How will they rule ??!

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Where in any of that did you get that I was advocating for absolute power for a government? Our Constitution was based on the principle of separation of powers to limit control. The checks and balances were specifically designed to counteract human desire for power. Pretty darn good idea if you ask me. Unchecked socialism would be just as bad or worse than the horrors of unchecked capitalism in the 19th century when money equaled completely unlimited power and robber barons controlled the country. Any absolute power is dangerous.

that all sounds great. there is in fact no such thing as unchecked socialism. socialism is merely the first step to absolute govt control of your livelihood. you may not believe that but I can't pull your head out of your own ass. socialism is the tool those who want more power sell you as utopia to achieve their next goal.
that all sounds great. there is in fact no such thing as unchecked socialism. socialism is merely the first step to absolute govt control of your livelihood. you may not believe that but I can't pull your head out of your own ass. socialism is the tool those who want more power sell you as utopia to achieve their next goal.
the US has had socialism since its first days and has managed just fine
Monday Putin finally gets to find out if Trump spits or swallows!
When do we find out how many dems were involved in undermining democracy when Hillary rigged the dnc? Weird you didnt care.

Or why your concerned now, but not when Romney warned of Russia.

Keep cheering for your "team"

Btw. We know Barry took it up the backdoor from Putin. "I'll have more leeway after this election"....oh makes sense why he laughed Romney off now. Then, sure invade Crimea Daddy Vlad. Sure daddy vlad, we will take our misske defenses down out of Poland. You were silent for some reason...probably the same reason you said nothing when Barry killed women and children with drones, separating familes... wasnt sensational enough for MSNBC to tug at the heart strings with.
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Hillary Clinton killed more people than Charles Manson.

This is a false slippery slope argument. Our government currently engages in many socialist policies, farm subsidies, Social Security, military benefits, and the tariffs yall love just to name a few. We're agreeing on the base point which is nobody is looking for an equality of outcome equal wealth "utopia" fantasyland. Equality of opportunity and equality of outcome are vastly different things. We like to think of America as a meritocracy and the best way to let people rise based on merit is equality for those starting out in the game, not equal outcomes no matter how you play it. Capitalism and socialism are partners, not adversaries. Unfettered capitalism is just as bad as unfettered socialism, look at the robber barons of the 19th and early 20th centuries.
Wrong, socialism leads to communism, they go hand in hand. Capitalism while not perfect affords everyone the opportunity in this country to make enough money to live comfortably. Socialism and communism does not. Plus, you can't start out equal monetarily or socially so that argument is moot. People before you worked harder than others and will continue to do so in the future. How do you make sure that the next generation starts on the same level when some people worked harder to make more money therefore giving their offspring a better chance. You can't just make them give it up to the children of those that did not just to start the next on the same level. No one in the future would put forth the effort to try harder because it will be given away. Total stupidity to think that way.
I edited my previous posts for clarity. We seem to be discussing two different issues, what economic policies to legislate and the amount of power those who govern wield. Any governmental system where the governors have absolute power over the governed will lead to suffering, no matter what name it goes by. We need to be less focused on labels and more focused policies. Every modern government is a mix of "-isms". Saying capitalism is wonderful and socialism is terrible is a false dichotomy. They work together, an absolute form of either would be nightmarish.

Sounds like your head/heart is in the right place

However socialism as Marx envisioned it - is not and end in to itself...its openly taught as a temporary evolutionary phase...that’s intended to “progress” to communism

THAT is absolutely unacceptable and worth laying ones life down to prevent

I know there were pre-Marx ideas on other forms of socialism that DIDNT have that “bait and switch” element (French philosopher “Proudhon” and his ideas on “legislative socialism” for example.....which admittedly I know little about...but th idea included less top down totalitarian mindlessness and more involvement from actual voters)

So - the Marxist strain of socialism is utterly awful- because it’s linked to ushering in another revolution after the initial reordering

And ultimately- I don’t trust any of the major players in contemporary politics to take any other path

If you’re pointing to something more like a hybrid between f we market- inalienable individual an over arching “final word” from a more (accountable) uniformly coordinated federal government...then that’s at least something most people could discuss and evaluate (possibly not entirely different than where we are now)

Have to maintain sovereignty though - also states can’t be ramrodded by the federal layer arbitrarily

Lots more could be discussed there

I don’t always read through “.neighboring” posts when I put stuff in I apologize if if iv totally mis-characterized your political bent or ideas
Convincing argument thus far Dion.

Tell me where Castle is wrong.

I don’t mean to not interact- that’s for sure- I’m a VERY interactive person in the flesh

I decided a few years ago (at the end of a five year personal study on Russian // Soviet history / literature and social me work on speaking the language as well) - that my political posts were going to be pretty tightly focused because I was so blown away at how horrific the socialist/ communist impact had been in that part of the world..and how shamefully underexplaied it all was....I knew that would be the predominant flavor of my input here

But whining??

Come on I really come across as “whining “?