How will they rule ??!

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I had a thought today. I wonder what percentage of white Democrats cut their grass or when the last time was that they cut their own grass?

I say this because I keep seeing Democrats say stuff like, “What about your housekeeper, your nanny, your gardner?” in regards to enforcing immigration laws.

They seem to be under the impression that most of us raise our own kids, cut our own grass and clean our own house.

If they struggle to please their women then how do expect them to mow their own grass?
That looks like Peter Strzok wearing handcuffs with a gag in his mouth...

Platinumdrgn...none of us want to see or know about your porn habits...mods please ban him. He is a sick man...I mean a sick person or whatever gender...

Great catch. I started to say.... but you caught yourself. Well done.
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I challenge any leftist voter to tell me what was in the DNC leaks that were "hacked?" LOL. If it was nothing bad then why does it matter what was exposed? I haven't met a single Democrat who bothered to actually read those emails. NOT ONE. But they scream about Russia and claim it influenced the election, never explaining the content of the emails.

The left
"There was nothing in those emails. It was a big nothing burger."

Also the left

They weren't hacked at all. The indictments subtly reinforce that fact. They use the word stolen. That has a particular connotation.

Am I the only one who thinks what is happening to Papa Johns' founder is stupid? He was talking about someone else using the N word (he said nothing racist) and hes getting destroyed for it? Seems dumb to me.

It's stupid but he's stupid too. He should've never said it given his recent past. Then he should've never apologized.

Like always his reaction to the situation caused his downfall. Not his situation itself.

If he'd stood up and explained what happened, it would've blown over. Instead now he's kicked out of the company he started and his name is off athletics departments that funded.
The biggest reason, even if every bit of it were true, and it all came out is because collusion is not a crime.

Collusion isn't a crime in and of itself. But it criminal to collude with another to commit an unlawful act.

Conspiracy law, especially at the federal level is particularly vicious in that each co conspirator is liable for the same conduct of the other.
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Mueller hasn't done a damn thing if he hasn't acted on the CONTENT of the Podesta emails and all of the treason that was discovered within them. Our President was using a private server to conduct government business for the purpose of circumventing the FOIA and to obstruct the legal election of a Presidential candidate. Eff him.
USA is poised to win a trade war, says Allianz' Mohamed El-Erian (VIDEO)

Mohamed El-Erian, Allianz chief economic advisor, breaks down three big market-moving predictions.
Cramer: I think Trump is winning the China trade war, and the US stock market backs me up

President Donald Trump is beating China in a trade war that could soon escalate, CNBC’s Jim Cramer said on Friday.

“I think we're winning," the "Mad Money" host argued. "The market is saying we're winning.”

Cramer said in a “Squawk on the Street” interview he disputes the argument that there are no winners in a trade war. “That's completely false."

Look no further than the stock market for confirmation that the U.S. is getting the best of China on trade, he said.

The S&P 500 on Friday hit a four-month high after rallying nearly 1 percent in the prior session. The strong Thursday also saw the Nasdaq close at a record high. The S&P 500, Nasdaq and the Dow Jones Industrial Average were also tracking for their second straight week of gains.

The market’s resilience follows the U.S. and China just a week ago exchanging $34 billion worth of tariffs, in addition to the steel and aluminum duties that were already in effect.

“The intellectual property theft is not to be trifled with,” Cramer said, referring to the Chinese practice of forcing American companies to enter into joint ventures and share their technology in order to do business in the world’s second-largest economy.
What's cool about that video:

is that it's at Blenheim Palace which I've toured. It was Winston Churchill's family home as his father was the Duke of Marlborough. His older brother got the title & estate, so Winston had to find something to do. The grounds are expansive & gorgeous. Churchill is buried nearby in the local country church cemetery surrounding the church. Very plain headstone & crowded by other graves. You'd never guess that's where someone like him is buried.


His momma was American (Jewish) - from banking money

He was fired in World War One after the Dardanelles campaign (Gallipoli)
Hilarious coming from the "lock her up" crowd. Projecting much?
If you have committed crimes in which locking you up is the punishment, you should be locked up. The left wants to take away your freedoms without cause. You idiots are so dumb and blind to your party's corruption that you are cheering them on to your own (and our) demise. We are just not going to stand for it.
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"The communist ideology is to destroy your social order.This has been their aim for 125 years and it has never changed; only the methods have changed."

Even when there's peaceful co-existence they will insist on continuing the ideological war

"And what is ideological war? It is a concentration of hatred, a continued repetition of the oath to destroy the Western world."

[emphasis mine]

....Alexander Solzhenitsyn "Warning to the West"
"The decline of contemporary thought has been hastened by the misty phantom of socialism. Socialism has created the illusion of quenching people's thirst for justice.

Socialism has lulled their conscience into thinking that the steamroller which is about to flatten them is a blessing in disguise....a salvation."

....Alexander Solzhenitsyn "Warning to the West".

Stock Markets See the US Winning the Trade War, Defying Corporate Lobby & Media Propaganda

On the evening of June 19 (Monday), Trump threatened to hit another $200 billion of imports from China with tariffs of 10%. And on Tuesday, the Shanghai stock market plunged. Markets were taking it seriously.

Since then, Corporate America’s propaganda machine – the same that for the past two decades had extolled the unrivalled virtues of offshoring production to cheap countries – fired up the mainstream media, which launched into incessant, deafening, repetitive, and manipulative coverage of how these tariffs would hurt US jobs more than anything.

Two glorious examples are Harley-Davidson and GM, which had been laying off workers and shutting plants in the US for years as they were offshoring production to cheap countries. For example, in July 2017, Harley-Davidson announced layoffs in the US as it was building a factory in Thailand. GM has been laying off workers in the US since 2016, even as it opted to produce more models in Mexico.

Now they had a fig leaf – the threat of future tariffs – behind which to hide their long-planned offshoring strategies. You couldn’t get on the internet or turn on the radio without being bombarded by how it was tariffs that were driving these noble companies, which had been offshoring production for years, to offshore more of their production.

But beyond the propaganda of Corporate America whose margins would be squeezed by tariffs and who’d have to invest in the US to rejigger their supply chains back to the US, how did markets see it?

Chief Economist at Moody’s Capital Markets Research, John Lonski, had the good idea to check on it, and found in his current “Credit Markets Review and Outlook” that markets had distinctly different ideas. The two key time periods for his analysis are the stock market results for the period since the close of June 14, and for the year so far, through July 12. And this is what he found:

In the US, the stock market, as measured by the total market Wilshire Index, “defied the expectations of many.” Despite the red-hot Trade War rhetoric, the Wilshire Index has risen 0.5% since the close of June 14 and is up 5.3% year-to-date. The S&P 500 is up 4.7% year-to-date.

But the stock markets of countries that have large trade surpluses with the US – and that “have the most to lose from a protracted trade war,” as Lonski put it – have been getting battered. For example:

  • China’s Shanghai Composite: -6.8% since June 14, -14.2% YTD
  • Korea’s KOSPI: -5.7% since June 14, -6.8% YTD
  • Germany’s DAX: -4.7% since June 14, -3.3% YTD
  • Japan’s Nikkei -2.4% since June 15, -2.5% YTD
The reasons that Moody’s cited as being behind the markets’ moves – up in the US, down in the big-trade-surplus countries – are the obvious ones that the markets have been seeing from day one but that the US media are totally and willfully blind to:

  • The US is less dependent on exports than these countries in terms of overall business activity.
  • The US has a huge trade deficit with these countries, and thus imports far more from them than it exports to them, and any retaliation by those countries would by definition hit those countries far harder than the US.
  • The US economy is currently strong, and now “well outperforms other major economies.”
“Nevertheless, though the US is better able the withstand the direct and collateral damage of a trade conflict, it is still expected suffer casualties in a trade war,” Lonski says.

This is very true. There will be winners and losers. And missteps could lead to some broader economic consequences in the US and globally. But not doing anything would allow the continuation of a trade war that has been waged against US workers for over two decades, largely by Corporate America’s own ambitions to offshore production, profits, and cash.

Tariffs are similar to “sin taxes,” such as on cigarettes and alcohol. They encourage healthier behavior that is less costly for society. Tariffs will give Corporate America a financial incentive to bring some production back to the US in order to avoid the margin squeeze that tariffs represent. While this strategy will not bring back the old jobs from the 1970s – they have been obviated by automation – it will create high-value jobs in the US and whittle down the huge and unsustainable trade deficits that US has with the rest of the world.

So we go beyond the hysteria about auto tariffmageddon. Read… After decades of relentless offshoring, the equation may change for automakers and component makers.
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Actually it is easy to answer- when a radical leftist like Obama is President, they don’t care what he does and in fact completely ignore it. Drone strikes that slaughter hundreds of innocent men women and children and the POS tries to cover it up? Not a word. Racist policies like his brainless School Leniency Policy? Crickets. Fast and Furious scandal? Look the other way.
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Dems souring on Mueller

A noticeable drop since last month in public approval for the investigation led be Special Counsel Robert Mueller into Russian interference in the 2016 presidential campaign. In June, our Fox News poll found that 55 percent of voters generally approved of the way Mueller was conducting the probe.

In our new poll, that number dropped 7 points to 48 percent. The entirety of the 7-point decline comes from shifting Democratic sentiment. So what gives.

The announcement today of multiple indictments against Russian intelligence operatives gives us insight on that subject. What Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein announced was stunning in its scope and alarming in its detail of how ferociously committed Vladimir Putin’s government was to subverting our electoral process. What it wasn’t, however, was about Donald Trump.

Democrats are growing frustrated with Mueller failing to wrap up an investigation that many of them believe is an open-and-shut case.

Democratic approval for Mueller is for quite a different reason than the already-low Republican support. The Blue Team wants more charges against more figures from Trump’s world and, ultimately, grounds for removal of the president himself. Mueller is not obliging them and Democrats are getting crabby.

It is useful to think about how we might deal with various possible outcomes of the investigation. One that Democrats have spent insufficient time exploring is the possibility that Mueller will conclude that Trump did not collude.

It may be time for them to do so since the alternative would leave their party without a message and in deep despair.

They’ve got the turtle up on the fence post, but they had better figure out a way to get it back down if need be.
Because Obama is a lefty. His policies and failures don't matter. He plays for the right team.

Also for those too young to know better and think the London protest was all about Trump they couldn't be more wrong. Same thing happened in 1982 when Reagan visited. Hundred thousands took to the streets some even tried to burn the city. Bush was also protested in 2003.

They all had two things in common. They were all paid for and organized by far left groups. None of them had anything to do with the men or their policies and everything to do with them being on a different team.