How will they rule ??!

  • YES - Qualified

    Votes: 41 82.0%
  • NO - Disqualified

    Votes: 9 18.0%

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Actually it is easy to answer- when a radical leftist like Obama is President, they don’t care what he does and in fact completely ignore it. Drone strikes that slaughter hundreds of innocent men women and children and the POS tries to cover it up? Not a word. Racist policies like his brainless School Leniency Policy? Crickets. Fast and Furious scandal? Look the other way.

"Communism has never concealed the fact that it rejects all absolute concepts of morality. It scoffs at any consideration of "good" and "evil" as indisputable categories. Communism considers morality to be relative, to be a class matter."

"Depending upon circumstances and the political situation, any act, including murder, even the killing of hundreds of thousands, could be good or could be bad."

A. Solzhenitsyn "Warning to the West"

These people are so stupid. Is the brainwashing that effective that none of them ever stop to question the absurdity of their hysteria, their predictions and statements?


Remember when people laughed at those who said that gay marriage was a slippery slope? Yeah, those people need to sit their asses down.

We now have transgender bull crap with the restroom issues, going after Christian businesses, mandatory gay curriculum in some leftist states, trying to normalize mental illness mainstream with Bruce Jenner, I am Jazz TV show/book, MSM promoting a 10 year old drag queen, article after article trying to generate sympathy for pedophilia.

Gays didn’t give a shit about being married. They’re notorious for being promiscuous, I’m talking like 30-40 percent having Wilt Chamberlain type numbers. What this was about was sticking it to Christians and conservatives.

“After all these are judges not partisans, and the law does not always conform to their personal preferences. That is particularly true for judges employing originalist or textualist approaches, usually conservatives.”

Oh, judges who go off what’s written instead of what they’d like for it to say? This is such a great way to show a huge difference between conservatives and leftists.
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I say yes. We all know not a single one the Russians will ever face trial and the indictments are basically worthless. When this is all over, Mueller should show his evidence to Congress and prove that these throw away indictments weren't politically motivated.

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"Communism has never concealed the fact that it rejects all absolute concepts of morality. It scoffs at any consideration of "good" and "evil" as indisputable categories. Communism considers morality to be relative, to be a class matter."

"Depending upon circumstances and the political situation, any act, including murder, even the killing of hundreds of thousands, could be good or could be bad."

A. Solzhenitsyn "Warning to the West"

Good to see you post again.

Has anyone noticed none of resident leftist will ever take on Castle?

Not to refute. Not to call him batshit crazy.

The way I understand it, those people didn't hack the DNC, they hacked the democrat office in Florida. They had absolutely no impact on our national election.

Said it was stolen. Not hacked. Key difference. Stolen indicates something totally different, as in an authorized person took information in an unauthorized manner from a work station.

Hacking indicates a remote unauthorized access.

Those aren't necessarily terms of art. But I think their common definition is clear
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Remember when people laughed at those who said that gay marriage was a slippery slope? Yeah, those people need to sit their asses down.

We now have transgender bull crap with the restroom issues, going after Christian businesses, mandatory gay curriculum in some leftist states, trying to normalize mental illness mainstream with Bruce Jenner, I am Jazz TV show/book, MSM promoting a 10 year old drag queen, article after article trying to generate sympathy for pedophilia.

Gays didn’t give a shit about being married. They’re notorious for being promiscuous, I’m talking like 30-40 percent having Wilt Chamberlain type numbers. What this was about was sticking it to Christians and conservatives.

I Am Jazz is the worst. My wife was watching it one night just to check it out, and the mom was complaining that none of the boys would date her former son. Basically called them bigots. You mean boys that are attracted to real girls aren’t attracted to a boy that identifies as a girl? Who’d thought it?

The fact that a family gets a show just because they let their 6 year old kid make a life altering decision (that most end up regretting later in life) is moronic.
Good to see you post again.

Has anyone noticed none of resident leftist will ever take on Castle?

Not to refute. Not to call him batshit crazy.


Pretty hard to go after a guy who’s smarter than you and knows history when your only weapon is to call someone a bigot and link a Vox or CNN article.
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Mattis Responds To Report That The Pentagon Is In ‘Damage Control’ Mode after NATO Summit

Defense Secretary Jim Mattis said there was no truth to reports that the Pentagon is engaging in “damage control” after President Donald Trump’s meeting with allies in Brussels, Belgium.

“I just heard about this story that the Pentagon is in damage control,” Mattis told reporters in a short press conference with reporters. “That was fascinating, I love reading fiction.”

Mattis, who spoke with reporters during his flight from Zagreb, Croatia, to Oslo, Norway, Friday, said the administration is getting strong results in discussions with NATO allies.

NBC News reported Friday that senior military officials were doing damage control after Trump clashed with representatives of North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) allies. Pentagon officials were making a series of calls to allies and “reinforcing alliance commitments” since Trump had “made it clear alliance commitments were on the table” during negotiations, according to an unidentified source NBC quoted.

Mattis said the news was not fact based, and suggested the reporters accompanying him in “full transparency” would have noticed if the NBC report was true.

“It must have been the most pleasant damage control … I ever could have imagined, with the level of unity, of purpose that we experienced there,” Mattis said. “People are entitled to their opinion even if it is not fact-based.”