How will they rule ??!

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and who is 'they'? You're a liar, just like your orange Cheetoh leader.

Political office was never meant to be a lifetime of ruling. You were to serve your time and then go back into the community to live as normal citizens. What it has become is, being in office for 30-45 years, stuffing your pockets and your buddies' pockets and screwing over everyone else.

As for the left, I've said this before, I don't want our nation to hinge on avoiding Democrats from winning an election. I'd enjoy some actual common ground and best interests for this nation when both parties are in control but how the hell do you compromise with the current state of the left? You can't compromise with a group who hates our nation, wants open borders, would shred the Constitution in a second if they could, would love to get rid of the 2A and possibly 1A, backs Antifa, backs spying on enemies, backs Iran, Islam, burns flags, tears down statues, idolizes socialism and communism.

The left has went off the rails. Honestly, it's a travesty that a Democrat ever gets in power of this nation considering it's like allowing an enemy to ruin your home with the intention of ruining your home.
Agree on term pimit
But Trump held May's hand and helped her up the steps...

there is nothing good about that short haired angry fat feminist pig. Not a thing she is a vile piece of crap thru and thru.
What a waste of time and money. These Russians will never be tried. We already knew that they had hacked John Podesta's emails. Has nothing to do with any Trump collusion.
But this is the first time evidence ties the hacking to the Russian government making the meeting Monday very timely and interesting. Expect the unexpected from these men with another iron to the fire in this administration.
Lol these indictments. Guess they're crossing their fingers hoping noone shows up to defend these. Otherwise they'll be caught with their pants down, again.

I especially love the indicting of a fictitious person whom they have no clue of their real identity.

The deep state line of the document though, is it says one or more of these indicted had "communication with someone in the trump campaign". Of course they know and fully intend that line to result in people jumping to conclusions after having it pounded into their heads via msm.

An unapologetic phrasing that intentionally encourages the reader to conclude something beyond what it says. Laughable.
22. The Conspirators spearphished individuals affiliated with the Clinton Campaign throughout the summer of 2016. For example, on or about July 27, 2016, the Conspirators attempted after hours to spearphish for the first time email accounts at a domain hosted by a third-party provider and used by Clinton’s personal office. At or around the same time, they also targeted seventy-six email addresses at the domain for the Clinton Campaign.
This exchange is actually real...

Obama: “This is my last election … After my election I have more flexibility to work with him”

Medvedev: “I will transmit this information to Vladimir."
Could you imagine if Trump said this? Libs would be so outraged the planet would explode.
Nope. Why not? Because they'll tell who guccifer is. Why? Because it has zero to do with Russia. And that falls beyond the scope of this case and would be dismissed.

So it'll never come out. Even more, it'll never even be explored.

The biggest reason, even if every bit of it were true, and it all came out is because collusion is not a crime.
Bullet point 43 boys. Some candidate for congress is going to jail for collusion.

Doubtful. His identity has been known since '17. He openly admits it. Nothing to do with the Trump campaign, Hillary Campaign, DNC or the presidential election. Info was about local Florida politics from the DCCC. He also didn't know the information was coming from Russians. That's why Rosenstein made sure to point out unwittingly.

New details, and a South Florida tie, emerge in Russian hacking of Democratic Party

Like many people with an interest in politics, Nevins said, he was riveted by the hacking that afflicted the Democratic Party last year. When Guccifer 2.0 issued an open invitation to any journalist who wanted information, Nevins said he responded affirmatively through a Twitter message. He said he didn’t follow up and didn’t hear anything for 10 days.

Guccifer 2.0 responded shortly before the Florida primary contests in August, he said. Guccifer 2.0 wanted to know his email capacity, and Nevins said he set up a Dropbox account that allowed him to receive a large volume of data — which the hacker deposited there.

After Nevins reviewed the information about the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee — not the Democratic National Committee — Nevins said he quickly realized several things:

  • The information appeared accurate, based on his knowledge of Florida politics and the details in the information. He said someone operating far away couldn’t have made up the information because there was too much local nuance.
  • It was too much to process with the Aug. 30 primaries for congressional, state and local offices just days away.
  • He needed to publish as much as he could as quickly as possible.
“I took off my [political] operative’s hat and put on my journalist’s hat,” he said. He said he was receiving and publishing information, regardless of where it came from. He said he didn’t want to sit on the information, and be accused of being in possession of stolen documents. He said he didn’t supply it to any campaigns or political operatives.

Besides publishing on his own, he said he farmed out some information to reporters in other areas of Florida, providing information that might be interesting to news organizations where there might be upcoming congressional primaries.

“It’s a scoop,” Nevins said.

The information fit with what he said he likes to post on, which Nevins said he’s tried to style as a combination of Page Six, the well-known New York Post gossip page, and TMZ, the celebrity website that’s often filled with sensational stories.

Nevins said he doesn’t believe he is facing any legal jeopardy over the matter, and he has not been contacted by any investigating authorities.

“The way I look at it, I was acting as a journalist. And my actions would show evidence of that. I was sending it out to journalists, not to political campaigns,” he said. “I, to some extent, felt forced to publish it.”

He said he is not concerned about getting in legal trouble or becoming the subject of an investigation.

“I’m not going to live my life concerned about that. I don’t think that I did anything illegal,” he said. “I think if I held onto the data and if I used it for a political campaign without releasing it or if I just ended up sending it to political operatives around the state we would be having a different conversation, probably from a jail cell.”
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How convenient, after the terrible showing of Strzok yesterday, that this criminal indictment is filed the next day to change the conversation.

Like Comey and Strzok, the left is wholly convinced that they are right, virtuous and upstanding even when doing wrong. Immorality masquerading as morality, they think they are god and can do no wrong. We must disabuse the left of this notion.
I challenge any leftist voter to tell me what was in the DNC leaks that were "hacked?" LOL. If it was nothing bad then why does it matter what was exposed? I haven't met a single Democrat who bothered to actually read those emails. NOT ONE. But they scream about Russia and claim it influenced the election, never explaining the content of the emails.

The left
"There was nothing in those emails. It was a big nothing burger."

Also the left
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