How will they rule ??!

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I rest my case . . . .

No, you posted a line of BS about your family lineage that had no bearing to the discussion, I simply called you on it.
Like I wrote, you weren’t outraged by the items I listed about the prior admin, but by damn Trump being polite is the GD line.

If you want to have a serious discussion, I’ll be glad to listen, but claiming you’re outraged by Trump, because you’re a true conservative is silly at best, and lying at worst.
Hey, "conservatives," did Obama leave Ukraine "to wither" or did he prop "up a Nazi regime in the Ukraine along with Biden's son[s'] little gas company there?"

Did Obama even try to Stop Russia in the Ukraine. Hey, we gotta a helluva a photo of Obama scowling at Putin when he wasn’t looking.
The triggering here and on Twitter is glorious. The only concern is they are juicing up an attempt on his life. At this level of insanity continues it will be lucky if he survives this term.

You obviously didn't read Homey's post, or you disavow your own "conservative" compatriot.

A good and reasonable question. The Russian Bot circulation of BS stuff on the eve of the election [pizzagate] might have done so. Can anyone be sure? No.

But the Plumbers' break in of the DNC in 1972 had no absolute effect on that election . . . . but Presidents are held accountable for crimes, not just crimes that help them get elected.

If Trump shot at someone and missed, the act would not "directly affect" the health of the person he shot at, but it would still be an illegal act.


I have worked with the FBI, and federal and state prosecutors for 30 plus years.

Strzok? Is that you?
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Glad you are unhinged. Making me laugh.

Juxtapose the quotes. Make you think.

No, you posted a line of BS about your family lineage that had no bearing to the discussion, I simply called you on it.

One who considers family or national history [or lineage] BS has no business calling themselves "conservative," as their respective defense and relevance is much of the foundation of conservatism.

Like I wrote, you weren’t outraged by the items I listed about the prior admin, but by damn Trump being polite is the GD line.

I am and have always favored NATO membership to Ukrainia, and have been disappointed by our lack of a stand in Georgia [Bush No. 2], the lack of arms to Ukrainia [Obama] and the removal of the promise of arms to them by the Trump team at the Republican convention.

You’re full of shit, you don’t like Trump and this was you’re opening.

If you want to have a serious discussion, I’ll be glad to listen,

A response that another "is full of shit," is a pretty strong indication of a lack of capacity for a serious discussion.
Hey, "conservatives," did Obama leave Ukraine "to wither" or did he prop "up a Nazi regime in the Ukraine along with Biden's son[s'] little gas company there?"
I don’t know the full story on the Ukraine nor have I researched it. But I do know a few things about Obama:
1. His drone strike program led to the slaughter of hundreds of innocent men, women and children while his administration lied and covered up the numbers of those murdered. Silence on the left.
2. Obama opened the door to Cuba and in fact did “the wave” at a baseball game with members of the murderous regime in Havana.
His statement on Castro’s death was a farce. Not one word by the media of the left about Obama coddling the repressive, muderous regime.
3. Obama’s “agreement” with Iran, which anyone with a brain would have known was never going to be followed by Iran. He decides to pour fuel on the fire of his ignorance by giving Iran one billion plus- upfront in the middle of the night. Crickets by the left.
4. His hypocrisy in assisting the overthrow of Gaddafi in Libya after bitching about Iraq. The left didn’t say a word.
5. Obama’s moronic statement about ISIS being the JV team as they ran roughshod over the Middle East.

My point? The list is endless of Barack’s foreign policy failures over his eight years as the American Czar. So I’m not going to sweat Trump making the statement he did like it’s the end of the world. Because it isn’t.
I don’t know the full story on the Ukraine nor have I researched it. But I do know a few things about Obama:
1. His drone strike program led to the slaughter of hundreds of innocent men, women and children while his administration lied and covered up the numbers of those murdered. Silence on the left.

The Ukraine is a tough subject. There have been back-and-forth there regarding Nazi-sympathy, with Ukrainian Jewish organizations backing the regime change, publicly. Obama did use drone strikes "liberally." All foreign actions lead to the deaths of innocent bystanders.

We have been at war consistently since 2001 against radical Islamists, even if Obama wouldn't use the phrase. Have our efforts, including drones, taken the fight to them, and kept it from home?

How do we "stand down" in the Middle East, without a perpetual growth of new radical Islamist Groups emerging?
I wanna know why the president in charge DINDUNUFFIN AT ALL when Russia hacked our election. Why did Obama commit treason by allowing Russia to elect the worst president ever?

That mfer would have been on Jimmy Kimmel during election night explaining how he was going to throw Trump and Putin in jail ASAP if he had any shred of proof that Russia colluded to help the R’s win....

BUT RUSSIA ACTUALLY COLLUDED WITH THE FN DEMOCRATS!!! SHOCKING! So Obama stfu and disappeared! If Hillary was smart she would do the same.
The Ukraine is a tough subject. There have been back-and-forth there regarding Nazi-sympathy, with Ukrainian Jewish organizations backing the regime change, publicly. Obama did use drone strikes "liberally." All foreign actions lead to the deaths of innocent bystanders.

We have been at war consistently since 2001 against radical Islamists, even if Obama wouldn't use the phrase. Have our efforts, including drones, taken the fight to them, and kept it from home?

How do we "stand down" in the Middle East, without a perpetual growth of new radical Islamist Groups emerging?
The indiscriminate use of the drone strikes by Obama is the problem. And he knows they were indiscriminate because his administration lied about the extent of collateral damage. Don’t take my word for it- the New York Times reported on it- not exactly a bastion of conservative thought. However, it was almost universally ignored for the most part.
Frankly, you are missing my point. Trump is roasted for everything he says and does, yet Obama was an incompetent, bumbling fool as far as foreign policy and it was ignored.
"I like taking guns away early. Take the guns first, go through due process second." - Donald J. Trump

That is all.
I have worked with the FBI, and federal and state prosecutors for 30 plus years.

In the 70's, even as Nixon burned to the ground, there were effective prosecutions of draft dodgers and Leftists who were tossing bombs and inciting riots. Prosecutions of those from the "left" and "right" occur with frequency at all levels.

If the frequently cited crimes of the Dems are real, and if there is proof, Federal prosecutors are not so weak kneed as to fear what the "media" would call their efforts.

If you believe the Republicans are so weak, get away from them. If the sins of the Dems are so obvious, you have only Republican leaders at all levels to blame for their complicity in failing to prosecute crimes you say are obvious.

Oh, I'll be honest.

I am a rural American with a Great-Great-Grand Father buried on his family's farm who fought in the Revolution, two graves from his grandson, an American Slave Owner who wore Blue and marched from Atlanta to Savanah with Sherman to crush that damnable insurrection, whose son was on the USS Arizona in WWI, and whose grandson [and my Dad] was in the Air Corp in WWII.

My family and I are conservative, rural as a gravel road, armed to the teeth, with a smattering of education, and some understanding of the experiment my great-great-great-grandfather helped launch.

And I will be damned if a lying, urban, Yankee, Liberal with a bad hair cut and an ability to fool self-styled suburban "conservatives," can piss with impunity upon my and my family's and my nations' traditions.

Had Trump said he condemned any interference with Democratic Institutions, even without mentioning Putin by name, I would have been satisfied, as that would have been traditional diplomatic language to make plain the defense of Democracy.

But his adoption of moral relativity in saying "we all to blame," or similar language, is simply too much.

It is beyond the pale.

Today really brought out the crazies....

Is this Jamo?
Suburbia gave us Hillary and Trump . . . .


Two peas in a pod, eh?
One who considers family or national history [or lineage] BS has no business calling themselves "conservative," as their respective defense and relevance is much of the foundation of conservatism.

I am and have always favored NATO membership to Ukrainia, and have been disappointed by our lack of a stand in Georgia [Bush No. 2], the lack of arms to Ukrainia [Obama] and the removal of the promise of arms to them by the Trump team at the Republican convention.

A response that another "is full of shit," is a pretty strong indication of a lack of capacity for a serious discussion.[/QUOTE]

Your family history was an atttemot to make your point of view superior to mine. My great great great grandfather also fought in the revolution, there’s a historical marker for him in land between the lakes, but that has no place in this discussion.

Trump has actually sold them deadly weapons hack, it actually took place. Obama wouldn’t.
The US had an agreement with the Ukraine to defend them in return for them giving up Nukes. Obama ignored that and let Putin have Crimea, yet that didn’t enrage you. Bush didn’t enrage, but by god Trumps actions today set you the f*ck off!! Even though you have no idea what they discussed the mere thought of questioning our intelligence agency is off limits. Even though the last chief was a former Commie, and had literally been on the news belittling Trump at every step to cover his own ass.

but she couldn’t even win an election rigged in her favor! SAD!
Clinton wins and none of this is ever brought up. Ever. Barack and the rest of his pathetic anti American cronies would have made sure of it. Since the eternal moron otherwise known as Clinton lost, they are now playing the cards. The problem is they can’t get out of the way of their own actions and words which clearly show they were all neck deep in this bullshit.
"I like taking guns away early. Take the guns first, go through due process second." - Donald J. Trump

That is all.

I have a belt buckle that refers to prying my gun from my cold, dead fingers. They are neither cold nor dead, yet.

Red white and blue?

Post of the day!

Just caught up on Conservative Hurd of Texas . . . . he'll get a little $$ from me for his next race.
We lost more than 40,000 to the opioid epidemic last year, and you could hear a pin drop on American campuses with regard to the loss.

I know people who basically lost parents to Vietnam (cancer caused by agent orange). There is absolutely no comparison between OD'ing on heroin and getting killed in Vietnam. None. Screw you for saying that.
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The bottomline is really this- the radical left can cry, bitch and moan in their vagina suits. They can dissect every word Trump says. They can RESIST and OCCUPY all they want. But when Kavanaugh is confirmed- and it’s a foregone conclusion he will be- liberalism will be all but eradicated as a threat for decades to come. And the left is powerless to do anything about it. And if Ginsberg drops dead, the conservatives will have super majority. I can only laugh thinking about the total meltdown of the radical left.
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Fox News reporter John Roberts said on Monday that President’s Trump press conference with Russian President Vladimir Putin will cost him “dearly politically” amid the "growing consensus" that Trump sided with Russia over the U.S.

“The early indications are that this is going to cost the president dearly politically,” Roberts said of the president’s summit with Putin in Helsinki on Monday.

“Now, he is taking it on the chin, not just from Democrats but Republicans as well, and from literally every state across the nation,” Roberts continued.