How will they rule ??!

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Yeah, nuke them is the first step and clearly what I was implying, you're not a moron at all. You certainly dont stand next to them, excuse them, and side with them over your own intelligence departments. Stupid fat uneducated redneck coward.

I’m confused, you want to nuke them or not? He destroyed our democracy for crying out loud! UGGGHH!!!
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You mean like when Barack bowed down all the way to the zipper of Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia?
To our allies?

I don't recall him bowing to a murdering, lying, KGB thug whose hacking, meddling country also happens to be under sanction for annexing Crimea and war crimes that also involved murdering children in Syria and attacking a US base.
Interesting how the cockroaches come out when they perceive the lights to have dimmed.

Guess what will happen when the sun comes up tomorrow?
To our allies?

I don't recall him bowing to a murdering, lying, KGB thug whose hacking, meddling country also happens to be under sanction for annexing Crimea, war crimes that also involved murdering children in Syria and attacking a US base.
I do remember Barack doing the wave with members of the murderous regime of Cuba at a baseball game in Havana. And I remember Barack telling his cyber team to stand down about Russian meddling because he thought Clinton was a shoe in to win. I also remember Barack’s drone strike program being responsible for the deaths of hundreds of innocent men, women and children and his administration lying about it.
Was Trump bowing down to Putin when we killed a couple hundred of his mercenaries?
How about when he bombed Syria after Putin told him not to and threatened action if he did? Was he being Putin's buddy when he told Germany to stop getting gas and oil from Russia and to get them from us?

IF you libidiots want to be taken seriously, each time you shit out a post preface it with "as a dumbass, this is what I think...
So when people say they support our troops does that include the ones who work in intelligence?
To our allies?

I don't recall him bowing to a murdering, lying, KGB thug whose hacking, meddling country also happens to be under sanction for annexing Crimea and war crimes that also involved murdering children in Syria and attacking a US base.

all things that happened under Prince Obama, don't remember him actually doing anything about that, other than the red line in the sand thing.

do remember however Trump approving air strikes while the Chinese president was with him on the Assad military, and approving strikes that took out many russian military personnel.

again, you libtards are perfectly fine with the revelation of Hillary receiving 400 million from russian assets for her campaign,. selling US uranium to the the russians, Bill getting paid to speak in Moscow while his witch of a wife was negotiating said terms under Obama's watch?

I'm still waiting for any evidence of "collusion" though? crickets.....
To our allies?

I don't recall him bowing to a murdering, lying, KGB thug whose hacking, meddling country also happens to be under sanction for annexing Crimea and war crimes that also involved murdering children in Syria and attacking a US base.

You mean the annexation that happened under Obama whom did nothing? How bout the redline he didn’t enforce, or the attack where over 200 Russians were killed and no Americans, that attack?
This Mr. Booty character on here appears to think he knows more than what really does. Talk about an inflated sense of self grandiosity. It's somewhat sickening.

I work in D.C. Let me tell you now. Mr. Booty is some slack jawed dope who gets his news from sources funded from political parties who have an agenda. Let me tell you people, he has absolutely zero clue what's happening in D.C.
I do remember Barack doing the wave with members of the murderous regime of Cuba at a baseball game in Havana. And I remember Barack telling his cyber team to stand down about Russian meddling because he thought Clinton was a shoe in to win. I also remember Barack’s drone strike program being responsible for the deaths of hundreds of innocent men, women and children and his administration lying about it.
I suppose the death count needs to settle whose the bigger POS then. Your coward's main man Putin might be at a disadvantage with so many years of KGB and Presidential power in such a populous nation.
Was Trump bowing down to Putin when we killed a couple hundred of his mercenaries?
How about when he bombed Syria after Putin told him not to and threatened action if he did? Was he being Putin's buddy when he told Germany to stop getting gas and oil from Russia and to get them from us?

IF you libidiots want to be taken seriously, each time you shit out a post preface it with "as a dumbass, this is what I think...
Expect absolutely zero response to these valid questions.
To our allies?

I don't recall him bowing to a murdering, lying, KGB thug whose hacking, meddling country also happens to be under sanction for annexing Crimea and war crimes that also involved murdering children in Syria and attacking a US base.
I don't recall Trump doing any bowing whatsoever today. But you could easily make the argument that between 9/11, civil rights abuses, and suppression of women's rights (just to name a few) Obama bowing to the Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia was much worse than anything Trump did today.
This Mr. Booty character on here appears to think he knows more than what really does. Talk about an inflated sense of self grandiosity. It's somewhat sickening.

I work in D.C. Let me tell you now. Mr. Booty is some slack jawed dope who gets his news from sources funded from political parties who have an agenda. Let me tell you people, he has absolutely zero clue what's happening in D.C.

Welcome to the political thread pal. Stop by more often. There usually aren't this many libidiots on here at one time. I think their collective stupidity has them feeling emboldened.
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It’s a simple question, what and where was the attack? What did they hit? Or do you not Know?
Really, this needs to be explained to you? Just say Trump over country and move along.

They hacked both major political parties in an attempt to influence our election, hacked voting systems, including registration rolls. They sent operatives here to gather intelligence used to evaluate political targets and deployed trolls on social media to carry out their agenda. We just indicted 12 Russian intelligence officers for conspiring to interfere in the presidential election on Friday. All this is public knowledge that you know and dont care about because Trump over country and Trump has sided with the Russians.
Welcome to the political thread pal. Stop by more often. There usually aren't this many libidiots on here at one time. I think their collective stupidity has them feeling emboldened.

Thank you. It's quite astonishing to read info from people like the liberals here who 100% have no clue what they are talking about.
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Really, this needs to be explained to you? Just say Trump over country and move along.

They hacked both major political parties in an attempt to influence our election, hacked voting systems, including registration rolls. They sent operatives here to gather intelligence used to evaluate political targets and deployed trolls on social media to carry out their agenda. We just indicted 12 Russian intelligence officers for conspiring to interfere in the presidential election on Friday. All this is public knowledge that you know and dont care about because Trump over country and Trump has sided with the Russians.

everything you claim would have happened under Obama's watch. he said it wasn't possible? said Russian was not a threat. that Trump should accept the outcome of the election. but, Hillary lost. funny how none of this shit mattered when Obama was in charge and it was being rigged for Hillary to win?
Really, this needs to be explained to you? Just say Trump over country and move along.

They hacked both major political parties in an attempt to influence our election, hacked voting systems, including registration rolls. They sent operatives here to gather intelligence used to evaluate political targets and deployed trolls on social media to carry out their agenda. We just indicted 12 Russian intelligence officers for conspiring to interfere in the presidential election on Friday. All this is public knowledge that you know and dont care about because Trump over country and Trump has sided with the Russians.

They didn’t hack anything, the DNC servers were never seen by the FBI.
Deployed trolls that spent 45000 dollars on Facebook?
We indicted 12 officers that will never see the court room, with info we already knew.

We indicted Chinese soldiers too under Obama, yet he still made deals with them, he didn’t publicly humiliate their President. Was that treasonous as well?

Did China, which is a much greater threat than Russia, commit an attack on us?
No, we do the same only usually the media isn’t using as a way to weaken a President to cover their asses.

You guys are getting played like a fiddle and don’t even realize it.
Really, this needs to be explained to you? Just say Trump over country and move along.

They hacked both major political parties in an attempt to influence our election, hacked voting systems, including registration rolls. They sent operatives here to gather intelligence used to evaluate political targets and deployed trolls on social media to carry out their agenda. We just indicted 12 Russian intelligence officers for conspiring to interfere in the presidential election on Friday. All this is public knowledge that you know and dont care about because Trump over country and Trump has sided with the Russians.
These indictments are pure window dressing and Mueller and his team know they will go nowhere. It’s the same as the first round of indictments. But guess what happened in the first round of indictments? An actual defendant made an appearance in federal court and filed its motion for discovery. Mueller was caught flat footed and refused to hand over the applicable evidence even though he was required to. One of his excuses was the defendant wasn’t served properly even though the defendant appeared in court. [laughing] He never expected any defendants to make an appearance in federal court.
If you truly have an issue with Russian meddling, look at who was President at the time, who knew it was going on and refused to do anything about it. That’s a person putting his party over country.
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Did someone say Russia around one of the crazies?

People saying I'm ignorant must not be aware of how many people in congress are condemning what Trump did today. They will be on the wrong side of history. I can't help but wonder how many are Russian bots.
everything you claim would have happened under Obama's watch. he said it wasn't possible? said Russian was not a threat. that Trump should accept the outcome of the election. but, Hillary lost. funny how none of this shit mattered when Obama was in charge and it was being rigged for Hillary to win?

The guy you quoted is another uninformed hack. President Trump now has the full servers of Hillary and it does not look good for the DNC. No Russian hacking. Another anti-intellectual who comes off as a know-it all.
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So per the new indictment, the NRA acted as a back channel for the Republican party to communicate with Russian officials.
I suggest the people that are in government to protect us, try to figure out who exactly did this. Oh wait they hired Mueller and he did, didn't he???
Actually Mueller has done nothing. In fact, he has gone out of his way to say no American had any knowledge of the contents of his indictments. Obama knew of this crap going on as far back as 2014 or 2015 and did nothing. In fact, he told his people to stand down. That is exactly where Mueller should be investigating.
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People saying I'm ignorant must not be aware of how many people in congress are condemning what Trump did today. They will be on the wrong side of history. I can't help but wonder how many are Russian bots.

Such a drama queen, you are definitely a leftist.