How will they rule ??!

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One thing I do like about Mitch is that he really loves triggering libs. If they think badgering him in public bothers him - they should think again. He's feeding off it if anything
He knows these left wing nut jobs and their moronic, intimidation tactics will only assist the GOP in November. And the liberals are too stupid to see it.

After months of Donald Trump’s controversial clampdown on immigration, Mexico’s President-elect Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador is planning his own border police force to stop undocumented immigrants, drugs and guns from crossing into the country from Central America, his future chief of public security said.

Picked by Lopez Obrador, Alfonso Durazo stressed that the new force would be part of a larger regional development effort to ease the poverty and violence that lead so many Central Americans to cross into Mexico. The police corps will be sizable, he said, and will be deployed to Mexico’s northern border as well. He declined to offer more specifics as the details are still being decided.

"We’re going to create a border police force that will be highly specialized," Durazo said in an interview. "They need to apply the law," including stopping undocumented migrants and human traffickers from crossing into Mexico, which Durazo says often takes place with the help of corrupt officials.

After months of Donald Trump’s controversial clampdown on immigration, Mexico’s President-elect Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador is planning his own border police force to stop undocumented immigrants, drugs and guns from crossing into the country from Central America, his future chief of public security said.

Picked by Lopez Obrador, Alfonso Durazo stressed that the new force would be part of a larger regional development effort to ease the poverty and violence that lead so many Central Americans to cross into Mexico. The police corps will be sizable, he said, and will be deployed to Mexico’s northern border as well. He declined to offer more specifics as the details are still being decided.

"We’re going to create a border police force that will be highly specialized," Durazo said in an interview. "They need to apply the law," including stopping undocumented migrants and human traffickers from crossing into Mexico, which Durazo says often takes place with the help of corrupt officials.

This happened in the "sanctuary county" in which I live - Montgomery Co. Md., which recently gave Convicted traitor transgender lunatic Chelsea Manning TWICE as many votes for the U.S. Senate as the top two career public servants running as Republicans. The county policy is not to turn over illegals to the Feds no matter how many prior crimes committed -- which, of course, has led to several episodes of citizens being murdered or killed by drunk drivers who clearly should have been deported.

Ponder that when deciding whether to vote for policies that would turn the whole country into my county.

Just lunacy man. Absolutely insane.
Lol at libs asking for a "moderate, mainstream judge" what the hell does that mean in a constitutional context? Are they supposed to follow the constitution halfway and halfway what they want it to say? Insane ppl.
US is not energy independent and Trump had zero to do with our current oil boom.
And there were no death panels to get rid of

Forgot to add:
- increased health insurance costs for millions of Americans
- getting owned by North Korea because he thinks he's on the Apprentice still
- added trillions to the deficit and treasury revenue has plummeted
- committed human rights violations at the border
- took brides from China to let ZTE off the hook
- destroyed American standing around the globe, particularly with our allies
- committed treason and other high crimes against the Republic
- moving the country towards authoritarian, Turkey style rule
- filled the swamp with guys like Pruitt
- tearing the country apart and moving it towards civil war

Republicans sacrificed the principles of our country for short-term wins.
GITMO! It never closed!
GITMO! It never closed!
GITMO! It never closed!
GITMO! It never closed!
GITMO! It never closed!
GITMO! It never closed!
GITMO! It never closed!
Lol at libs asking for a "moderate, mainstream judge" what the hell does that mean in a constitutional context? Are they supposed to follow the constitution halfway and halfway what they want it to say? Insane ppl.

"Now the Senate is looking for 'moderate' judges, 'mainstream' judges. What in the world is a moderate interpretation of a constitutional text? Halfway between what it says and what we'd like it to say?” — Antonin Scalia

After months of Donald Trump’s controversial clampdown on immigration, Mexico’s President-elect Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador is planning his own border police force to stop undocumented immigrants, drugs and guns from crossing into the country from Central America, his future chief of public security said.

Picked by Lopez Obrador, Alfonso Durazo stressed that the new force would be part of a larger regional development effort to ease the poverty and violence that lead so many Central Americans to cross into Mexico. The police corps will be sizable, he said, and will be deployed to Mexico’s northern border as well. He declined to offer more specifics as the details are still being decided.

"We’re going to create a border police force that will be highly specialized," Durazo said in an interview. "They need to apply the law," including stopping undocumented migrants and human traffickers from crossing into Mexico, which Durazo says often takes place with the help of corrupt officials.

Oh shit! Viva la Nazis! Haha

Liberals are so stupid.
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Lots of people saying Kavanaugh because he's a sure thing for confirmation. Barrett was just too difficult of a confirmation with Collins and Murkowski defecting.
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Definitely not excited about his ties to the Bush family. But will have to look into more of how he has voted.

Really hoping RBG is gone soon.
#MAGA President should be held liable for this attack. And ya wonder why so many people are not proud of their country at the moment, between this type of stuff and a bunch of white supremacists and Nazis running under the Republican banner, the true colors of the GOP is shining bright!

91-year-old man beaten with brick, told 'go back to your own country'
#MAGA President should be held liable for this attack. And ya wonder why so many people are not proud of their country at the moment, between this type of stuff and a bunch of white supremacists and Nazis running under the Republican banner, the true colors of the GOP is shining bright!

91-year-old man beaten with brick, told 'go back to your own country'
Where the heck did that say anything about her party affiliation? When she is caught let her be held accountable.
#MAGA President should be held liable for this attack. And ya wonder why so many people are not proud of their country at the moment, between this type of stuff and a bunch of white supremacists and Nazis running under the Republican banner, the true colors of the GOP is shining bright!

91-year-old man beaten with brick, told 'go back to your own country'
Unlike you pussy liberals, conservatives will condemn this attack. If guilty, they need to be stoned and sent to a Mexican prison.
#MAGA President should be held liable for this attack. And ya wonder why so many people are not proud of their country at the moment, between this type of stuff and a bunch of white supremacists and Nazis running under the Republican banner, the true colors of the GOP is shining bright!

91-year-old man beaten with brick, told 'go back to your own country'

Uh.....where is the proof this was a Republican?
91-year-old man beaten with brick, told 'go back to your own country'

And of course the victim says nothing of the sort. He seems to remember everything else in detail, so why not mention the "go back to your country part"? Maybe it's just me, but I think the woman in the car is lying.

Rodriguez said he was walking to a nearby park on Wednesday when he passed a woman and a little girl. Without warning, the woman assaulted him, he said, hitting him with a concrete block and enlisting a group of men to join in beating him.

"I didn't even bump into her kid," Rodriguez said. "I just passed her and she pushed me and she hit me until she was done."

Rodriguez said he doesn't remember when the woman picked up the concrete block, but he remembers being hit repeatedly. At one point, he says, the woman ran up to a group of men nearby and told them Rodriguez was trying to take her daughter away from her -- so the men joined her and started kicking him as he lay bleeding on the sidewalk, Rodriguez said.
"But that's not true," he said, through tears. "In the years I have been alive I have never offended anyone."

Misbel Borjas was driving by when she saw the woman hitting Rodriguez repeatedly in the head with a concrete block, she said.

"I heard her saying, go back to your country, go back to Mexico," she told CNN by phone.
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#MAGA President should be held liable for this attack. And ya wonder why so many people are not proud of their country at the moment, between this type of stuff and a bunch of white supremacists and Nazis running under the Republican banner, the true colors of the GOP is shining bright!

91-year-old man beaten with brick, told 'go back to your own country'

You are. Pussy. Liberal pussy BTW