russia that is strong and prosperous and free, respecting pluralism and the rule of law."

The answer is here:
Really surprised we didn't hear about the $400 million Russia gave to Clinton's campaign last night from the lefties who decided to drop in.

Maybe something they think is terrible for America will happen today so they grow the balls to drop back in.

I firmly believe that little nugget that was dropped is the reason for the complete hysterical theatrics we've seen the past 18 hours.
Make enough noise to drown out everything else.
Russia, Russia, Russia, (insert your own issue here), North Korea, Russia, (insert your own issue here), Russia, (insert your own issue here), Putin....

....meanwhile, back home: economy rolling, a new SCOTUS judge is right around the corner, and liberals are still the scum of the earth.
Another Trump/Putin collaborator whose only response is a meme because they aren't intelligent enough to come up with their own thoughts and words.

There are plenty of patriotic Republicans who aren't laughing at Trump's apparent disdain for America, our Constitution and democracy. Impeachment is coming folks. Trump only has himself to blame. Republicans talked about impeaching Obama for much, much less. They did impeach Clinton for what Trump calls a Wednesday. If you're looking for collusion, it's happening right before your eyes. Good to see more and more Republicans waking up to the reality that an American President is taking Russia's side against American intelligence, law enforcement and military.

I'll be waiting on Willy's hateful, bigoted response...oh wait [roll]****ing-guy.jpg
You know it's gotten serious when Fox is blasting the President and calling it an embarrassment. Is that now 'fake news'? Trump may have finally united the vast majority of Americans with his disgusting display of Benedict Arnold like tactics. His treason and collusion was on full display today. I would not be surprised if impeachment talk begins to seep out of the Republican establishment after what Trump did today. I can only imagine what would be said if Obama did what little orange baby did today.

Fake news u are. Nobody is saying that
So your choice is:
1) I stand with Trump and Putin
2) I stand with the entire intelligence community of the USA
So your choice is:
1) I stand with Trump and Putin
2) I stand with the entire intelligence community of the USA
Mouthbreather: "I stand with the entire subverted intelligence community that has been acting rogue, serving its own interests, and has been illegally acting against the American populace since at least JFK."
So The Hack, what do you think about my statement on where our main problems lie? Right here in this forum we have right-wing tin-foil hat guys saying our entire intelligence community is subverted and acting against the best interests of the American people. I ask you because I think you have a bit a sanity left, still I think you may be underestimating how completely mental this cabal of insecure and unstable right wing zealots who have nurtured themselves on hate and obstinate denialism has become.
- interesting OMG CAINT QUESTION CIA THERE ABOVE APROACH.....they must have done some hella training since they struck out on WMDs and tortured folks at Abu Graib and Gitmo (which Obes didn’t close).....those teachers and continuing ed trainers deserve a medal!!!1

- noticed a literally floods with shock/horror/disgust to the point of drowning out any actual videos, text, or data. I was busy yesterday and I have no actual clue what facts occurred yesterday. Trump really suck Putin’s crank? Honestly I have no clue. The news of the event is the horror. Not the news. This is by design of course.

- piggybacking on that, the horror stems from not calling out Putin? All that does is delegitimize Trumps legal election, something he’s not doing nor should he. And the media knows this, so Trump takes it on the chin and there’s nothing that can be done about it. This was decided before he landed. This type of shit gives *plenty* of cover for establishment Rs to take their shots....Cavuto, Hewitt etc....thankfully the Rs that carried Trump are not establishment in the slightest. They still just don’t get it.

- on radio yesterday great point.....the 12 GRU agents got charged in US civilian ct? For f*cks sake aren’t they considered innocent until proven guilty now? There will *never* be a trial of any kind

- kinda funny on that note, CIA “meddles” in every country on the planet, including America’s Hat where JohnKBA hails from. Airbody going to start charging them?

- Facebook ads? Phishing? That what we still on? Mexico has openly influenced our elections 100000000x than those commie f*ggots.

- ^ on that note.....AMAZEBALLS that the content of what was “hacked” was a total indictment of Ds and their corrupt party. If German hackers phished for Michael Steele’s email and found corruption and rigging we’d be talking about corruption and rigging. Not the sanctity of what happened.

- gets to the bottom line that Ds are awful and establishment Rs are not far behind. Lot of good shit going on out there and they’re still on OMG design. I wonder who the next non-establishment person is that has the stones to go through the wringer vs the establishment? There may not be one. Trump is the only big orange bastard that could stomach it, Rs are soooo used to lying down and taking it. Lord knows what 2024 will bring when Trump leaves office.
- interesting OMG CAINT QUESTION CIA THERE ABOVE APROACH.....they must have done some hella training since they struck out on WMDs and tortured folks at Abu Graib and Gitmo (which Obes didn’t close).....those teachers and continuing ed trainers deserve a medal!!!1

- noticed a literally floods with shock/horror/disgust to the point of drowning out any actual videos, text, or data. I was busy yesterday and I have no actual clue what facts occurred yesterday. Trump really suck Putin’s crank? Honestly I have no clue. The news of the event is the horror. Not the news. This is by design of course.

- piggybacking on that, the horror stems from not calling out Putin? All that does is delegitimize Trumps legal election, something he’s not doing nor should he. And the media knows this, so Trump takes it on the chin and there’s nothing that can be done about it. This was decided before he landed. This type of shit gives *plenty* of cover for establishment Rs to take their shots....Cavuto, Hewitt etc....thankfully the Rs that carried Trump are not establishment in the slightest. They still just don’t get it.

- on radio yesterday great point.....the 12 GRU agents got charged in US civilian ct? For f*cks sake aren’t they considered innocent until proven guilty now? There will *never* be a trial of any kind

- kinda funny on that note, CIA “meddles” in every country on the planet, including America’s Hat where JohnKBA hails from. Airbody going to start charging them?

- Facebook ads? Phishing? That what we still on? Mexico has openly influenced our elections 100000000x than those commie f*ggots.

- ^ on that note.....AMAZEBALLS that the content of what was “hacked” was a total indictment of Ds and their corrupt party. If German hackers phished for Michael Steele’s email and found corruption and rigging we’d be talking about corruption and rigging. Not the sanctity of what happened.

- gets to the bottom line that Ds are awful and establishment Rs are not far behind. Lot of good shit going on out there and they’re still on OMG design. I wonder who the next non-establishment person is that has the stones to go through the wringer vs the establishment? There may not be one. Trump is the only big orange bastard that could stomach it, Rs are soooo used to lying down and taking it. Lord knows what 2024 will bring when Trump leaves office.

Mods should go ahead and lock the thread for the rest of the day and let this one sink in for a bit.
There are facts, and there are beliefs, and there are things you want so badly to believe that they become as facts to you.
You know it's gotten serious when Fox is blasting the President and calling it an embarrassment. Is that now 'fake news'? Trump may have finally united the vast majority of Americans with his disgusting display of Benedict Arnold like tactics. His treason and collusion was on full display today. I would not be surprised if impeachment talk begins to seep out of the Republican establishment after what Trump did today. I can only imagine what would be said if Obama did what little orange baby did today.

Be specific on what Treasonous activities Trump has engaged in. Be very, very specific. Not "well he gave aid to the enemy" and crap like that. What is going to be the outcome.
Address income inequality. Tax the shit out of the top 1%. Use the money to provide healthcare for all, college joins the rest of free public education, and fund Universal Basic Income. End poverty and welfare at the same time while massively reducing the size of the government bureaucracies that manage them. Make it so no American goes without while correcting the fact that 3 people, Warren Buffet, Bill Gates, and Jeff Bezos have as much money as 160 million Americans, half of the entire country, combined. Work hard and make yourself rich, but no 3 people's lives should be worth as much as half of us.
** Breaking News **

Warren Buffett donates $3.4 billion worth of Berkshire stock
  • Warren Buffett's annual stock donation is worth about $3.4 billion this year.
  • While the number of shares donated declines each year, their rising share price means the value of the gift has increased by about 7.1 percent.
  • The total value of the gifts, using the market price at the time of the gifts, will be $24.5 billion.

** Film at Eleven **

(Another BS rant blown completely to shit. But, hey, at least you attempted to come off as somewhat rational.)
- piggybacking on that, the horror stems from not calling out Putin? All that does is delegitimize Trumps legal election, something he’s not doing nor should he. And the media knows this, so Trump takes it on the chin and there’s nothing that can be done about it. This was decided before he landed. This type of shit gives *plenty* of cover for establishment Rs to take their shots....Cavuto, Hewitt etc....thankfully the Rs that carried Trump are not establishment in the slightest. They still just don’t get it.
Exactly. The moment Trump gives a millimeter on Russian meddling, the MSM/Left will leap to his admitting collusion. That he won't take the bait drives em totally nuts creating their own downward spiral. Funny.
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