How will they rule ??!

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There is absolutely no comparison between OD'ing on heroin and getting killed in Vietnam. None. Screw you for saying that.

Reading is your friend, Wayne. I did not compare the morality of the two, but complained about the silence of the Left for ignoring the damage to our country from the opioid crisis.
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Fox News reporter John Roberts said on Monday that President’s Trump press conference with Russian President Vladimir Putin will cost him “dearly politically” amid the "growing consensus" that Trump sided with Russia over the U.S.

“The early indications are that this is going to cost the president dearly politically,” Roberts said of the president’s summit with Putin in Helsinki on Monday.

“Now, he is taking it on the chin, not just from Democrats but Republicans as well, and from literally every state across the nation,” Roberts continued.

Lol. You are too blind to see Kavanaugh is your problem. Those same Republicans you mention are going to confirm his nomination.
I have worked with the FBI, and federal and state prosecutors for 30 plus years.

In the 70's, even as Nixon burned to the ground, there were effective prosecutions of draft dodgers and Leftists who were tossing bombs and inciting riots. Prosecutions of those from the "left" and "right" occur with frequency at all levels.

If the frequently cited crimes of the Dems are real, and if there is proof, Federal prosecutors are not so weak kneed as to fear what the "media" would call their efforts.

If you believe the Republicans are so weak, get away from them. If the sins of the Dems are so obvious, you have only Republican leaders at all levels to blame for their complicity in failing to prosecute crimes you say are obvious.

Oh, I'll be honest.

I am a rural American with a Great-Great-Grand Father buried on his family's farm who fought in the Revolution, two graves from his grandson, an American Slave Owner who wore Blue and marched from Atlanta to Savanah with Sherman to crush that damnable insurrection, whose son was on the USS Arizona in WWI, and whose grandson [and my Dad] was in the Air Corp in WWII.

My family and I are conservative, rural as a gravel road, armed to the teeth, with a smattering of education, and some understanding of the experiment my great-great-great-grandfather helped launch.

And I will be damned if a lying, urban, Yankee, Liberal with a bad hair cut and an ability to fool self-styled suburban "conservatives," can piss with impunity upon my and my family's and my nations' traditions.

Had Trump said he condemned any interference with Democratic Institutions, even without mentioning Putin by name, I would have been satisfied, as that would have been traditional diplomatic language to make plain the defense of Democracy.

But his adoption of moral relativity in saying "we all to blame," or similar language, is simply too much.

It is beyond the pale.
Shew! Can’t imagine how you feel about Obama and his admin buddying up with Iran and other radical Islamic regimes. You know, the most recent foreign group to pose a significant/imminent threat to the USA.

Makes perfect sense to run away from the one party who takes a hardline stance against radical Islam and run to the one party who gives them financial support and cultural cover. And you run all because of the Russian bullshit. A country we can partner with to eliminate radical Islam.

You’re nothing but a weak-minded cuck.
Obama ignored that and let Putin have Crimea, yet that didn’t enrage you. Bush didn’t enrage,

Oh, they both enraged me, Bill, and if they had followed suit by publicly slurping the tyrant, Putin, and had I known of the political thread then [was it in existence in 2008], they would have received the same commentary.
Not to mention you are running to the party who sold 20% of our uranium to the same Russians you apparently think are a huge threat to our society. And did so to enrich the most corrupt political family in USA history.

Hint: The Clintons.

“Used to be a republican”. Another f#cking lunatic.
If 1 republican flips he doesn't get confirmed. Trump making it much easier to flip
Lol. You live in a dream world. This is written in stone. But we don’t have to worry about waiting long, so proof will be in the pudding. Presidents come, Presidents go. Obama. Trump. Bush. The United States Supreme Court rules the day and Kavanaugh will be catastrophic for liberalism. As in for decades to come.
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Man, you lefties really are unhinged lunatics.

I really do wonder how some of you can even get out of bed in the morning.

Please, please continue to beat the Russian drum. Please continue to cry collusion. Please continue to wear your pussy hats. Please continue to say tax cuts are going to kill people. Please PLEASE PLEASE run Hilary Clinton again you ****ing lunatics.
Back to American interests. So how does a cowardly performance by a POTUS in obvious fear of the Russians, win in 2020? How is it possible to do this as essentially their lapdog? Is The Donald hoping for more help from them in the future or what?
Back to American interests. So how does a cowardly performance by a POTUS in obvious fear of the Russians, win in 2020? How is it possible to do this as essentially their lapdog? Is The Donald hoping for more help from them in the future or what?
The only American interests you need to be concerned about will happen by October 1 when Kavanaugh is confirmed. Then your line of thought will be irrelevant for decades.
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Back to American interests. So how does a cowardly performance by a POTUS in obvious fear of the Russians, win in 2020? How is it possible to do this as essentially their lapdog? Is The Donald hoping for more help from them in the future or what?

Hopefully by 2020 all of you lefties will be too busy in the new Russian gulags to vote...

And just remember...

If you've noticed, we go in cycles on here. Nothing groundbreaking is happening, so the lefties all climb out of the woodwork to start posting again. All the Thinkprogress and Vox articles you can read. Complete leftist lunacy.

Soon we'll be back to #MAGA, all the lefties will disappear for a while, and the cycle will repeat.

I'm glad it happens that way. It makes the lunatics on the left think they have some sort of momentum, and keeps them emboldened. We absolutely need Platinum, Cardkilla, etc. loudly vocalizing their positions as frequently as possible.
I really don’t think the left fully understands what Kavanaugh means for liberalism and their future. All this Russian crap is window dressing. Kavanaugh will be Scalia on steroids. I suggest you read the Supreme Court opinions recently rendered with Kennedy on the Court which pounded liberalism into mulch. Kavanaugh makes Kennedy look like Lenin.
Hopefully, we righties find a capable candidate and we all avoid the Gulags . . . .

Trump's as good as you're going to do if you really claim to be a righty. Best moderate Democrat POTUS we've ever had. Law abiding Justices. Tax cuts. Sure, there's some tarriffs and shit I don't really agree with, but by in large, best Democrat we could hope for.

A Conservative Republican will never be elected.

If you truly are a "righty", pull you head out of your ass, breath some fresh air and realize you are going to have to compromise.

If you truly think Trump is a Russian asset or colluded with Russia to win the election, then please leave your head in you ass until you suffocate.
you lefties won't even remember this meeting happened this time next week. 2 weeks ago you were worried about kids at the border and their criminal parents/smugglers, last week you worried about your ability to murder babies freely, now it's Putin again. next week you will be on to a new fake outrage. so predictable.
Is The Donald hoping for more help from them in the future or what?

I'll give him the benefit of this possibility . . . . he still wants a property near the Kremlin, I'd bet.

Not a selfless possibility, but better than what many suppose.
Oh, they both enraged me, Bill, and if they had followed suit by publicly slurping the tyrant, Putin, and had I known of the political thread then [was it in existence in 2008], they would have received the same commentary.

Trump didn’t publicly slurp Putin. Stop with the hyperbole, he clearly bumped heads, and called them out on the gas pipeline. That’ss a big deal, the pipeline. Evil Russia will have a thumb hold on Western Europe.
I can guarantee you that Russia would not have invaded either country if Trump were President, and I believe you know that.
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I'll give him the benefit of this possibility . . . . he still wants a property near the Kremlin, I'd bet.

Not a selfless possibility, but better than what many suppose.
Then I guess we are lucky Trump is President. If it was Bernie, he would make you buy the property for him. If it was Clinton, she would let you buy the property, have you murdered and then take it.
Back to American interests. So how does a cowardly performance by a POTUS in obvious fear of the Russians, win in 2020? How is it possible to do this as essentially their lapdog? Is The Donald hoping for more help from them in the future or what?
Pls state your policy case on how he is more of a Russian lapdog than your true love, BO?
It's time for people to start asking themselves do they stand with Trump and Putin or if they put America first. You may not like the choice but there is no denying Trump put you there today.
I honestly don't believe the "the threat to America is on the right."

I believe the threat to us all is the muddle-headedness and political simplicity that suburbanization has led us to.

Suburbia gave us Hillary and Trump . . . .

Moral ambiguity and relativism abound in all political circles, and the typical debates surround personality and partisanship over practicality and pragmatism.

Our real threats . . . . yes, 5,000 Russian Nukes are still a threat, but . . . .

Our college campuses erupted in the 60's with the annual loss of 8,000 soldiers in Viet Nam.

We lost more than 40,000 to the opioid epidemic last year, and you could hear a pin drop on American campuses with regard to the loss.

We have a 200 Trillion unfunded projected liability to the "entitlements" by the year 2060, and no one has the political courage to address it, either from a "conservative" or "liberal" perspective.

I love rural America, but the heroin and opioids are eating our communities.

These are problems not easily defined by "left" and "right" and as such, they are usually ignored.
Well Hack your point is well taken but then you have to ask yourself who is in power and who is standing up today.
It's time for people to start asking themselves do they stand with Trump and Putin or if they put America first. You may not like the choice but there is no denying Trump put you there today.
Umm, have you not observed these people? Trump comes first. They dont care if there was collusion, they could be shown irrefutable evidence and wouldn't care.
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