How will they rule ??!

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    Votes: 41 82.0%
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Who the f**k is opposed to plastic straws?

have you seen the massive plastic dumps in the oceans? the entire world should be against plastic straws. When the oceans die off from the trillions of microscopic plastic particles we will wish we had acted much sooner.

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Looks like it's between Hardiman and Kavanaugh. Not too enthused with either of those tbh. Hardiman is solidly pro-2A, but not sure where he stands on other issues. Trump cannot risk getting someone in there who will go for respectability. Hate to keep bringing up Souter and Kennedy, but these two choices very much have that feel

Hardiman is on the 3rd Circuit Court of Appeals which is made up of a majority of dem nominated judges. So he isn't in the majority all that often and hasn't been able to write as many opinions as he would otherwise. Trump's sister was a judge on that Circuit and has personally vouched for his conservatism FWIW.
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have you seen the massive plastic dumps in the oceans? the entire world should be against plastic straws. When the oceans die off from the trillions of microscopic plastic particles we will wish we had acted much sooner.


5 Asian countries are responsible for 60% of all plastic dumped into the Oceans. My straws go into a landfill. Maybe some of those coastal liberals have some splaining to do.

In a recent report, Ocean Conservancy claims that China, Indonesia, the Philippines, Thailand and Vietnam are spewing out as much as 60 percent of the plastic waste that enters the world’s seas.
have you seen the massive plastic dumps in the oceans? the entire world should be against plastic straws. When the oceans die off from the trillions of microscopic plastic particles we will wish we had acted much sooner.


What a ****ing moron you are. Let's blame Americans when it's shit hole Asian nattions

Paris agreement? Nah **** Europe too.

9 o'clock bitch
have you seen the massive plastic dumps in the oceans? the entire world should be against plastic straws. When the oceans die off from the trillions of microscopic plastic particles we will wish we had acted much sooner.

Please move over in front of a bathtub. Your delicious tears must be collected. We will all use a plastic straw to slurp them up.
have you seen the massive plastic dumps in the oceans? the entire world should be against plastic straws. When the oceans die off from the trillions of microscopic plastic particles we will wish we had acted much sooner.

Luckily Starbucks is making a world saving you'll drink their coffee out of **checks notes** a plastic cup...
This government has done nothing to fix the real issues in this country and are more concerned with winning the culture wars. Still no plan to fix healthcare, infrastructure, deficits, social security, medicare, income inequality, and the militarization of the police

I agree, other than on income inequality. That's not a government issue.
They're going to eff this nominee up.
Not a chance Trump messes tonight up IMO. He knows tonight can change the country for possibly a generation. Trumps ego is too big to screw this opportunity up. Trumps name will go down in history with who he chooses tonight.
With McCain on his death bed (unable to vote), McConnell isn't sure if he can get Barrett confirmed. He has told the president that Hardiman and Kethledge would be the easiest of the four finalists to confirm. Rand Paul opposes Kavanaugh.

Can't believe thapar wasn't at least a finalist. Surely he removed his name from consideration. Seems he would've been the easiest to confirm
Can't believe thapar wasn't at least a finalist. Surely he removed his name from consideration. Seems he would've been the easiest to confirm

3 of the 4 finalists had +10 years experience at the Appeals Court level. Thapar only had one year. Its hard to be sure that a guy isn't a Kennedy unless he has written a bunch of opinions over time. I guess that was the logic.
have you seen the massive plastic dumps in the oceans? the entire world should be against plastic straws. When the oceans die off from the trillions of microscopic plastic particles we will wish we had acted much sooner.

The sky is falling, the sky is falling!
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have you seen the massive plastic dumps in the oceans? the entire world should be against plastic straws. When the oceans die off from the trillions of microscopic plastic particles we will wish we had acted much sooner.

Why are you picking on just poor little ole straws? It's all LDPE. And what is Lefty Starbucks doing ot clean the oceans of them? As is, all they care about is making $$$.
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5 Asian countries are responsible for 60% of all plastic dumped into the Oceans. My straws go into a landfill. Maybe some of those coastal liberals have some splaining to do.

In a recent report, Ocean Conservancy claims that China, Indonesia, the Philippines, Thailand and Vietnam are spewing out as much as 60 percent of the plastic waste that enters the world’s seas.
It's all on Starbucks. Boycott them.
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