How will they rule ??!

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you mean thanks Obama.
from 2008-2016 he managed to almost double the US oil production. drill baby drill. 2017 was flat but it's starting to go up a bit again. the huge gains are from the gulf platforms hitting peak levels now. thanks to Obama we also exploded the natural gas production by 50% and now dominate the energy market.

Some thoughts on this topic since you tagged me.

One: The water crisis in Flint was created by republican dumbasses who started pulling from the river without treating the water. Sure this is something your side wants to draw attention to?
Two: If you had read the article you’d have seen the levels of contamination are already below the safety thresholds.
Three: Elon Musk sent some tweets saying he would look into water filters if people can send tests proving toxicity above safe levels. The tweets imply he’ll give them away. Free stuff is a hallmark of capitalism now?
Four: Elon Musk is a socialist. So socialism is “solving problems once again”?

1) false. Been under Dem leadership for decades. Nearly a century iirc

3) if an individual chooses to give away something of their own free will, then yes.

4) I don't recall seeing him proclaim that. But I do know that his actions are clearly based on capitalism. So even if he did say that, it's obviously not sincere.
you mean thanks Obama.
from 2008-2016 he managed to almost double the US oil production. drill baby drill. 2017 was flat but it's starting to go up a bit again. the huge gains are from the gulf platforms hitting peak levels now. thanks to Obama we also exploded the natural gas production by 50% and now dominate the energy market.
Either you are dumb as dirt or a liar of enormous standards. That boom happened on private lands. Obama refused to let drilling happen on government owned lands. You and your ilk is why you have a Trump as POTUS and why he will be here for 8 years. So you keep spouting off. For every lie you and your ilk and the media tells, Trump gets another supporter.
you mean thanks Obama.
from 2008-2016 he managed to almost double the US oil production. drill baby drill. 2017 was flat but it's starting to go up a bit again. the huge gains are from the gulf platforms hitting peak levels now. thanks to Obama we also exploded the natural gas production by 50% and now dominate the energy market.

Nice revisionist history PlatinumFool, Obama fought the oil and gas industry and made it harder to do business by imposing all new EPA regulations and not approving a bunch of vital pipelines needed to ship the oil. He railed against fossil fuels and gave billions away to promote/subsidize "green energy" boondogles like Solendra. Most of the oil and gas increases came on private land where the government has less influence and ability to stop projects. Finally, the price of oil and new drilling technology which made production cheaper had the most to do with industry expansion. Obozo gets zero credit. Trump get credit going forward for approving pipelines that Obama stopped, for rolling back Obama's EPA regulations and for getting drilling in ANWR approved in his tax cut bill.
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you mean thanks Obama.
from 2008-2016 he managed to almost double the US oil production. drill baby drill. 2017 was flat but it's starting to go up a bit again. the huge gains are from the gulf platforms hitting peak levels now. thanks to Obama we also exploded the natural gas production by 50% and now dominate the energy market.

1+1=2......just to help you along here.
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Guy steals a gun from a store. Assistant yells to stop the criminal. An employee stops the criminal. That employee is fired for touching that criminal.

When did some places outlaw common sense?

That's maddening. This criminal stole two guns earlier that same day from a pawn shop. No telling what that guy was gonna do with 3 stolen guns, thankfully that employee stopped this guy.


Guarantee he'll get a slap on the wrist. And he knows that. That's why his dumbass stole 3 guns from fn gun shops.

We have given criminals wayyyyyy too many rights. You commit crimes, you give up some of your rights.
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No political bias though. lol. You cannot claim that the media/Democrats aren't anti white. They most certainly are.

Republicans seem much more concerned about an affair between two FBI agents than they ever were concerned about whether Russia influenced our election.

Trump continues to be an embarrassment every time he steps outside the country. He's doing Putin's dirty work for him. There's no doubt he's lying about the commitment made by NATO members. They probably just reaffirmed what they had already committed to, but since Trump is an imbecile he thinks it's something new and grand. It's like watching a bunch of grown ups appease a crying toddler to get them to shut up.

America is the only country that has invoked Article 5 of NATO after September 11, something I'm sure Trump knows nothing about. Next time we need their help I don't think they'll be as forthcoming. He continues to try to embarrass our friends and stroke the egos of our enemies. North Korea has already blown up in his face because he wanted the photo op instead of real diplomacy. I'm quite certain Trump will be proven to be a traitor to his country and has given Putin classified information. Guy has looser lips than his porn star girlfriends.
Curious to hear the left's reasoning and arguments as to why Lisa Page can ignore a Congressional subpoena, but they pitched a shit fit when Rudy Giuliani claimed Trump wouldn't have to comply with a subpoena issued by a traitor who serves under him.

Easy. Trump is a meanie racist bigot and she opposes him... so it’s okay. Not very sound reasoning, but that’ll be the gist of it.
Republicans seem much more concerned about an affair between two FBI agents than they ever were concerned about whether Russia influenced our election.

Trump continues to be an embarrassment every time he steps outside the country. He's doing Putin's dirty work for him. There's no doubt he's lying about the commitment made by NATO members. They probably just reaffirmed what they had already committed to, but since Trump is an imbecile he thinks it's something new and grand. It's like watching a bunch of grown ups appease a crying toddler to get them to shut up.

America is the only country that has invoked Article 5 of NATO after September 11, something I'm sure Trump knows nothing about. Next time we need their help I don't think they'll be as forthcoming. He continues to try to embarrass our friends and stroke the egos of our enemies. North Korea has already blown up in his face because he wanted the photo op instead of real diplomacy. I'm quite certain Trump will be proven to be a traitor to his country and has given Putin classified information. Guy has looser lips than his porn star girlfriends.


Close all the Vox, CNN and Motherjones tabs, turn off MSNBC, step out of your mom's basement and take a look around.

We're trying* to get clarity on the Russia investigation, but Lisa Page ignored a subpoena yesterday. Do you think she should have shown up?

Countries are starting to realize they can't walk all over us. They're just praying Trump only has one term so they can get another cuck like Obama to take advantage of.

North Korea has freed some Americans they were holding hostage rather than torturing them to death like they did when Obama was POTUS. Other than that, what, we are in the same position we were when Obama was allowing them to build their nuclear program? And we haven't sent them billions upon billions of dollars to use to fund terrorism?


*I know Congress isn't really trying to get to the bottom of anything or they would have sent a police escort to go get Lisa PAge
Republicans seem much more concerned about an affair between two FBI agents than they ever were concerned about whether Russia influenced

Stopped there. That’s all you spout off about. Russia, racist, Russia, Nazi, Russia, bigot.

@moe_schmoe has posted more than enough evidence showing democrats were more likely in bed with Russia.

Oh and this gem you didn’t care about before CNN told you Russia was the boogeyman:

Nice revisionist history PlatinumFool, Obama fought the oil and gas industry and made it harder to do business by imposing all new EPA regulations and not approving a bunch of vital pipelines needed to ship the oil. He railed against fossil fuels and gave billions away to promote/subsidize "green energy" boondogles like Solendra. Most of the oil and gas increases came on private land where the government has less influence and ability to stop projects. Finally, the price of oil and new drilling technology which made production cheaper had the most to do with industry expansion. Obozo gets zero credit. Trump get credit going forward for approving pipelines that Obama stopped, for rolling back Obama's EPA regulations and for getting drilling in ANWR approved in his tax cut bill.
Wow, there's so much wrong that it's laughable. He didn't approve 1 pipeline, that did little but help Canadian oil.
Solendra is the only example you guys can give because most of the other projects have been a success. Just like any new technology, not everything you invest in will be a winner. But logic and hard data are not your thing so I understand why you spout talking points.

So in one breath you say Obama made it harder to do business with all these 'regulations' yet then say he couldn't stop projects because they were on private land.

It takes years to get oil & gas projects on-line so no, Trump has had zero to do with increased production.
So price and tech are the main production drivers so you can give Obama no credit but give Trump credit. Last I looked gas is at multi-year highs, so maybe that's why you're seeing increased production? Your own words right? But no, it's Trump right?
ANWR drilling will not happen anytime soon unless oil goes to $200/barrel. Very expensive to do. Dems will hopefully reverse it and stop other public land raping by corporate interests that own Trump and his cronies.

It seems you're ok to promote/subsidize fossil fuels but not green energy? Green energy supports many more jobs than coal, and is one of the fastest growing job markets. Jobs that don't require your high school educated ruralites to go to college.

This is just another perfect example of how America is being left behind because people want to hang on to the past. Coal jobs aren't coming back - solar, wind and geothermal are the future and thanks to Trump, we've given that future over to China.

Those EPA regulations protect the air and water you and your kids breathe and drink from. Now we can look forward to more polluted land, air and water, and we'll end up paying for it with higher healthcare costs.

Face it: under Obama's watch, oil & gas production skyrocketed. And he did it without sacrificing the quality of our air, land and water.
Stopped there. That’s all you spout off about. Russia, racist, Russia, Nazi, Russia, bigot.

@moe_schmoe has posted more than enough evidence showing democrats were more likely in bed with Russia.

Oh and this gem you didn’t care about before CNN told you Russia was the boogeyman:

I love that your posting propaganda from Russia's state media. [roll] Nevermind that 75% of Trumps administration has been caught lying about meetings with top Russian officials. Or Trump all but sucking off Putin when he talks about him.
That's maddening. This criminal stole two guns earlier that same day from a pawn shop. No telling what that guy was gonna do with 3 stolen guns, thankfully that employee stopped this guy.


Guarantee he'll get a slap on the wrist. And he knows that. That's why his dumbass stole 3 guns from fn gun shops.

We have given criminals wayyyyyy too many rights. You commit crimes, you give up some of your rights.

It's truly incredible how long a rap sheet so many scumbag criminals have and they keep getting out. I had a family member assaulted and robbed about 15 years ago. The guy who did it was in and out of jail all the time. People like this never face true justice.
I love that your posting propaganda from Russia's state media. [roll] Nevermind that 75% of Trumps administration has been caught lying about meetings with top Russian officials. Or Trump all but sucking off Putin when he talks about him.

I love that you continue to ignore it happened. It’s a video you moron. I don’t care if the source was Putin himself. But that’s what you do. Ignore reality and try to make your fantasy a reality.

For someone that uses such terms as “Trumpites” you sure never have a problem with anything Obama ever did.
Really is hilarious to see the lefties on here twisting themselves into pretzels to give Obama credit for all sorts of things they hate simply because Trump says certain things are good.

Trump Derangement Syndrome is real.

Think how things would have went if the whole children at the border faux outrage thing started the opposite way with people praising Trump's enforcement. We would have heard how Obama actually started the policy and did it way better. Instead, the left was too goddam stupid to realize Obama was doing it first, so they claimed it was a bad thing and had to run with it until they had some other topic du jour Vox told them to get upset about.
Wow, there's so much wrong that it's laughable. He didn't approve 1 pipeline, that did little but help Canadian oil.
Solendra is the only example you guys can give because most of the other projects have been a success. Just like any new technology, not everything you invest in will be a winner. But logic and hard data are not your thing so I understand why you spout talking points.

So in one breath you say Obama made it harder to do business with all these 'regulations' yet then say he couldn't stop projects because they were on private land.

It takes years to get oil & gas projects on-line so no, Trump has had zero to do with increased production.
So price and tech are the main production drivers so you can give Obama no credit but give Trump credit. Last I looked gas is at multi-year highs, so maybe that's why you're seeing increased production? Your own words right? But no, it's Trump right?
ANWR drilling will not happen anytime soon unless oil goes to $200/barrel. Very expensive to do. Dems will hopefully reverse it and stop other public land raping by corporate interests that own Trump and his cronies.

It seems you're ok to promote/subsidize fossil fuels but not green energy? Green energy supports many more jobs than coal, and is one of the fastest growing job markets. Jobs that don't require your high school educated ruralites to go to college.

This is just another perfect example of how America is being left behind because people want to hang on to the past. Coal jobs aren't coming back - solar, wind and geothermal are the future and thanks to Trump, we've given that future over to China.

Those EPA regulations protect the air and water you and your kids breathe and drink from. Now we can look forward to more polluted land, air and water, and we'll end up paying for it with higher healthcare costs.

Face it: under Obama's watch, oil & gas production skyrocketed. And he did it without sacrificing the quality of our air, land and water.
What is truly disturbing to me is I actually think you believe the bullshit you post. [laughing]
Wow, there's so much wrong that it's laughable. He didn't approve 1 pipeline, that did little but help Canadian oil.
Solendra is the only example you guys can give because most of the other projects have been a success. Just like any new technology, not everything you invest in will be a winner. But logic and hard data are not your thing so I understand why you spout talking points.

So in one breath you say Obama made it harder to do business with all these 'regulations' yet then say he couldn't stop projects because they were on private land.

It takes years to get oil & gas projects on-line so no, Trump has had zero to do with increased production.
So price and tech are the main production drivers so you can give Obama no credit but give Trump credit. Last I looked gas is at multi-year highs, so maybe that's why you're seeing increased production? Your own words right? But no, it's Trump right?
ANWR drilling will not happen anytime soon unless oil goes to $200/barrel. Very expensive to do. Dems will hopefully reverse it and stop other public land raping by corporate interests that own Trump and his cronies.

It seems you're ok to promote/subsidize fossil fuels but not green energy? Green energy supports many more jobs than coal, and is one of the fastest growing job markets. Jobs that don't require your high school educated ruralites to go to college.

This is just another perfect example of how America is being left behind because people want to hang on to the past. Coal jobs aren't coming back - solar, wind and geothermal are the future and thanks to Trump, we've given that future over to China.

Those EPA regulations protect the air and water you and your kids breathe and drink from. Now we can look forward to more polluted land, air and water, and we'll end up paying for it with higher healthcare costs.

Face it: under Obama's watch, oil & gas production skyrocketed. And he did it without sacrificing the quality of our air, land and water.

Actual conversation at the Keurig coffee maker in my DC offices this morning: "Did you hear that the CEO of Papa John's Pizza resigned today because he used the N-word in a conversation with board members?" "Yeah. It's crazy. Since Trump got elected people think they can say anything." "Yeah, pretty soon all the Trump supporters will be using the N-word in public all the time, and no one will be able to even call them on it." LOL. When I mildly noted that Schnatter had been a loose cannon for a long time -- even when Saint Barack was president -- I could see the thought bubbles forming over their heads that maybe I was a racist, so I moved along.
Actual conversation at the Keurig coffee maker in my DC offices this morning: "Did you hear that the CEO of Papa John's Pizza resigned today because he used the N-word in a conversation with board members?" "Yeah. It's crazy. Since Trump got elected people think they can say anything." "Yeah, pretty soon all the Trump supporters will be using the N-word in public all the time, and no one will be able to even call them on it." LOL. When I mildly noted that Schnatter had been a loose cannon for a long time -- even when Saint Barack was president -- I could see the thought bubbles forming over their heads that maybe I was a racist, so I moved along.

Them saying people will be saying the "N Word" is no different than Papa John saying Colonel Sanders said it.

Except it's apparently not because society is goddam retarded.
Very good opening statement by Chairman Goodlatte. Both CNN and MSNBC not airing the actual hearing, they just have reporters and commentators blabbering. The first Democrat opened with comments about children at the I switched to msnbc and the first thing I hear is a reporter say that this hearing may benefit Vladimir Putin cause it continues to erode confidence in our the Democrat nadler is harping on the poor treatment of Strzok and Page.