How will they rule ??!

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Mattis Responds To Report That The Pentagon Is In ‘Damage Control’ Mode after NATO Summit

Defense Secretary Jim Mattis said there was no truth to reports that the Pentagon is engaging in “damage control” after President Donald Trump’s meeting with allies in Brussels, Belgium.

“I just heard about this story that the Pentagon is in damage control,” Mattis told reporters in a short press conference with reporters. “That was fascinating, I love reading fiction.”

Mattis, who spoke with reporters during his flight from Zagreb, Croatia, to Oslo, Norway, Friday, said the administration is getting strong results in discussions with NATO allies.

NBC News reported Friday that senior military officials were doing damage control after Trump clashed with representatives of North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) allies. Pentagon officials were making a series of calls to allies and “reinforcing alliance commitments” since Trump had “made it clear alliance commitments were on the table” during negotiations, according to an unidentified source NBC quoted.

Mattis said the news was not fact based, and suggested the reporters accompanying him in “full transparency” would have noticed if the NBC report was true.

“It must have been the most pleasant damage control … I ever could have imagined, with the level of unity, of purpose that we experienced there,” Mattis said. “People are entitled to their opinion even if it is not fact-based.”
Yet they don't like being accurately described as fake news. [roll]
I say yes. We all know not a single one the Russians will ever face trial and the indictments are basically worthless. When this is all over, Mueller should show his evidence to Congress and prove that these throw away indictments weren't politically motivated.

I want to know how they know those 12 Russians did it even though the DNC was doing everything possible to stop their server from being looked at.
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Hilarious coming from the "lock her up" crowd. Projecting much?

ok that sounds great. but right now the average spending for NATO Europe is 1.42 %. and they have pledged to hit 2% for 15 years. so 4% is a complete pipedream. we will be damn lucky if they hit 2% in the next 5 years. it just is what it is. Europe spent hundreds of years in never ending war and doesn't have the appetite for it anymore like we do. pull our 150k troops out of Europe and use the drawdown savings on debt. dont pull them out of europe and just send them into a new warzone like the Republicans would like to do.
Macron also said Trumps 4% number was made up.

90% of people spreading the liberal message are nothing more than opportunists doing it for money. Anyone who knows them, likely already knows this.

There's a fortune out there to be made pushing lib idealogies. Can run studies, foundations, think tanks, think groups, diversity stuff, cushy/fake government jobs, teaching, blogs and reporting (since they retweet and cross promote all day), even pay surprising money to post online to influence people.

Why they do it - that's the easy part. They're just idealogical concubines.

The question we MUST start asking is - where does all that money come from? And why are they willing to spend at this level?
“Comedienne-turned-peace-activist Janeane Garofalo offered a stunning admission on Sunday, explaining that she and her fellow anti-war protesters didn’t stage huge demonstrations when President Clinton launched attacks on Iraq, Bosnia, Afghanistan and the Sudan because “it wasn’t very hip” to protest the former president.”
No she was not Jewish. French Huguenot which means mostly English.

Double checking my source on that (Robert Lewis Taylor's bio on Winston)

I am almost 100% positive that she was the daughter of American Jewish bankers and had wealth etc

( I could look it up online faster - but I was citing that from memory and from this specific'm OCD about that and need to go back and find what I thought ai saw in there.....)

back in a second
Source is "Winston Churchill - An Informal Study of Greatness"-- published in 1952)

On pg 16 it says that, "On Churchills mothers side he is American....she was Jennie Jerome of New York - the reigning international beauty of her day ...."

So - I'm not sure where you're getting the French thing unless her family was of French descent?

Mark Twain actually introduced Churchill to a crowd while he was on a lecture tour

Twain noted that Churchill was "English on his father's side and American on his matter's side.....behold the perfect man!"

I'll followup on the Jewish part
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No she was not Jewish. French Huguenot which means mostly English.

So I got 53 pages into scanning the bio and saw enough about his parents that I should have run into something confirming her as Jewish -- but I didn't (definitely American though)

When I started looking online I had no idea that this was a contentious issue --- her name has been cited 2 different ways -- people have strong opinions either way

So I'm not sure why I walked away with that in mu head - if it's not somewhere else in the book (which will be really interesting if it is....)....then I must have just been out to sea on that one

And I very much appreciate the correction!
Thank you!

(PS: there are ~ 375 more pages I'lls can off/on tonight to make sure it didn't come from that book somewhere else.....I HAVE to know this now:fistbump:)
Source is "Winston Churchill - An Informal Study of Greatness"-- published in 1952)

On pg 16 it says that, "On Churchills mothers side he is American....she was Jennie Jerome of New York - the reigning international beauty of her day ...."

So - I'm not sure where you're getting the French thing unless her family was of French descent?

Mark Twain actually introduced Churchill to a crowd while he was on a lecture tour

Twain noted that Churchill was "English on his father's side and American on his matter's side.....behold the perfect man!"

I'll followup on the Jewish part

I know Churchill's ancestry. Save your time.

It is Bastille Day. Maybe you are confusing Geddy Lee with Churchill.
Here's a person who seems to have done a fair amount of looking into the "Jewish Momma" thing......I don't normally cite blogs but he clearly describes his methods for looking into the history etc

It's not a concern for me mind you -- I just don't want to cite it incorrectly again ya know?

Jenny Jerome mother was a Hall.

She had a grandfather named Reuben Murray. Some idiot internet sleuth interpreted that as Jewish. As eastern Europe Jews in the US would have that name. It is Scottish and Presbyterian.
Just to give an update to our liberal pussy posters, gun range was packed today. Actually had to wait 30 mins for a lane to open up.

A lot of ARs being shot. A lot of bullets. Yet no mass shootings or deaths.

Just an update. Carry on.

Surprised none of those inanimate objects lept out of your hands and spontaneously shot anyone.

After all the gun is the villain to hear the left tell it.
There are 214,750 active registered Democrat voters in the district. Only 27,744 voted, and Ocasio-Cortez only won by 4,000 votes.

So, considering that more than 80% of voters stayed home during the primary, and only 13% of registered Democrats turned out, he might just beat her if his base turns out for the general.