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The new indictment proves more of the dossier to be fake. The dossier accused a Russian tech executive of doing the "hacking". He's been suing BuzzFeed for defamation since they first published the dossier. Looks like Mueller might have helped him win his suit or at least force a settlement.

Russian Suing Over Steele Dossier Calls Mueller Indictment An ‘Utter Vindication’

A Russian tech executive suing BuzzFeed News over the Steele dossier says he is vindicated by special counsel Robert Mueller’s indictment of 12 Russian nationals allegedly involved in cyber attacks against Democrats.

Aleksej Gubarev, the executive, says Mueller’s indictment shows he was not involved in hacks of Democratic National Committee emails, as the dossier alleges.

He has filed defamation lawsuits against BuzzFeed News, the website’s editor, Ben Smith and dossier author Christopher Steele. BuzzFeed published the dossier on Jan. 10, 2017. Steele, a former British spy, compiled the dossier as part of an anti-Trump research project funded by the DNC and Clinton campaign.

“This is a complete and utter vindication of our clients,” Gubarev’s attorney Val Gurvits said of the Mueller indictment.

A federal grand jury handed down an indictment against 12 Russian intelligence officials who allegedly hacked emails from the DNC and Clinton campaign.

The Russians, who worked for Russia’s military intelligence agency, the GRU, used the fake online personas Guccifer 2.0 and DCLeaks to disseminate the emails. Guccifer 2.0 also passed tens of thousands of DNC and Clinton-related emails to the website WikiLeaks.

Gubarev and his two firms, Webzilla and XBT Holding, are not named in the indictment.

Gubarev has claimed in his lawsuit that BuzzFeed failed to properly investigate the dossier’s allegations before publishing the 35-page document.

Gubarev is mentioned in the last of 17 memos that make up the dossier. The memo, dated Dec. 13, 2016, alleges that Gubarev’s companies, Webzilla and XBT Holding, used bots and porn to plant viruses and bugs on DNC computer networks in order to steal data.
You do realize that Clinton's servers were long gone by 2016? Her servers were active from from 2009 to 2013 when she was Secretary of State. At the time Trump made those comments in 2016 Hillary was under investigation because of the servers and the servers had already been wiped clean and were in the custody of the FBI.

Btw Trump made that statement July 27 2016. The indictment says Russia targeted the Clinton campaign and Podesta as early as March 2016. The DNC and DCCC as early as April 2016. So if by "the day" the NYT actually means months before Trump made the statement then they're right. Needless to say their reporting doesn't add up.



Also Obama's Cyber Chief and other members of his administration confirm they were aware of the DNC being targeted early as 2015 which is a full year before Mueller's indictment says they were targeted. Needless to say Mueller's timeline doesn't add up.
Obama cyber chief confirms 'stand down' order against Russian cyberattacks in summer 2016

The Obama White House’s chief cyber official testified Wednesday that proposals he was developing to counter Russia’s attack on the U.S. presidential election were put on a “back burner” after he was ordered to “stand down” his efforts in the summer of 2016.

The view that the Obama administration failed to adequately piece together intelligence about the Russian campaign and develop a forceful response has clearly gained traction with the intelligence committee. Sen. Mark Warner, D-Va., the ranking Democrat on the panel, said in an opening statement that “we were caught flat-footed at the outset and our collective response was inadequate to meet Russia’s escalation.”

That conclusion was reinforced Wednesday by another witness, Victoria Nuland, who served as assistant secretary of state for Europe during the Obama administration. She told the panel that she had been briefed as early as December 2015 about the hacking of the Democratic National Committee — long before senior DNC officials were aware of it — and that the intrusion had all the hallmarks of a Russian operation.
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The sad state of affairs is that posters on this board are acting in much the same way for political purposes as the men who ignored the radar warnings December 7th, 1941. They put their head in the sand as the world watches amazed at the stupidity on full display.

You have it backwards.

When it was discovered that Clinton used an illegal, unsecured and easily hackable server for years as Secretary of State that could jeopardize US national security people like put your head in the sand for political purposes and told the rest of us it was a non story & right wing conspiracy.

Now that it turns out that we were absolutely right you want to be outrage and act morally superior. That crap doesn't fly. Nobody is buying it. We warned and you ignored us. We were right. You were a partisan hack who refused to accept the truth.

From Mueller's October 2017 indictment: A court document filed by the special counsel says Mifsud told Papadopoulos in April 2016 that Russia had “dirt” on Hillary Clinton in the form of “thousands of emails.”

NYT: Mueller's new indictment says Russian intelligence only tried to hack Hillary's servers for the first time on July 27 2016 when Trump made his public statement.

If they never attempted until July 27 2016 then why does the first indictment say that Misfud was talking about thousands of stolen emails as early as April 2016?

Have the Russians figured out time travel? Do they own a super secret collusion time machine? Needless to say that once again things just aren't adding up to support your fake news conspiracy.
If Guccifer 2.0 was really Russian spies working with Trump to get Trump elected then why did Guccifer 2.0 release damaging information on Trump to the media that was stolen from the DNC? If they were colluding with Trump then wouldn't they have destroyed the DNC's information instead of releasing it?

It's worth pointing out the DNC never released this information themselves. The only reason it ever made public consumption is because of Guccifer 2.0. who was supposed to be colluding with Trump. Needless to say things just aren't adding up.
This Looks Like the DNC's Hacked Trump Oppo File

A 200+ page document that appears to be a Democratic anti-Trump playbook compiled by the Democratic National Committee has leaked online. In it, Trump is pilloried as a “bad businessman” and “misogynist in chief.”

The document—which according to embedded metadata was created by a Democratic strategist named Warren Flood—was created on December 19th, 2015, and forwarded to us by an individual calling himself “Guccifer 2.0,” a reference to the notorious, now-imprisoned Romanian hacker who hacked various American political figures in 2013.
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August 18 2015 Hilary jokes about "Like with a cloth or something?" when asked why her lawyers used BleachBit to wipe her servers clean before handing them over to the FBI
Hillary Clinton Jokes About Wiping Email Server 'With A Cloth Or Something'
  • Liz Kreutz
Aug 18, 2015, 8:43 PM ET

Hillary Clinton joked to reporters Tuesday in Las Vegas about whether she "wiped" her email server clean before giving it to the FBI.

“What? Like with a cloth or something?” she asked, then laughed. “I don’t know how it works digitally at all.”
Trump's comments came on July 27 2016 which is 11 months after Hillary's server had been wiped clean and turned over to the FBI.

So first there were no emails for the Russians to target on that day because all of Clinton's emails had already been erased 11 months prior.

Second they couldn't target the server even if the wanted to because the server wasn't even up and running since Hillary had turned it over to the FBI as evidence in an investigation 11 months prior.

Again needless to say... ah whatever you better get the point by now otherwise you're dumb as dog shit.
The real collusion is how a leftist media colluded with Hillary to defeat Trump.

There’s a reason no one will talk about Russian interference that happened under Obama’s watch. Hillary had it in the bag so there was no reason to even chance tainting her victory by even bringing it up, but then...

And suddenly Russian interference (charading as Russian collusion by the media) is the biggest threat we’ve ever faced. But as @screwduke1 has pointed out, no one brings up the fact that Obama let it happen.

Anyone with a functioning brain can connect the dots and see the real collusion is with most MSM and the far left’s agenda.
Levi - haven’t you been on this site for a good while?
Like over ten years?

Your handle is one that seems like one that goes back a ways
Yes from the beginning, cannot remember all the different names that this site morphed from.

BTW when you speak of all the people that died in Communist Russia isn't it true that a large majority died from starvation due to inept leadership?

I don't lump socialism with communism, not that they aren't from the same branch though. I think there are examples where socialism is working for the good of the people better than capitalism in America today. But like the senator in shooter said, "it's about the have and the have-nots.
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Yes from the beginning, cannot remember all the different names that this site morphed from.

BTW when you speak of all the people that died in Communist Russia isn't it true that a large majority died from starvation due to inept leadership?

I don't lump socialism with communism, not that they aren't from the same branch though. I think there are examples where socialism is working for the good of the people better than capitalism in America today. But like the senator in shooter said, "it's about the have and the have-nots.

Lol socialism working. Keep providing laughs.
Yes from the beginning, cannot remember all the different names that this site morphed from.

BTW when you speak of all the people that died in Communist Russia isn't it true that a large majority died from starvation due to inept leadership?

I don't lump socialism with communism, not that they aren't from the same branch though. I think there are examples where socialism is working for the good of the people better than capitalism in America today. But like the senator in shooter said, "it's about the have and the have-nots.

Yes from the beginning, cannot remember all the different names that this site morphed from.

BTW when you speak of all the people that died in Communist Russia isn't it true that a large majority died from starvation due to inept leadership?

I don't lump socialism with communism, not that they aren't from the same branch though. I think there are examples where socialism is working for the good of the people better than capitalism in America today. But like the senator in shooter said, "it's about the have and the have-nots.

Yes from the beginning, cannot remember all the different names that this site morphed from.

BTW when you speak of all the people that died in Communist Russia isn't it true that a large majority died from starvation due to inept leadership?

I don't lump socialism with communism, not that they aren't from the same branch though. I think there are examples where socialism is working for the good of the people better than capitalism in America today. But like the senator in shooter said, "it's about the have and the have-nots.

So it’s the leaders that caused communism to fail?

That must be a bullet point for leftists. I’ve heard that same point when my socialist/ antifa supporting younger brother said the same thing.
So it’s the leaders that caused communism to fail?

That must be a bullet point for leftists. I’ve heard that same point when my socialist/ antifa supporting younger brother said the same thing.

On paper it is a near perfect system to intellectuals. Always fails because of people. The right people can make it work.

The problem is these right people have never existed nor will ever exist. It is a joke that someone still believes this system can work in 2018.

Some ideas are so stupid that only really "smart people" believe them.
People hear the terms socialist and their brains simple move to freaked out mode. They cannot process information due to a fear implanted in their brain. I've worked in a capitalist society my entire life. My work was always sold for more than I made. But when people rant and rave about the socialist/capitalist dichotomy I simply shake my head. What the European Nordic countries have done is combine the better parts of each for maximum benefit all their citizens. Is it perfect---no. Are the people of those countries happier, less stressed, less suicidal? ---yes Do they appear in many ways to have a government that addresses their daily needs and concerns better than America today? -- It appears they do when you look at facts unassociated with op-eds. So it appears to me there is a lot of opportunities to better the lives of Americans
It is. It's an opinion piece penned by the head of a "free market" right-wing think-tank solely written to promote her new book, "The False Promise of Single-Payer Health Care." Nothing more than marketing, hence the overly dramatic language.
So is most news you spout out in these threads. Most news is twisted by news agencies to fit an an agenda. Funny how you don't see that when you post your ilk. Maybe you do and you just hate America and agree with destroying it for a more government controlled state.
People hear the terms socialist and their brains simple move to freaked out mode. They cannot process information due to a fear implanted in their brain. I've worked in a capitalist society my entire life. My work was always sold for more than I made. But when people rant and rave about the socialist/capitalist dichotomy I simply shake my head. What the European Nordic countries have done is combine the better parts of each for maximum benefit all their citizens. Is it perfect---no. Are the people of those countries happier, less stressed, less suicidal? ---yes Do they appear in many ways to have a government that addresses their daily needs and concerns better than America today? -- It appears they do when you look at facts unassociated with op-eds. So it appears to me there is a lot of opportunities to better the lives of Americans

Shit you wanna one way ticket to Venezuela? I think we can make it happen. Start a gofundme
People hear the terms socialist and their brains simple move to freaked out mode. They cannot process information due to a fear implanted in their brain. I've worked in a capitalist society my entire life. My work was always sold for more than I made. But when people rant and rave about the socialist/capitalist dichotomy I simply shake my head. What the European Nordic countries have done is combine the better parts of each for maximum benefit all their citizens. Is it perfect---no. Are the people of those countries happier, less stressed, less suicidal? ---yes Do they appear in many ways to have a government that addresses their daily needs and concerns better than America today? -- It appears they do when you look at facts unassociated with op-eds. So it appears to me there is a lot of opportunities to better the lives of Americans

Op-Ed’s have nothing to do with it. Nordic countries with small populations of similar ethnicities is completely different than the US.
Not to mention you just completely ignore the security and economic engine the US had cultivated in Western Europe.

You showed your cards when you stated Korea would’ve been better off if the US would’ve stayed out of the Korean War.
The better off you implied is a communist Korea, because North Korea is a beacon of human prosperity.

You live in the most prosperous country to ever exist, and you want to end it.
People hear the terms socialist and their brains simple move to freaked out mode. They cannot process information due to a fear implanted in their brain. I've worked in a capitalist society my entire life. My work was always sold for more than I made. But when people rant and rave about the socialist/capitalist dichotomy I simply shake my head. What the European Nordic countries have done is combine the better parts of each for maximum benefit all their citizens. Is it perfect---no. Are the people of those countries happier, less stressed, less suicidal? ---yes Do they appear in many ways to have a government that addresses their daily needs and concerns better than America today? -- It appears they do when you look at facts unassociated with op-eds. So it appears to me there is a lot of opportunities to better the lives of Americans
Then why aren't you there? I'll donate a few bucks for your one way ticket.