How will they rule ??!

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People hear the terms socialist and their brains simple move to freaked out mode. They cannot process information due to a fear implanted in their brain. I've worked in a capitalist society my entire life. My work was always sold for more than I made. But when people rant and rave about the socialist/capitalist dichotomy I simply shake my head. What the European Nordic countries have done is combine the better parts of each for maximum benefit all their citizens. Is it perfect---no. Are the people of those countries happier, less stressed, less suicidal? ---yes Do they appear in many ways to have a government that addresses their daily needs and concerns better than America today? -- It appears they do when you look at facts unassociated with op-eds. So it appears to me there is a lot of opportunities to better the lives of Americans
Misleading when talking about happiness. There are far more factors involved including scenery, fresh food vs processed foods for health, location. Has nothing to do with socialism. However, their lifestyles are declining do to immigration problems. Their need to bring in more workers to pay into the system has to do with being unable to continue current social programs without more money but, that is proving to be problematic since many of these migrants are on the dole. That is also fact.
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People hear the terms socialist and their brains simple move to freaked out mode. They cannot process information due to a fear implanted in their brain. I've worked in a capitalist society my entire life. My work was always sold for more than I made. But when people rant and rave about the socialist/capitalist dichotomy I simply shake my head. What the European Nordic countries have done is combine the better parts of each for maximum benefit all their citizens. Is it perfect---no. Are the people of those countries happier, less stressed, less suicidal? ---yes Do they appear in many ways to have a government that addresses their daily needs and concerns better than America today? -- It appears they do when you look at facts unassociated with op-eds. So it appears to me there is a lot of opportunities to better the lives of Americans
Have you ever had a fraudulant insurance claim on an expensive bicycle?
Exactly what I've been saying. The emails prove that O'bama was lying when he said he learned of the server from the news report. If he was a white republican he would be sitting in a jail cell right now.

The only reason people think he was a good president is that he was the first minority in office.

He provided nothing to improve this country and set race relations back 50 years.
The best thIng about liberalism is that you can be a moralist, because your side determines what is good and what is evil. Of course, liberals decide their side, even on very complex issues, is moral, just, righteous. Everyone wants to be seen as good. But, they cannot stop there, they must also label their opponents as immoral, unjust, and evil. It’s a good gig. You don’t have to be civil against evil. You don’t have to know the facts against immoral. You don’t have to really do anything but take self-righteous pride in knowing you are the good ones. It’s the best reason to be a liberal. When you yell and act like a baby, it’s justified. When you do harm or threaten harm, you have every right to do so, because your opponent is the embodiment of evil, as you have defined it. It’s a very appealing place to be.

Yes sir. Still watching his twitter followers growing. We went from about 300 something to over 1100 in over 8 hours. He's getting them by the minute.

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The real collusion is how a leftist media colluded with Hillary to defeat Trump.
I would say giving her the debate questions prior to the debate would be collusion. I guess their reasoning is that if Trump would have been there when the questions were being given out then he would have had them too. His fault that Hillary alone had them.
People hear the terms socialist and their brains simple move to freaked out mode. They cannot process information due to a fear implanted in their brain. I've worked in a capitalist society my entire life. My work was always sold for more than I made. But when people rant and rave about the socialist/capitalist dichotomy I simply shake my head. What the European Nordic countries have done is combine the better parts of each for maximum benefit all their citizens. Is it perfect---no. Are the people of those countries happier, less stressed, less suicidal? ---yes Do they appear in many ways to have a government that addresses their daily needs and concerns better than America today? -- It appears they do when you look at facts unassociated with op-eds. So it appears to me there is a lot of opportunities to better the lives of Americans

Not freak out. Just shake our heads at the concept that's tried and failed over and again.

Your work always sold for more than you were paid? And? If so it was your fault. You always had the option to leverage it. All you had to do was go in business for yourself. Granted that requires risk and most just aren't willing to take that risk.

You knowingly accepted the stability as a trade off. Not saying it was even a wrong choice. But it was a choice you had the freedom to make and you made it.

Bad news about your argument - in socialism or communism your work would STILL sell for more than you are paid. Except here it isn't by your free choice. And you would never have the freedom or possibility of upward mobility.

Anytime some starry eyed socialist or communist starts waxing and waning about how great it is - point out to them the most clear example of the difference. That is east/west Berlin.

Absolutely no difference whatsoever between the two except economic and governing. People so badly wanted to flee the communist socialist east Berlin, they had to build a wall (imagine that)ma keep them from leaving.

The end.

Wonder how long till Twitter and fb shut him down?
People can't even understand the simplest of things. I've never complained about how much money I made. I worked in a capitalistic/socialistic system and earned a six figure income. I wasn't poor, I didn't complain about how much taxes I paid, but I did always complain about my taxes being used by corrupt officials exploiting defenseless people. Becoming aware of what we did in Central America opened my eyes to the evil done in our name. When I interviewed for a job, I was interviewing that company as well, there were companies I refused to work for. I don't have a problem with capitalism, I have a problem with corruption, racism, and exploitation. I think capitalism, an invention of man for the use of man, needs regulation because history is replete with examples of man's frailty, even American history. Greed is a real thing and it is not good. Capitalism running amok is as dangerous as communism run amok because in the end it is the corrupt man who is responsible for evil, not some mystical being, not a arbitrary system of government, rather it is the actions of men

"If my heart could do my thinking, and my head begin to feel, I would look upon the world anew, and know what is truly real." ---Van the Man
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Yes sir. Still watching his twitter followers growing. We went from about 300 something to over 1100 in over 8 hours. He's getting them by the minute.

I guess I got purged by twitter. I had to put in my password that I had long forgotten and when I went through that and changed it it wouldn't let me in. Never had any problem before. Must have to do with the content of the only messages I ever click on.
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People can't even understand the simplest of things. I've never complained about how much money I made. I worked in a capitalistic/socialistic system and earned a six figure income. I wasn't poor, I didn't complain about how much taxes I paid, but I did always complain about my taxes being used by corrupt officials exploiting defenseless people. Becoming aware of what we did in Central America opened my eyes to the evil done in our name. When I interviewed for a job, I was interviewing that company as well, there were companies I refused to work for. I don't have a problem with capitalism, I have a problem with corruption, racism, and exploitation. I think capitalism, an invention of man for the use of man, needs regulation because history is replete with examples of man's frailty, even American history. Greed is a real thing and it is not good. Capitalism running amok is as dangerous as communism run amok because in the end it is the corrupt man who is responsible for evil, not some mystical being.

"If my heart could do my thinking, and my head begin to feel, I would look upon the world anew, and know what is truly real." ---Van the Man

Yea I think your opinion is wrong but you're entitled to it.
I don't have a problem with capitalism, I have a problem with corruption, racism, and exploitation. I think capitalism, an invention of man for the use of man, needs regulation because history is replete with examples of man's frailty, even American history. Greed is a real thing and it is not good. Capitalism running amok is as dangerous as communism run amok because in the end it is the corrupt man who is responsible for evil, not some mystical being.

We all have a problem with those things. Problem is there exists no system immune to them. And at least capitalism gives the best individual the most freedom to pave their own way.

You said you were interviewing companies while they interviewed you. Not possible in other systems. They tell you what to do, and you do it. No personal choice allowed.

Greed is not good? I'm sure we all agree. Yet greed exists no matter the system. Same as above.

Evil exists in the hearts of men. Just human nature. No system can eliminate it. So you're left with the choice of the system allows the most individual freedom and that is capitalism.
Yes from the beginning, cannot remember all the different names that this site morphed from.

BTW when you speak of all the people that died in Communist Russia isn't it true that a large majority died from starvation due to inept leadership?

I don't lump socialism with communism, not that they aren't from the same branch though. I think there are examples where socialism is working for the good of the people better than capitalism in America today. But like the senator in shooter said, "it's about the have and the have-nots.
Democratic socialism can only be democratic if all who are part of the system want socialism. Using coercion - such as a penalty/tax if you don't buy insurance - isn't democratic. Net, democratic requires leaving those that want to be left alone, alone.
I don't buy: "Corruption has been part of the human condition all along so we should just accept it." That is cowardness, capitulation, and complacency. That is antithetical to what our country was founded on. We do not live up to The Preamble or the address at Gettysburg very well but I believe we should make that effort. It is after all, miniscule when compared to the sacrifice men in those times made.
I don't buy: "Corruption has been part of the human condition all along so we should just accept it." That is cowardness, capitulation, and complacency. That is antithetical to what our country was founded on. We do not live up to The Preamble or the address at Gettysburg very well but I believe we should make that effort. It is after all, miniscule when compared to the sacrifice men in those times made.

Noone said we should accept it. Only that there cannot be a system where it does not exist.
I don't buy: "Corruption has been part of the human condition all along so we should just accept it." That is cowardness, capitulation, and complacency. That is antithetical to what our country was founded on. We do not live up to The Preamble or the address at Gettysburg very well but I believe we should make that effort. It is after all, miniscule when compared to the sacrifice men in those times made.

My goodness. Coming from one of the biggest supporters of this coup attempt on Catpaw.

The more I read of that guy, the more I'm leaning towards it being fake. It's too much.

Although I don't disagree that Obama stole the 2012 election. No doubt in my mind that's true. I'm also sold on the fact Soros and his machines were part. But only part.

No way obama won that election fairly. No. Way.
The best thIng about liberalism is that you can be a moralist, because your side determines what is good and what is evil. Of course, liberals decide their side, even on very complex issues, is moral, just, righteous. Everyone wants to be seen as good. But, they cannot stop there, they must also label their opponents as immoral, unjust, and evil. It’s a good gig. You don’t have to be civil against evil. You don’t have to know the facts against immoral. You don’t have to really do anything but take self-righteous pride in knowing you are the good ones. It’s the best reason to be a liberal. When you yell and act like a baby, it’s justified. When you do harm or threaten harm, you have every right to do so, because your opponent is the embodiment of evil, as you have defined it. It’s a very appealing place to be.
Dam that's good - and accurate. Libs belief & pride in their superiority is so sickening.
The more I read of that guy, the more I'm leaning towards it being fake. It's too much.

Although I don't disagree that Obama stole the 2012 election. No doubt in my mind that's true. I'm also sold on the fact Soros and his machines were part. But only part.

No way obama won that election fairly. No. Way.

We shall see. Q wrote to the guy. Posting a lot of docs.
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People hear the terms socialist and their brains simple move to freaked out mode. They cannot process information due to a fear implanted in their brain. I've worked in a capitalist society my entire life. My work was always sold for more than I made. But when people rant and rave about the socialist/capitalist dichotomy I simply shake my head. What the European Nordic countries have done is combine the better parts of each for maximum benefit all their citizens. Is it perfect---no. Are the people of those countries happier, less stressed, less suicidal? ---yes Do they appear in many ways to have a government that addresses their daily needs and concerns better than America today? -- It appears they do when you look at facts unassociated with op-eds. So it appears to me there is a lot of opportunities to better the lives of Americans

-the nordic countries have homogeneous populations. Also, Norway has fewer people than metro Atlanta...the others are small as well.

-They are not true socialist states as the bills are still footed by capitalism/corporations.

-The reason Europe can afford "great" social programs is because they have not paid much to defend themselves since the end of ww2. We paid to protect them from the soviet socialists... so they could spend all their money on internal issues.

-we have had a dash of socialism since the early 1900's. Taxes collected to provide a safety net are a good thing...but it has to be limited or it will collapse under its own weight. It always does.

-stalin/mao were far from ineffectual leaders. Their various pogroms/5 year plans did exactly what they were set out to do...control population. Their famines were planned and executed brilliantly.
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