How will they rule ??!

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It's already happened. Has doubled since Trump has taken office. At it;s highest since the cold war.

They can't afford it because they have a massive welfare state. They'll figure it out in a hurry as soon as the US stops paying their share and protecting them.
IF every NATO country managed to get their spending to just 2.5% of GDP they would all combined still spend less than the pentagon loses every year.

oh it doubled? ok lets see about that. you can download the 2010-2017 official excel document here.
2016: 920billion 2017: 940 billion
Thats one heck of a double!
without US spending 2016: 256 billion 2017: 262 billion
So what you meant to say is NATO spending went up 2%
as a % of GDP NATO spending went up .01%
The US % of GDP actually dropped .03%

If you take 2018 estimates its just about the same.
2017: 940 2018: 956
without US spending 2017: 262 2018: 273
once again a 2% increase. so much doubling!
Bullshit. if it takes us footing 70% of the bill to be the big dog then we're punk ass bitches. You claiming that shows how stupid you really are and the lengths you'll go to to justify anything opposite of Trump. America doesn't have to buy it status on the world stage.

We haven't backed off. Trump is making Nato stronger. That's njot good for Russia or China. you do nothing but post bullshit lies.

That doesn't mean paying 70% of nato and to protect the likes of Germany from Russia who has a massive economy and can pay for their own defense. then they go behind our backs and gives billions to Russia the very country we're paying to protect them from.

Make America Great Again has nothing to do with European countries ripping us off ans using us to cover their defense spending so they can be socialist welfare states.
The real question is: why do liberals NOT want to make American great again?
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You do understand that footing the bill is what makes us powerful and allows us do dictate world policy to our favor? Now that we have backed off, china & russia have stepped up and get to dictate policy. I'm fine with dropping our military spending, its at absurd levels for the relative peace we have had for 40 years. If you want to be a super power you have to act like a super power and that means using your money or your military to exert influence. Doesn't Trump want MAGA? America was technically at its greatest when every country had to do whatever we wanted because we controlled the money.
I'm curious: What is it that YOU want? Do you want us to continue to be "powerful and dictate world policy in our favor," which requires greater defense spending on our part? Or do you want us to lower spending, which will allow China and Russia to exert greater influence?

Or do you want to do what I think you are doing, which is just play both ends and criticize the current administration no matter which policy we follow and what outcome occurs?
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IF every NATO country managed to get their spending to just 2.5% of GDP they would all combined still spend less than the pentagon loses every year.
And? That still doesn't mean they can't pay their agreed upon share. It also disproves you're own talking point that us paying more gives us status. Well you say so yourself they can pay their share and we'll still be paying more so our status that you think we need to pay for is secure.

oh it doubled? ok lets see about that.

Yes. Let's see about that. it was announced Sunday. You're outdated.

Trump 'making an impact' on NATO as allies ramp up defense spending: Ambassador Kay Bailey Hutchison

"I've worked for three presidents, all of whom have said the same thing," Hutchison said. "Now, I think for the first time, we are really seeing the Europeans start going in the same direction. Every ally is now increasing defense spending -- we've had the largest increase in defense spending since the Cold War. And in the year and a half that President Trump has been in office, it has doubled since 2014."

Imagine thinking so highly of yourself, that merely questioning you helps Putin.

The idea Congress shouldn’t question someone after these texts came to light, especially considering Mueller himself found Strzoks texts so problematic he had to get rid of is clear that these guys think so highly of themselves, so many of them have had that ‘how dare you question me’
Also those texts were personal and did not bleed over into his work environment even though they were sent while at work from his work phone. Imagine that.

Btw never mind my personal texts that totally didn't bleed over into my work environment but I would never let my personal life bleed over into my work environment either even though I was having an affair with a coworker. Imagine that.
I love that your posting propaganda from Russia's state media. [roll] Nevermind that 75% of Trumps administration has been caught lying about meetings with top Russian officials. Or Trump all but sucking off Putin when he talks about him. have to be the most tribal person I've witnessed. Do you blindly agree with everything dems tell you? I bet you believe anthony weiner stuff was a right wing conspiracy bc nut bag maddow said it was until she cldnt blindly defend him anymore.

Heres a question..remember in 2012 when Romney warned about Russia and you and your dad giggled that he should go back to the 80s...all the while obama removed missle defenses in Poland that had them boxed in and then allowed Russia to invade Crimea? I know you cant say anything about daddy tho.

Make up your trump a complete idiot or a genius mastermind working behind the scenes to orchestrate with Russia...he cant be both...
planning a coup... You guys elected a criminal.

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That smirking from Strzok makes me wanna stick my foot up his ass. What a disgusting a-hole

Disappointed I had a phone call that had to be taken right when Jordan started questioning Strzok...had it on mute, those smirks were annoying.

Another Democrat named Connolly starts with this hearing ‘is like a Russian show trial’.

Did I say f—k democrats?
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You do understand that footing the bill is what makes us powerful and allows us do dictate world policy to our favor? Now that we have backed off, china & russia have stepped up and get to dictate policy. I'm fine with dropping our military spending, its at absurd levels for the relative peace we have had for 40 years. If you want to be a super power you have to act like a super power and that means using your money or your military to exert influence. Doesn't Trump want MAGA? America was technically at its greatest when every country had to do whatever we wanted because we controlled the money.

Worst take ever?
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Democrat Cohen just said to Strzok ‘I don’t know where to start. If I could I would give you a Purple Heart’.

F—k Democrats and Liberals.
Say it 3 times fast: Cohen strokin' Strzok.

Curious what Cohen believes Strzok has done to deserve a Purple Heart? Was it cheating on his wife with a married woman? Or maybe spending countless hours texting his co-worker mistress on the clock? Was it when he demonstrated obvious bias and animus toward someone he is investigating, toward whom he is required to be neutral?

A purple effin' heart? Charlotte Bergmann, his Republican challenger (who is African-American, and female) needs to make that quote the centerpiece of the media campaign against his re-election. That is just putrid.
I dont know how much more of this shit I can watch . I'm so pissed I'd like to drive to washington and " have a word " with Luis Gutierrez .. what a clown and A hole.
Are they people who really think Russia caused a Trump win ? Are there people really that stupid ... evidently yes there is .
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Haha...Strzok gets caught saying he doesn’t remember writing a particular text but has said repeatedly it was written at night. So you don’t remember writing said message but you remember when it was written...