How will they rule ??!

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If Trump said tomorrow that "immigration is the most widely exaggerated problem in our country. A lot of people have been saying our so called problem is a net positive. Their contributions to our economy are YUGE", you guys would fall right in line and do a 180.

So, pardon me for not taking stock in anything you triggered, scared little snowflakes have to say.

“The American people are a welcoming and generous people. But those who enter our country illegally, and those who employ them, disrespect the rule of law. And because we live in an age where terrorists are challenging our borders, we simply cannot allow people to pour into the United States undetected, undocumented, and unchecked. Americans are right to demand better border security and better enforcement of the immigration laws.

To begin with, the agencies charged with border security would receive new technology, new facilities, and more people to stop, process, and deport illegal immigrants.”

How can you not be behind this?
I know they won't retire. But RGB is not going to make it two more years imo. I don't say that with glee, but 85 and frail is not a good sign for going on much longer

One of these days she's going to go to sleep during a meeting, like she's done in the past, and not wake up. She's had a good ride.

Get off your lazy ass, find a career, and start working for your own future like every other responsible person. Then you won't have time to sit around whining like an entitled beta pussy.

Does your dad know he raised such a worthless POS?

He doesn't know his fathers last name, but his mother told him he was a John.

You posted a link about an idiot, from an idiot.

Puerto Rico’s power grid is completely restored, and has been for months.
The US effort in PR was every bit as vested as it was for Hurricanes in US states last summer. The difference is Puerto Rico’s govt is corrupt at local levels.

PR's power grid was in shambles prior to the hurricane. We didn't "rebuild" it. We built it.
<---- 31yo. Repub. And I'd say of my group of friends*, acquaintances, people I've come across, they are only mildly left in numbers, maybe 60%... and I live in New York State, mind you.

The problem is many of us, especially older repubs have spent the last 15 years in hiding because of the left's onslaught. It's amazing how many people I know are coming out and saying "Yeah, I actually agree with what Trump is (mostly) doing". It's nice to step out from under fear.

There are just as many young conservatives.. you just can't hide them anymore now that news, media, and opinions have become globalized. The conservative young black man can now freely have a youtube channel, where he'd never get close to a network show a decade ago.

*As a conservative, we don't become enraged and disgusted by the left, and we certainly down try and ruin lives by saying things like "racist" and Sexist". I'm perfectly fine having democrats for friends.
This is unbelievable and truly shocking. This is not the role of law enforcement and he should be fired immediately. What a disgusting waste of human flesh.
It's not what you think, or the way the tweeter described it. From the article, Rosenstein is using the DA's to vet Kavanaugh. Apparently, because Kavanaugh has worked for the government throughout his career, he has a pretty big paper trail, and government lawyers routinely review that so there are no gotcha moments during his confirmation hearings. They would usually do that with staff attorneys in Washington, so it is unusual to get DA's involved, but they are essentially doing the same thing, reviewing his voluminous record in order to vet him internally.

Fake News. Come on get serious 50K? Not even 50 showing up.

Watch the vid in the link. Hillarious. He cuts her off mid sentence when she said it is hard for us to get our voice heard.

Anti-Trump Protest at NATO Draws Only a Couple Dozen
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A non-conspiratorial bigbluefattycat post...showing off his new love for twitter. I never thought I would see the day. Two thumbs up brother.

Pretty sure that would be considered a "conspiracy theory" by some whether or not POTUS is communicating in code to his followers. No love for twitter. Didn't find it there originally.
Chief, learn to lighten up.

You take me more serious than I do. Read my last several posts. Tone and sarcasm are lost on many and no I will not take time to explain a joke that was written for my humor. When others laugh it is a bonus but not the goal.

PS Boss don't call me Chief
You take me more serious than I do. Read my last several posts. Tone and sarcasm are lost on many and no I will not take time to explain a joke that was written for my humor. When others laugh it is a bonus but not the goal.

PS Boss don't call me Chief

Chief, don’t insult me with the accusation that I have ever took you seriously.