How will they rule ??!

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Trump has always been pretty open with his women ratings scale.....
The credit card debts and loan were either paid off or fell below the reporting requirements in 2017, according to the filings, which do not require details on the nature or source of such payments. Shah told The Post that Kavanaugh’s friends reimbursed him for their share of the baseball tickets and that the judge has since stopped purchasing the season tickets.

Shah said the payments for the tickets were made at the end of 2016 and paid off early the next year.

“He did not carry that kind of debt year over year,” Shah said.

Kavanaugh’s most recent financial disclosure forms reveal reportable assets between $15,000 and $65,000, which would put him at the bottom of the financial ranking of justices, most of whom list well over $1 million in assets. The value of residences is not subject to disclosure, and Shah added that Kavanaugh has a government retirement account worth nearly half a million dollars that also was not required to be disclosed.

“At this time the Kavanaughs have no debt beyond their home mortgage,” Shah said.

He said that Kavanaugh has assets of nearly $1 million between the equity in his home and his retirement account.

Unlike some of the other justices, Kavanaugh has worked more than two decades in the public sector and has not built wealth as a private lawyer.

“Judge Kavanaugh is a brilliant jurist who has dedicated his life to public service,” Shah said.

The credit card debts and loan were either paid off or fell below the reporting requirements in 2017, according to the filings, which do not require details on the nature or source of such payments. Shah told The Post that Kavanaugh’s friends reimbursed him for their share of the baseball tickets and that the judge has since stopped purchasing the season tickets.

Shah said the payments for the tickets were made at the end of 2016 and paid off early the next year.

“He did not carry that kind of debt year over year,” Shah said.

Kavanaugh’s most recent financial disclosure forms reveal reportable assets between $15,000 and $65,000, which would put him at the bottom of the financial ranking of justices, most of whom list well over $1 million in assets. The value of residences is not subject to disclosure, and Shah added that Kavanaugh has a government retirement account worth nearly half a million dollars that also was not required to be disclosed.

“At this time the Kavanaughs have no debt beyond their home mortgage,” Shah said.

He said that Kavanaugh has assets of nearly $1 million between the equity in his home and his retirement account.

Unlike some of the other justices, Kavanaugh has worked more than two decades in the public sector and has not built wealth as a private lawyer.

“Judge Kavanaugh is a brilliant jurist who has dedicated his life to public service,” Shah said.

Thanks Moe! You do a great job of cutting through the bullshit and giving us the real story that is ALWAYS the polar opposite of the libs fake news. I appreciate it and I'm glad you post here!

My god is she trying to challenge Maxine for dumbest politician alive?

It's like she word vomitted a bunch of liberal buzzwords she overhead some millennials discuss
New Rule: She keeps her ignorant, Socialist piehole shut until she can make a bit of sense.
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I heard a legal scholar talking about Roe the other day on one of the financial networks. He said that Roe originally allowed very few if any restrictions/limits on abortion. Casey (1992) was the case that tried to overturn Roe but failed. However, Casey opened up the gates to make all kinds of restrictions on Roe. In this scholar's opinion, Roe is settled law but it is Cassey that can be further tweaked. He didn't think that the new court (with Kavanaugh) would overturn Roe.

You ever hear the deception and backstory around Roe v Wade? It’s truly remarkable the lies presented.
Some questions?

Will they unseal the Clinton impeachment files as part of the Kavannaugh confirmation process?
Will they find documents with Rosenstein's wife Lisa Barsoomian on the Clinton defense team?
Will that be used to seal the fate of Rosenstein's recusal?
Our side of the aisle likes baseball. Oh the horror! The other side likes he/she/he/it mental cases and socialists. I feel pretty pretty good about the side I'm on.

Same. I look around and it’s easy to see who is right and who is batshit crazy and wrong.
US is on pace to become worlds leading oil producer next year. First time since 1974. Thanks Donald!
you mean thanks Obama.
from 2008-2016 he managed to almost double the US oil production. drill baby drill. 2017 was flat but it's starting to go up a bit again. the huge gains are from the gulf platforms hitting peak levels now. thanks to Obama we also exploded the natural gas production by 50% and now dominate the energy market.
Some thoughts on this topic since you tagged me.

One: The water crisis in Flint was created by republican dumbasses who started pulling from the river without treating the water. Sure this is something your side wants to draw attention to?
Two: If you had read the article you’d have seen the levels of contamination are already below the safety thresholds.
Three: Elon Musk sent some tweets saying he would look into water filters if people can send tests proving toxicity above safe levels. The tweets imply he’ll give them away. Free stuff is a hallmark of capitalism now?
Four: Elon Musk is a socialist. So socialism is “solving problems once again”?
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Four things on this topic.
One: The water crisis in Flint was created by republican dumbasses who started pulling from the river without treating the water. Sure this is something your side wants to draw attention to?
Two: If you had read the article you’d have seen the levels of contamination are already below the safety thresholds.
Three: Elon Musk sent some tweets saying he would look into water filters if people can send tests proving toxicity above safe levels. The tweets imply he’ll give them away. Free stuff is a hallmark of capitalism now?
Four: Elon Musk is a socialist. Perfect poster child for capitalism am I right?
Elon musk is not a socialist. And free stuff...I think this is a little too difficult for you...a private citizen, who runs a huge "evil" corporation vowed to solve an issue....not big govt. Yes a bill-yun-eh did something without the govt telling him to..understand? Unlike nuts Bernie saying he needed to be taxed to oblivion bc only the govt, your God, can solve the problem...hence showing big govt isnt needed and is always inefficient...understand yet? Private citizens can do it on their own, not govt. The federal govt, which is a collection of ordinary ppl, nothing more, who cant balance a budget of 9 trillion dollars a year, yet always thinks they need to tell the private sector and private citizens how to manage themselves so they van steal from them...still has done nothing about it. This really isn't hard. Private sector> Govt. What's next, your going to tell me that the real reason dominos, a private business, is actually fixing potholes (which us true) not bc private business gets things done but bc its nefarious and the govt is just biding it's time waiting to strike. Lol

Still dont get it? Which is govt funded, NASA or space X? Which has better technology and is already made huge strides in a shorter period of time..the govt version or the private citizen capitalist researched one?

Seriously, try harder @Dionysus444 You seriously just tried to claim that a man that owns publicly traded companies, which participates in massive amounts of capitalism...doesnt prove that the private sector is superior in all facets to the govt...bc he donated to fix a problem which the govt cant solve. That's the point dunce. Corporations arent evil, like daddy bernie fact Bernie is the one who wants to steal from us without our permission. Those who make money on their own, solve problems. What's next, you think something being publicly traded is socialist bc the "public" participates in it. Hahaha gawd.

Oh, and the start of the crisis...its from years of mismanagement dating back to the 60's, by wait for it...the govt. Goid effort, not sure what your point is, but I'm a libertarian, not a "I blindly agree with what Rachel Maddow says bc I think politics is team sport." Who runs michigan utopias like detroit again?... cant put my finger on it. But wait Detroit is the fault of capitalism too, right? Lol

I'm speechless at your response really. Billionaire invests in solutions on free will from capitalist efforts without govt coercion so "hes giving free stuff" doesnt equate to capitalism solutions. Unreal brain wiring.
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I directly linked to his twitter where he HIMSELF says he’s a socialist. Linked again in case you’re somehow incapable of scrolling up two posts.

Lazy and you know it, he has been trolling socialists as well and even Slate called him out on it. His main function in life is a free enterprise capitalist.

Elon Musk Is Trying to Redefine Socialism as … Capitalism
you mean thanks Obama.
from 2008-2016 he managed to almost double the US oil production. drill baby drill. 2017 was flat but it's starting to go up a bit again. the huge gains are from the gulf platforms hitting peak levels now. thanks to Obama we also exploded the natural gas production by 50% and now dominate the energy market.
Fanboy panting, not remotely factual. Free enterprise energy production, with more roadblocks (sage grouse!) from the BO administration than help, created that boom. Obama stated many times he would like to see energy costs go up so it was painful enough so other methods were more acceptable.

Using your idiotic logic, GWB is responsible for the growth of Apple and Google since they took off during his terms. Try to talk policy and common sense sometime.
It's not uncommon for billionaires to be seduced by socialist stupidity actually, though I too think he was probably trolling.

A billionaire communist still maintains wealth, and in the end enjoys more direct power over people by having close ties with government. They become government, capitalism for them, socialism for you.

The end result is always the same... they find themselves at the wrong end of the barrel of a gun.
It's not uncommon for billionaires to be seduced by socialist stupidity actually, though I too think he was probably trolling.

A billionaire communist still maintains wealth, and in the end enjoys more direct power over people by having close ties with government. They become government, capitalism for them, socialism for you.

The end result is always the same... they find themselves at the wrong end of the barrel of a gun.
Correct. Steve Jobs is a good example. Very liberal VIEWS but his practice was harsh capitalism. And from his biography when he met Obama in his first term his two topics were not around any social issues, they were: too many regulations to build plants in US and great need to reform the education system.
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I directly linked to his twitter where he HIMSELF says he’s a socialist. Linked again in case you’re somehow incapable of scrolling up two posts.

You read the whole tweet thread? How bout Musk’s, you know, actual actions?

Cait Jenner says she’s a chick, but she has a dick. So he’s a dude.