How will they rule ??!

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“A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear.”

Marcus Tullius Cicero
That is why the Traitors lost the last election. America woke up to Obama and Hillary's treasonous and traitorous actions.
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Proof how corrupt the left is. Everything was destroyed for Benghazi. Hillary has you scared too. What pansies you guys are. Cowards.
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The sad state of affairs is that posters on this board are acting in much the same way for political purposes as the men who ignored the radar warnings December 7th, 1941. They put their head in the sand as the world watches amazed at the stupidity on full display.
You had your head up Obama ass for 8 years you hypocrite.
The sad state of affairs is that posters on this board are acting in much the same way for political purposes as the men who ignored the radar warnings December 7th, 1941. They put their head in the sand as the world watches amazed at the stupidity on full display.

Jesus Christ Levi, Your side was the one watching the "radar" when the Russian "attack" took place.

You're a drama queen.
If Jeff Sessions wasn't such a worthless cuck, he'd file for 21 indictments against unnamed Russians based on a claim that they were involved with Benghazi.
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He gives you historical context of how a political movement led to power that led to the slaughter of millions. You liberals don't know much about history because you ignore the parts you don't like. Instead of understanding history you support the same ideology that will wipe you out once they don't need you anymore. You and your counterparts are so foolish but can't see it. At least you admit your love for communism. It will never come to fruition in this country.
Convincing argument thus far Dion.

Tell me where Castle is wrong.
What he does is constantly harp on the abuses of power done in the name of communism. There have been countless atrocities committed throughout history by dictatorships in the name of all sorts of things. Most of them were monarchical but there are examples from every practiced political, religious, philosophical, and economic system, from capitalism and communism to shamanistic hunter-gatherers. If you'd read Marx you'd know that capitalism, socialism, and communism are all just economic phases predicated on technological determinism, just like tribalism, slavery, and feudalism were before. I agree with you that communism won't come close to happening in any of our lifetimes. It can only happen as an outcome of a post-scarcity world provided by technology, aka Star Trek. We're still many stages away from that. What most people mean when they hate on communism is that they rightly don't want to be like the Soviet Union, Maoist China, or any of the other attempts to consolidate power done falsely in the name of the proletariat. These were lies fed to the populace to justify giving them all the same tiny slice of the pie while the oligarchs at the top took almost everything for themselves.

Now how does this relate to us? I don't claim to speak for everyone on the left but all the people I've ever engaged on the topic are interested in equality of opportunity, NOT equality of outcome. Elon Musk has recently been highlighted in this thread and is one of the most outspoken proponents of Universal Basic Income. What he and other successes in the tech industry think is that people should have a floor from which they can rise up through hard work. Nobody wants to confiscate your stuff like the USSR, or have a country where Jimmy works 40 hours a week and gets paid the same as Johnny who works 10. All the hyperbole and fear-mongering (that @CastleRubric is guilty of) just serves to drive us further apart and halt any attempt at rational discussion.
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All these faux kavanaugh controversies crack me up. Focusing on credit card debt, frat parties, etc.

What they SHOULD be focusing on is some very legit criticism which is what looks to be a career in politics and behind the bench, with very little track record in practice.

Imo it's nearly impossible to be a good jurist without a good bit of time in actual practice. However the higher the appellate level, the less actual experience plays an important role.
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All these faux kavanaugh controversies crack me up. Focusing on credit card debt, frat parties, etc.

What they SHOULD be focusing on is some very legit criticism which is what looks to be a career in politics and behind the bench, with very little track record in practice.

Imo it's nearly impossible to be a good jurist without a good bit of time in actual practice. However the higher the appellate level, the less actual experience plays an important role.

I enjoy a group who idolizes socialism and is massively in debt from college and was okay with an admin who got us to $21T in debt pretending to be upset at a guy paying off credit card debt within a year.
What he does is constantly harp on the abuses of power done in the name of communism. There have been countless atrocities committed throughout history by dictatorships in the name of all sorts of things. Most of them were monarchical but there are examples from every practiced political, religious, philosophical, and economic system, from capitalism and communism to shamanistic hunter-gatherers. If you'd read Marx you'd know that capitalism, socialism, and communism are all just economic phases predicated by technological determinism, just like tribalism, slavery, and feudalism were before. I agree with you that communism won't come close to happening in any of our lifetimes. It can only happen as an outcome of a post-scarcity world provided by technology, aka Star Trek. We're still many stages away from that. What most people mean when they hate on communism is that they rightly don't want to be like the Soviet Union, Maoist China, or any of the other attempts to consolidate power done falsely in the name of the proletariat. These were lies fed to the populace to justify giving them all the same tiny slice of the pie while the oligarchs at the top took the rest for themselves.

Now how does this relate to us? I don't claim to speak for everyone on the left but all the people I've ever engaged on the topic are interested in equality of opportunity, NOT equality of outcome. Elon Musk has recently been highlighted in this thread and is one of the most outspoken proponents of Universal Basic Income. What he and other successes in the tech industry think is that people should have a floor from which they can rise up through hard work. Nobody wants to confiscate your stuff like the USSR, or have a country where Jimmy works 40 hours a week and gets paid the same as Johnny who works 10. All the hyperbole and fear-mongering (that @CastleRubric is guilty of) just serves to drive us further apart and halt any attempt at rational discussion.

The problem is, any form of communism/socialism gets you closer to the hard line governments eventually. Foot in the door if you will. Communism or its concept of equal level wealth would be a Utopian society for sure but, it is not achievable in this world. Greed, anger (me working harder than you for the same pay), jealousy, power hungry people etc....who would you get to be your leader? We should all be equal.
Communism just does not work. Democracy and Capitalism is the best system this world has to offer.
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“A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear.”

Marcus Tullius Cicero
Hope you hear that Hillary & FBI. Your days are numbered.
There’s a quote by one of the later Romans can’t remember who, maybe Aurelius or Diocletian and I can’t find the exact wording but it was

At the end of an empire, the men become lazy and effeminate, the women disobedient and the children unruly.

Talk about nailing leftists. :joy:
Need to turn back the barbarians at the walls!
Don't understand how people can talk out of both sides of their mouth so hard. Russia influenced our election with Facebook ads! You are racist if you want to check ids in an election, potentially allowing people who may not be citizens to actually influence an election.
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You do know that Gowdy doesn't have Mueller's investigative powers, don't you? DOJ keeps denying him.

You know this committee isn't his full time job right?

You do know he didn't have the power to hire as many political allies as he wants, right?

You do know that Mueller hasn't found one iota confirming the supposed original intent of his full time probe, right? IOW, Mueller's efforts have been a complete & total failure at its stated purpose. Those indictments are a sideshow intended to show he's worth his cost. LOL.

But no doubt he'll release something within 2-3 weeks of election intended to implicate Trump in it. And you'll fall for it.
The sad state of affairs is that posters on this board are acting in much the same way for political purposes as the men who ignored the radar warnings December 7th, 1941. They put their head in the sand as the world watches amazed at the stupidity on full display.
Further delusions.
What he does is constantly harp on the abuses of power done in the name of communism. There have been countless atrocities committed throughout history by dictatorships in the name of all sorts of things. Most of them were monarchical but there are examples from every practiced political, religious, philosophical, and economic system, from capitalism and communism to shamanistic hunter-gatherers. If you'd read Marx you'd know that capitalism, socialism, and communism are all just economic phases predicated on technological determinism, just like tribalism, slavery, and feudalism were before. I agree with you that communism won't come close to happening in any of our lifetimes. It can only happen as an outcome of a post-scarcity world provided by technology, aka Star Trek. We're still many stages away from that. What most people mean when they hate on communism is that they rightly don't want to be like the Soviet Union, Maoist China, or any of the other attempts to consolidate power done falsely in the name of the proletariat. These were lies fed to the populace to justify giving them all the same tiny slice of the pie while the oligarchs at the top took almost everything for themselves.

Now how does this relate to us? I don't claim to speak for everyone on the left but all the people I've ever engaged on the topic are interested in equality of opportunity, NOT equality of outcome. Elon Musk has recently been highlighted in this thread and is one of the most outspoken proponents of Universal Basic Income. What he and other successes in the tech industry think is that people should have a floor from which they can rise up through hard work. Nobody wants to confiscate your stuff like the USSR, or have a country where Jimmy works 40 hours a week and gets paid the same as Johnny who works 10. All the hyperbole and fear-mongering (that @CastleRubric is guilty of) just serves to drive us further apart and halt any attempt at rational discussion.

so you are like every other idiot socialist/communist out there. you just argue that it hasn't been done right yet.

the people that use your ideology aren't in the least bit interested in your well being, they are only interested in your stupidity to help them achieve power. once you give absolute control to another human being, nothing could go wrong now could it?
The problem is, any form of communism/socialism gets you closer to the hard line governments eventually. Foot in the door if you will. Communism or its concept of equal level wealth would be a Utopian society for sure but, it is not achievable in this world. Greed, anger (me working harder than you for the same pay), jealousy, power hungry people etc....who would you get to be your leader. We should all be equal.
Communism just does not work. Democracy and Capitalism is the best system this world has to offer.
This is a false slippery slope argument. Our government currently engages in many socialist policies, farm subsidies, Social Security, military benefits, and the tariffs yall love just to name a few. We're agreeing on the base point which is nobody is looking for an equality of outcome equal wealth "utopia" fantasyland. Equality of opportunity and equality of outcome are vastly different things. We like to think of America as a meritocracy and the best way to let people rise based on merit is equality for those starting out in the game, not equal outcomes no matter how you play it. Capitalism and socialism are partners, not adversaries. Unfettered capitalism is just as bad as unfettered socialism, look at the robber barons of the 19th and early 20th centuries.
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the people that use your ideology aren't in the least bit interested in your well being, they are only interested in your stupidity to help them achieve power. once you give absolute control to another human being, nothing could go wrong now could it?
Where in any of that did you get that I was advocating for absolute power for a government? Our Constitution was based on the principle of separation of powers to limit control. The checks and balances were specifically designed to counteract human desire for power. Pretty darn good idea if you ask me. Unchecked socialism would be just as bad or worse than the horrors of unchecked capitalism in the 19th century when money equaled completely unlimited power and robber barons controlled the country. Any absolute power is dangerous.
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All these faux kavanaugh controversies crack me up. Focusing on credit card debt, frat parties, etc.

What they SHOULD be focusing on is some very legit criticism which is what looks to be a career in politics and behind the bench, with very little track record in practice.

Imo it's nearly impossible to be a good jurist without a good bit of time in actual practice. However the higher the appellate level, the less actual experience plays an important role.

But Marxist ideology is the only one of thos that is based on a philosophy (dialectical materialism) that firmly states there’s no such thing as right or wrong

So - that’s a sociopathic mindset that’s THEN demanding ALL power and authority to b centralized into One Party

We would be going Fromm a framework that at least allows for checks and balances - and local decision making

Into a system where a MUCH smaller cadre of people can even deny you your freedom of conscience

And their track record is MISERABLE- everything the Nazis are blackballed for — they did and more

More concentration camps
In place for decades longer
Tens of millions more exterminated

Finally- ask yourself if you’d be comfortable with your political and ideological foes....inheriting that SAME power

Would you be ok with that?
Someone like Trump abolishing all other political parties- outlawing any form of spiritual or religious expression
Operating a vast system of internment camps for slave labor

You’re smarter than that right?

And yes...that shit was “real socialism “ and real “communism “
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Where in any of that did you get that I was advocating for absolute power for a government? Our Constitution was based on the principle of separation of powers to limit control. The checks and balances were specifically designed to counteract human desire for power. Pretty darn good idea if you ask me.

Good man

Sane man

Hope this is true. Get rid of his ass. Get Sessions tossed out as well.

Anyone and everyone above the pay grade of the person in the DOJ who authorized immunity for the Hezbollah operatives who were running the Democrat IT operations and tried to flee to Pakistan and hasn't made an attempt to get justice served should be put in front of a firing squad.

That's aside from the coup they've been attempting.
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Jenny's father was active & successful in New York stock markets. He built a racetrack where the Belmont Stakes was originally run for several years. The Jerome Stakes run at Aqueduct is named for him. The Jerome Handicap run at Belmont Park is also named for him.

You’re pouring gasoline on my geek fire brother

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He gives you historical context of how a political movement led to power that led to the slaughter of millions. You liberals don't know much about history because you ignore the parts you don't like. Instead of understanding history you support the same ideology that will wipe you out once they don't need you anymore. You and your counterparts are so foolish but can't see it. At least you admit your love for communism. It will never come to fruition in this country.

Dude you’re normally pretty level headed. I’m a social liberal. I’m pro choice, don’t give a damn about what gays go, and am not the least bit religious. There are plenty of people just like me. News flash - we aren’t all communists/marxists/socialists. I’m about as capitalist as they come.
But Marxist ideology is the only one of thos that is based on a philosophy (dialectical materialism) that firmly states there’s no such thing as right or wrong

So - that’s a sociopathic mindset that’s THEN demanding ALL power and authority to b centralized into One Party

We would be going Fromm a framework that at least allows for checks and balances - and local decision making

Into a system where a MUCH smaller cadre of people can even deny you your freedom of conscience

And their track record is MISERABLE- everything the Nazis are blackballed for — they did and more

More concentration camps
In place for decades longer
Tens of millions more exterminated

Finally- ask yourself if you’d be comfortable with your political and ideological foes....inheriting that SAME power

Would you be ok with that?
Someone like Trump abolishing all other political parties- outlawing any form of spiritual or religious expression
Operating a vast system of internment camps for slave labor

You’re smarter than that right?

And yes...that shit was “real socialism “ and real “communism “
I edited my previous posts for clarity. We seem to be discussing two different issues, what economic policies to legislate and the amount of power those who govern wield. Any governmental system where the governors have absolute power over the governed will lead to suffering, no matter what name it goes by. We need to be less focused on labels and more focused policies. Every modern government is a mix of "-isms". Saying capitalism is wonderful and socialism is terrible is a false dichotomy. They work together, an absolute form of either would be nightmarish.