How will they rule ??!

  • YES - Qualified

    Votes: 41 82.0%
  • NO - Disqualified

    Votes: 9 18.0%

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Remember these videos of bragging about inciting violence, staging scenes and voter fraud and a Super PAC colluding with the Clinton camp? Guess how much the media focused on this story. They like to go after O'Keefe but he didn't make any of these people say it. It's their voices.

"As for why Barrett over Kavanaugh or Kethledge, Trump’s instinct when told that he can’t do something is to do it. And Barrett is the one pick more than any other about whom he’s being told “You can’t do that!” She’s too pro-life! Collins and Murkowski will walk! Official Washington much prefers Kavanaugh or Kethledge! I think Trump processes advice like that in terms of “You don’t have the balls to do this.” It’s like waving a red cape in front of a bull. More than that, though, Barrett is very clearly the choice that’ll make his base happiest and galvanize them for a big chair-throwing culture-war brawl with the left. Kethledge is getting knocked by the right for his immigration votes, Kavanaugh is getting bashed for being a Bushie, but Barrett seems to be viewed as some sort of conquering white knight of social conservatism. I think that’s foolhardy: She’s far less of a known quantity as a judge than Kavanaugh or Kethledge are and might well disappoint conservatives in all sorts of ways over the next 40 years on the Court. (Although, crucially, probably not on abortion.) It’d be wiser to give her five years on the bench and then see where things stand.

But Republicans don’t necessarily have five years to play with. By far the stupidest argument in support of passing over Barrett this time is that Trump can save her for the eventual Ginsburg vacancy. Trump may be out of office in as little as two and a half years, though. There’s every reason to think Ginsburg can hang on until then. And if she does, it might plausibly be another full decade before a Republican president gets to fill a Court seat. If so, at 56, Barrett will be starting to edge out of the age window for likely Court nominees. Also, as Ross Douthatnoted yesterday, it makes little sense politically to save Barrett for the Ginsburg seat even if there were a guarantee that Republicans would get to fill it. Replacing Kennedy with Barrett won’t shift the Court dramatically further right; replacing Ginsburg with her obviously would, which would make the cultural and political battle that much more wrenching. If Trump’s going to appoint someone who might be more tolerable to Democrats (like the low-key Hardiman), doing it with the Ginsburg vacancy makes more sense than doing it now.

The big knock against Barrett is that she can’t get confirmed. Collins and Murkowski allegedly will choke on her strong pro-life stance and walk. Trump should dare them to do it and make an enemy of the right forever. More to the point, he should dare Joe Manchin, Heidi Heitkamp, Joe Donnelly, Jon Tester, Claire McCaskill, Doug Jones, and Bill Nelson to do it — every day, by name, on Twitter. Trump needs to keep red-state Democrats in the spotlight on this relentlessly; if he doesn’t, they’ll hide behind Collins and Murky and vote however they do, expecting if the nomination goes down that the two centrist Republicans will bear the brunt of the backlash. Trump can’t let that happen. If I were him, I’d ignore Collins and Murkowski entirely and treat those seven Democrats as de facto independents for confirmation purposes, hammering the message that the nominee’s fate is in their hands alone. The only way to equalize the intense pressure they’ll be getting from the left to vote no is with a presidential bullhorn aimed straight at their red-state constituents, every day from now to the confirmation vote. If the pressure gets intense enough, maybe — probably not, but maybe — Manchin and another Dem would panic and vote yes even if the two Republicans vote no. And if they don’t, making a public spectacle out of them will make their defeats in November more likely."

All Trump needs is two yays out of the nine senators I just named. Can he and McConnell get two for the first Republican woman nominee since Sandra Day O’Connor, whose Catholicism is destined to be demagogued in ugly ways by the left over the next few months? Like I say, when you tell him he can’t do something, that’s when he wants to try. My money’s on Barrett.
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Remember these videos of bragging about inciting violence, staging scenes and voter fraud and a Super PAC colluding with the Clinton camp? Guess how much the media focused on this story. They like to go after O'Keefe but he didn't make any of these people say it. It's their voices.

Just a reminder that KY has more voters than citizens (largest voter discrepancy in the country) and Allison Grimes sold voter info to third party tech companies (companies that donated money to her campaign fund).
The first thing that Beshear did is pick a teacher as his running mate. Jacqueline Coleman (wood post-makeover).



Oh hell yea. Nvm what I said about Andy. Wood vote. Hard.
LOL. Politics, man, what a sewer of shit. Democrats are great at it though. They're corrupt as hell and total evil scum but they understand optics, how to craft the narrative and how to destroy someone.
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you guys are so ignorant that you are cheering a Supreme Court that will continue to erode workers rights and give big business more and more power.
Stopping requiring government workers; i.e., parts of government, to negotiate with other parts of government on contracts is eroding workers rights? Answer: No, it's protecting those rights from a one-sided monopoly to screws non-government citizens.
LOL. Politics, man, what a sewer of shit. Democrats are great at it though. They're corrupt as hell and total evil scum but they understand optics, how to craft the narrative and how to destroy someone.
Politics attracts the biggest scumbags on the planet so its not shocking how our government and politicians have gotten to this point. Then add in giving millions of mindless idiots a vote and these crooks have all they need to achieve their agenda.
I'm skeptical of that situation for a couple of reasons. Being re-elected is not guaranteed considering the levels of deceit/cheating that Democrats have proven to resort to and RBG will not retire while a Republican is in office so that would have to bank on her dying while Trump is in office, which isn't a guarantee.
I doubt RBG is alert enough to know who is President.
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"Politicians from both parties have gotten away with letting down ordinary Americans for decades because millions of Americans are culturally wedded to their tribal political identities of Republican or Democrat, and can’t think outside the box.

Looked at this way, the election of Donald Trump made perfect sense to me. Sixty-three million voters — including African-Americans, Hispanics and Democrats — rejected status quo politics and voted for a strong, rank outsider to shake the establishment from their comfortable perches."
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The guy who pushed the Jim Jordan BS. Reminds me of when the Apprentice contestant who claimed Trump sexually assaulted her was exposed sending an email praising Trump and asking for a job and even getting her family to become Trump supporters.
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Just a reminder that KY has more voters than citizens (largest voter discrepancy in the country) and Allison Grimes sold voter info to third party tech companies (companies that donated money to her campaign fund).
Ky has 3,368,119 registered voters & 4,472,265 people, of which 22.7% are under 18. That means 3,457,061 are over age 18 or fewer than the number of registered voters - by a smidge.
Looks like it's between Hardiman and Kavanaugh. Not too enthused with either of those tbh. Hardiman is solidly pro-2A, but not sure where he stands on other issues. Trump cannot risk getting someone in there who will go for respectability. Hate to keep bringing up Souter and Kennedy, but these two choices very much have that feel
Only thing that has me uneasy about another "conservative" SCOTUS pick is the fact it took the 4 lefties to protect our privacy and prevent cops from being able to access your historic cell phone location data without a warrant.

Be nice if we could get someone who just respects the Constitution and all individual rights, not just ones they generally side with politically.