How will they rule ??!

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I assume this is sarcasm.
"On October 4, 2016, U.S. Person 1 sent an email to an acquaintance. The email covered a number of topics. Within the email, U.S. Person 1 stated, "Unrelated to specific presidential campaigns, I've been involved in securing a VERY private line of communication between the Kremlin and key POLITICAL PARTY 1 leaders through, of all conduits, the [GUN RIGHTS ORGANIZATION]." Based on my training, experience, and familiarity with this investigation, I believe that this email describes U.S. Person 1's involvement in BUTINA's efforts to establish a "back channel" communication for representatives of the Government of Russia."
To our allies?

I don't recall him bowing to a murdering, lying, KGB thug whose hacking, meddling country also happens to be under sanction for annexing Crimea and war crimes that also involved murdering children in Syria and attacking a US base.

I don’t know James... that kind of looks like a bow after that hand shake with that murdering, lying, KGB thug whose hacking, meddling country also happens to be under sanction for annexing Crimea and war crimes that also involved murdering children in Syria and attacking a US base.

I suggest the people that are in government to protect us, try to figure out who exactly did this. Oh wait they hired Mueller and he did, didn't he???

Does it matter to you that Hillary and O'bama were involved in trying to rig the election? Why do you single out the Russians but leave out the people who were working with them? Why can't we get the whole truth before we cast our stones?
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"On October 4, 2016, U.S. Person 1 sent an email to an acquaintance. The email covered a number of topics. Within the email, U.S. Person 1 stated, "Unrelated to specific presidential campaigns, I've been involved in securing a VERY private line of communication between the Kremlin and key POLITICAL PARTY 1 leaders through, of all conduits, the [GUN RIGHTS ORGANIZATION]." Based on my training, experience, and familiarity with this investigation, I believe that this email describes U.S. Person 1's involvement in BUTINA's efforts to establish a "back channel" communication for representatives of the Government of Russia."
Get back with us when the NRA and the American citizen are named and charged.
Does it matter to you that Hillary and O'bama were involved in trying to rig the election? Why do you single out the Russians but leave out the people who were working with them? Why can't we get the whole truth before we cast our stones?

No he's in the Rachel madcow camp. Facts don't mean crap to that group. Just reps and white people are bad.
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I see all of the regular conservative posters here tonight, as they always are, regardless of the news of the day, good or bad.

In contrast, several weeks ago on the day when the SCOTUS ruled in favor of the Trump travel limitations, AND Justice Kennedy announced his retirement, all the liberal posters who are out in full force tonight were nowhere to be found.

So, to answer the question I posed in a previous post about what will happen when the sun comes up tomorrow: The cockroaches scurry to hide in the dark when the light shines on them.
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It's coming to a boiling point imo. Libs and the media have no grasp of this reality because they live in a bubble. Average Americans are sick and tired of the undermining of our President, who by almost every measure is doing a great job of doing exactly what he said he would. Put America First. If they don't find some sane leadership and soon, the Democratic Party is finished.
It's coming to a boiling point imo. Libs and the media have no grasp of this reality because they live in a bubble. Average Americans are sick and tired of the undermining of our President, who by almost every measure is doing a great job of doing exactly what he said he would. Put America First. If they don't find some sane leadership and soon, the Democratic Party is finished.

They are in a death spiral and it's scaring them shitless. As it should.
because the mod is a liberal and Willy pushed his buttons. mod got triggered like liberals do and eliminated free speech like liberals do. pretty basic.

I liked his stuff. Maybe we can get him back.

Your case is rested and yet you continue to post.

But the evidnce keeps repeating itself . . . . and I can stand only so much rest.

If it was Bernie, he would make you buy the property for him. If it was Clinton, she would let you buy the property, have you murdered and then take it.

I miss Bernie . . . . I could do a good Bernie impersonation: "I don't have a Super Pac . . . . I don't even own a back pack."
But it gets better.

Oh, but it gets even better. My Great Grandfather was born in 1834, and was 29/30 years old when he joined Sherman's Army after Chickamaugua and Chattanooga. He was in the "siege" of Atlanta and the March to the Sea, but was dispatched back to Nashville to face "the Gallant Hood of Texas," who "played Hell in Tennessee."

And I'm only 55 years old.

He [my GGD] had eight kids, the youngest, my Grandad, being born in 1890 [and yes, he looked just like his 55/56 year old father:)].

My GD, born in 1890, wed early in life, at 32, in 1922, and my Dad was born in 1924, a year-and-a-half before his Grandfather's death, at 91.

My Dad married at 29 YO, in 1953, and I was born his youngest in 1963.

My Grandfather lived to be 90, dying in 1980, and I sat on his lap discussing Civil War History, from about 1968, on, as his Dad had experienced it.

My Great Great Grand Dad, a school teacher, and not a Vet, married at the age of 42 . . . . and bred a few times. His Dad moved to Central Kentucky with three sons, and two families of slaves in 1808 [yes, in his 50's], purchasing our first farm on April 12, 1816. I looked the deed up three years ago, and it meant a lot to me, but few others in the family gives a shit.

I lost my Dad at the age of 84 1/2 in October, 2008.
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Another Trump/Putin collaborator whose only response is a meme because they aren't intelligent enough to come up with their own thoughts and words.

There are plenty of patriotic Republicans who aren't laughing at Trump's apparent disdain for America, our Constitution and democracy. Impeachment is coming folks. Trump only has himself to blame. Republicans talked about impeaching Obama for much, much less. They did impeach Clinton for what Trump calls a Wednesday. If you're looking for collusion, it's happening right before your eyes. Good to see more and more Republicans waking up to the reality that an American President is taking Russia's side against American intelligence, law enforcement and military.

I'll be waiting on Willy's hateful, bigoted response...oh wait [roll]
You know it's gotten serious when Fox is blasting the President and calling it an embarrassment. Is that now 'fake news'? Trump may have finally united the vast majority of Americans with his disgusting display of Benedict Arnold like tactics. His treason and collusion was on full display today. I would not be surprised if impeachment talk begins to seep out of the Republican establishment after what Trump did today. I can only imagine what would be said if Obama did what little orange baby did today.
Jesus Christ you guys are lunatics.

Yes, but the asylum is crowded, with lots of right-wing commentators joining in the lunatic lyrics!

It reminds me of the Amish telling his wife "that the whole world a bit mad, excepting me and thee . . . . and sometimes I have doubts about thee."
Trump cozies up to the enemies of freedom and democracy and wants to take away our guns. Why does the right-wing love him so much? Oh yeah because he wants to keep the Mexicans and Muslims out. #MAWA!

"I like taking guns away early. Take the guns first, go through due process second." - Donald J. Trump 2/28/18
you can't make this kind of stuff up. the woman charged today as a Russian spy is on video in 2015 interviewing Trump. he is talking about how cozy him & Putin will be after he drops the Russia sanctions. she was using the NRA to get access to all the important gun nut conservatives. when Trump met with the Russia spy master Lavrov in the white house, she was there with him.
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Right, so the only subjective part of what you have written here is "if that type of political mindset gains control.". HTF is that determined? When they have completely converted what you seem to describe as the innocuous former group? Too late then.

I appreciate the feedback - never hurts to double check your own assertions from time to time ....

There was a bit of 'shorthand' in how I trotted out that description - I always struggle with 'scope creep' in my posts and want to be more concise ....sometimes my basis of opinion, my conclusions or a link I draw between 2 or more subjects isn't as clear as I'm thinking it is.

So I had intended to have "that type of political mindset" be a quick reference back to Marxist Type Socialism & the many "planks" or elements that accompany that movement.

I have put some thought into quantifying the core elements that constitute Marx/Engles ugly contribution to humankind .... but that level of detail was only documented when I was working on my book (separate topic)


You ask "how is that determined" -- do you mean how do we determine whether or not Marx's brand of Soc-Comm is being enacted?

Or are you asking how would be recognize that a politician (et al) aligns with that ideology?

If that's what you mean I can answer that easily tomorrow and would like a chance to

If you meant something else then I'll revisit --

OR ... if the moment has 'passed' and you don't really care -- that's OK too
It doesn't have to be the thing we focus on ...
I mean, how can the lunatic democrats be so GD mad at Russia - as in want us to go to full blown war with them - for doing what they and other countries always do (ineffectively I might add), yet not say a motherf#cking peep about the actual rigging of their own f#cking primary by their own f#cking people.

If you wanna go to war with Russia over this trivial and ineffective bullshit, THEN HOLD YOUR OWN PARTY ACCOUNTABLE FIRST.


#Free Willy

So - the Russia "thing" is fascinating
In an effort to make my posts more concise - I won't explain WHY it's something I"ve thought about my whole life....but I have

I think Churchill had a quote about how Russia was something like an enigma , wrapped in a riddle.....

There's a well documented / long standing rivalry between Great Britain and Russia actually.
Honestly - the first time I'd ever heard of this was when a British supervisor I had at Northrop Grumman suggested I read "A Peace to End All Peace"

The book primarily covers how the Brit's played a significant role in re-drawingt the national boundaries (and creating nations in some cases) in the Mid-East after WW1

The rivalry was over work wide resources they both wanted to colonize / acquire

The rivalry was always called "The Great Game"

Why does that matter?

At this point I'm going from historical facts to a 'developing' opinion that I'm gnawing on

.... what if the USA is being played like a fiddle and being moved into position to be the 'public face of conflict' .....or a PROXY .... for Great Britain (or others) ?

Could any element of this constant barrage of thought conditioning (not sure what else to call it) be tied back to the US being used and guided into position for conflict / corralling the Russians?

Aside from the Cold War Soviet era - the USA doesn't really have much contention / historical "beef" with Russia that I can think of.....

Doesn't the whole presentation of the issue come across as a little fake and contrived at times?

Something to think about maybe

Process the fact that were hearing open accusations of "treason" and conjecture about how the CINC is a 'threat'

Were getting closer to a line that, once crossed, is going to ignite a new level of turmoil up in these oh-so-United States

Some other points to consider when you talk about the Russians (and I have more - but will limit):
  1. It's all crafted and presented to us as a conflict that originates with Trump & the election. However WAY before we knew who was going to supplant B. Obama as President -- there was escalating conflict with Russia ..... recall the previous admin moving US military assets to Russia's borders.....remember Russia responding to 'foreign influences' in the form of activist NGO's (that they shut down by freezing bank assets) -- conflict in and around Ukraine as well
  2. Lots of VERY Rich men lost A.....LOT....of money (and future earnings/influence) in Russia b/c of Putin's "nationalism" (some would say shrewd decision making).....think back to the end of the Cold War Clinton era when Soros and others worked through the Clinton admin to obtain access to Russian markets / new investment app's......then fast forward to a stronger Russia freezing the assets of specific foreign actors and putting legal protections in place for some of their cultural institutions (Orthodox Church, assertions related to the nuclear family and others I'm forgetting w/o a separate search)
  3. Why aren't the politicians who line up against our current Presidential Admin not pointing out that Russia has taken concrete steps to start removing themselves from the US dollar.....they've also been working with China and Iran on this ....Turkey has also aligned to take economic action against the US...........

Maybe I've missed this angle from Trump's enemies --- ARE they pointing out any of the details related to item 3?

You'd think they would be harping on that daily I crazy to think that that's a sign of something not being quite kosher with the public dialogue on this stuff?

I'd been reading that one - reminded me of another, similar incident that happened in France I THNK about 5-7 months ago

In the case of the thing in Texas - the police were apparently told that the amount of material wasn't an "important or dangerous amount" ..... so the lab where these men originated called off any further attempts to search for it

Something not quite right about that
It says these guys are USG employees with the DOE

For some reason I was expecting a non USG entity to be involved

Also -- the article says it all happened A YEAR AGO

Why report it now if -- over a year ago the search was called off for a non important and non dangerous amount of materials?

it's either really crap reporting

or a sloppy attempt to cover up USG employee stupidity / negligence
(hopefully nothing worse than that ....but I can imagine other scenarios)
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