How will they rule ??!

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Umm, have you not observed these people? Trump comes first. They dont care if there was collusion, they could be shown irrefutable evidence and wouldn't care.

Furthermore, this honestly may be one of the dumbest goddam posts in all the leftist lunacy tonight.

Accusing people of being in the tank for Trump regardless of evidence (of which there is absolutely zero), while it's clear you are anti-America/Trump regardless of evidence.

Jesus Christ you guys are lunatics.
Umm, have you not observed these people? Trump comes first. They dont care if there was collusion, they could be shown irrefutable evidence and wouldn't care.

No, the country comes first. Repeat after me, there is no collusion, there is no evidence of collusion at least on Trumps side.
The left blames other for what they themselves do. There is far more evidence the Dems collided with Russia than there is that Trump did.
The indiscriminate use of the drone strikes by Obama is the problem. And he knows they were indiscriminate because his administration lied about the extent of collateral damage. Don’t take my word for it- the New York Times reported on it- not exactly a bastion of conservative thought. However, it was almost universally ignored for the most part.
Frankly, you are missing my point. Trump is roasted for everything he says and does, yet Obama was an incompetent, bumbling fool as far as foreign policy and it was ignored.
Waterboarding was a Bush war crime then 10x drone increase by BO was shrugged off. Russia bullied him and not a word. Now these twats want outrage.
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Furthermore, this honestly may be one of the dumbest goddam posts in all the leftist lunacy tonight.

Accusing people of being in the tank for Trump regardless of evidence (of which there is absolutely zero), while it's clear you are anti-America/Trump regardless of evidence.

Jesus Christ you guys are lunatics.
You ain't gotta lie, we see you for who you are. We know what comes first for you people. You can cover it up with your fake patriotism and flag idolatry all you want. We still see you.
No, the country comes first. Repeat after me, there is no collusion, there is no evidence of collusion at least on Trumps side.
The left blames other for what they themselves do. There is far more evidence the Dems collided with Russia than there is that Trump did.
There seems to be a ton of evidence that our country was attacked by Russia, collusion or not. You dont seem to care and we know why.
Obama didn’t care and in fact told his cyber team to stand down. And we all know exactly why.
Well Obama aint president now. The fact is, Russia got caught trying to rig out election, that was an attack on our country, and you dont care because Trump don't care. Trump comes first with you people, country comes after.
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There seems to be a ton of evidence that our country was attacked by Russia, collusion or not. You dont seem to care and we know why.

"attacked" lmao. you idiots forget this shit has been going on between our two countries for over 70 years now. democrats have been co-conspirators with Russia for decades. Hillary received 400 million, Bill got paid half a million to speak in Russia at the same time Hildabeast was selling them our uranium. the paper trail connecting the dems to Russia going back to ole Ted Kennedy is rich.

what do you do when you are guilty as sin, point the finger at your enemy and blame them for the same thing. deflection.
Well Obama aint president now. The fact is, Russia got caught trying to rig out election, that was an attack on our country, and you dont care because Trump don't care. Trump comes first with you people, country comes after.
You are wrong. As in dead wrong. They didn’t try to rig the election. They tried to cause discord between Democrats and Republicans and worked both sides at the same time. You can’t rig the election no matter how much you want to push the narrative. And country didn’t mean shit to Comrade Obama’s minions and still doesn’t.
Well Obama aint president now. The fact is, Russia got caught trying to rig out election, that was an attack on our country, and you dont care because Trump don't care. Trump comes first with you people, country comes after.

Fine. Nuke em! Nuke Russia! That what you want? Because my trump loving ass could really get behind nuking some people if it helps America. Too bad our president is a peace-loving, deal-making, progressive ass SOB, huh? Stupid hippy cuck doesn’t even care!
"attacked" lmao. you idiots forget this shit has been going on between our two countries for over 70 years now. democrats have been co-conspirators with Russia for decades. Hillary received 400 million, Bill got paid half a million to speak in Russia at the same time Hildabeast was selling them our uranium. the paper trail connecting the dems to Russia going back to ole Ted Kennedy is rich.

what do you do when you are guilty as sin, point the finger at your enemy and blame them for the same thing. deflection.
Theres a reason why you minimize and excuse it, Trump over country.
Fine. Nuke em! Nuke Russia! That what you want? Because my trump loving ass could really get behind nuking some people if it helps America. Too bad our president is a peace-loving, deal-making, progressive ass SOB, huh? Stupid hippy cuck doesn’t even care!
Yeah, nuke them is the first step and clearly what I was implying, you're not a moron at all. You certainly dont stand next to them, excuse them, and side with them over your own intelligence departments. Stupid fat uneducated redneck coward.
There seems to be a ton of evidence that our country was attacked by Russia, collusion or not. You dont seem to care and we know why.

Attacked? By Facebook memes? Tell me where the beach head is?

If we were under savage attack, and the DNC servers were hacked as we’ve been told, wouldn’t you expect the FBI to be given access to the server?
If Trump had come out and confronted Putin, the lib/dims and the msm would have called him unhinged and unpresidential.

He didn’t so they get to call him a traitor and Putin’s puppet.

Bottom line, it was a no win situation for Trump with the haters.
It's been both sides that have criticized him.
Attacked? By Facebook memes? Tell me where the beach head is?

If we were under savage attack, and the DNC servers were hacked as we’ve been told, wouldn’t you expect the FBI to be given access to the server?

Come on you know Crowdstrike totally looked over the servers. Would a Russian lie about Russian collusion?

Dmitri Alperovitch
Attacked? By Facebook memes? Tell me where the beach head is?

If we were under savage attack, and the DNC servers were hacked as we’ve been told, wouldn’t you expect the FBI to be given access to the server?
And another one minimizing it. How shocking. Trump before country.