How will they rule ??!

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The idea of a woman being picked to piss off libs is enticing... but shes not most qualified IMO and i dont like identity politics.

i like hardimans blue collar roots. Save barret to replace RBG after she has more than 8 months experience.

I'm skeptical of that situation for a couple of reasons. Being re-elected is not guaranteed considering the levels of deceit/cheating that Democrats have proven to resort to and RBG will not retire while a Republican is in office so that would have to bank on her dying while Trump is in office, which isn't a guarantee.
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Did Cardkilla just time travel back to 2008? I though Obama fixed all that shit. I mean, we didn't hear a goddam peep about there being any problems over the past 8 years.

From 2009-2016, not a word about the debt, not a word about the border, not a word about the drone killings, etc.

This is what it's like in the delusional world of Democrats.

- Everything negative either didn't happen because the media wouldn't cover it or it was just Bush's fault
- The economy is now good thanks to Obama

With McCain on his death bed (unable to vote), McConnell isn't sure if he can get Barrett confirmed. He has told the president that Hardiman and Kethledge would be the easiest of the four finalists to confirm. Rand Paul opposes Kavanaugh.
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The idea of a woman being picked to piss off libs is enticing... but shes not most qualified IMO and i dont like identity politics.

i like hardimans blue collar roots. Save barret to replace RBG after she has more than 8 months experience.
She is the least experienced, but she also seems like the most steadfast in her convictions imo. I just want desperately to avoid another Souter or Kennedy
US is not energy independent and Trump had zero to do with our current oil boom.
And there were no death panels to get rid of

Forgot to add:
- increased health insurance costs for millions of Americans
- getting owned by North Korea because he thinks he's on the Apprentice still
- added trillions to the deficit and treasury revenue has plummeted
- committed human rights violations at the border
- took brides from China to let ZTE off the hook
- destroyed American standing around the globe, particularly with our allies
- committed treason and other high crimes against the Republic
- moving the country towards authoritarian, Turkey style rule
- filled the swamp with guys like Pruitt
- tearing the country apart and moving it towards civil war

Republicans sacrificed the principles of our country for short-term wins.
What treason? Also about human rights violations at the many times does this need to be said that your dad was locking them in cages...but not only that..he killed countless innocent ppl with yawned tho.

Is it authoritarian? What freedom has been removed for you or any other citizen...I'll wait.

The rest of your
Obama should have suggested Ginsburg retire when he was President. Not doing that may just give Trump another Supreme Court pick.

Bill Clinton tried to get RBG to retire before he left office when she was in her late 60's and she told him to piss off. Ruthy probably figured Hillary was going to win so she hung on a little longer. Breyer is pretty old too (80 next month).
Forgot to mention this, but I've discovered that Google has really amped up their propaganda algorithm. You know how hard it is to find basic information, documents and pieces that I used to easily find but is now buried in a sea of nothing but leftist op-eds and propaganda? Trying to find the actual WikiLeaks stuff has been difficult because it's nothing but liberal publications claiming Russia and how some is fake. lol

Just googled ISIS and here's what came up

Washington Post
"Trump claims he did more than Obama in the fight against Obama"- "Three Pinocchios

"Donald Trump takes credit for gains against ISIS but there's more to the story"- Politifact (Half true)

"Obama’s ISIS policy is working for Trump"

There’s a middle ground between going all in and getting all the way out in Iraq and Syria. Obama struck that balance and Trump has stuck with it." -Washington Post

"Trump has already killed more civilians than Obama in fight against ISIS"

We have a press that is just straight propaganda. Our country is no different than the Soviet, Nazi, communist propaganda.

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Least Shocking News of the Year: Andy Beshear is officially running for Governor. All he does as Attorney General is fight anything the Gov. Matt Bevin tries to do.

Everybody on the media is allllll in on the "well doesn't matter who runs Bevin is not gonna win anyway.." train. Maybe he won't, idk, but Beshear or Grimes would be much worse for the state. Talk about a douche vs turd sandwich. Well, Grimes is a criminal who has already abused her power as SoS.

If Bevin would have shut his mouth about teachers, I think he had a great chance of being elected.
See the references above to Republicans disavowing Trump.....just read this elsewhere. It's from Jonah Goldberg in 2006, still relevant today:

"[Here’s] a short rule of thumb for how to tell who is a “respectable” conservative in the eyes of liberals: any conservative out of power or not seen as supportive of those in power. An even shorter rule of thumb would be: conservatives are respectable if they are useful to liberals. Pat Buchanan became respectable, even adorable, among a loose coalition of liberals leftists, from MSNBC’s Chris Matthews to Ralph Nader, when he turned on the GOP establishment. Kevin Phillips, David Gergen and John Dean have been “real” Republicans — though rarely conservatives — for decades because they are willing to confirm the assumptions of liberals. An even more telling example would be the “neocons.” Before the Iraq war, neocons were the nice conservatives, the good conservatives, the idealistic conservatives the un-racist conservatives, according to academics, The New York Times and others. This is not to say that they aren’t nice, good, idealistic and un-racist. Rather, it’s to point up the way in which conservatives become evil as they become influential, relevant, or otherwise inconvenient to liberals. John McCain was touted as a good choice for president by The New Republic and other liberal voices. Today, McCain is increasingly vilified by many of these same voices because, it turns out, he’s actually a Republican."

Virtually the only time a conservative is approvingly quoted in the mainstream press is when he has something negative to say about another conservative. True story.
With McCain on his death bed (unable to vote), McConnell isn't sure if he can get Barrett confirmed. He has told the president that Hardiman and Kethledge would be the easiest of the four finalists to confirm. Rand Paul opposes Kavanaugh.
I'm wondering if Trump thinks losing a SC battle might be good for him in November? Perhaps Barrett isn't really his first choice - so he nominates her, knowing the left won't be able to help itself, it will reveal it's own insanity for all to see (which hurts them electorally). Barrett is withdrawn, then he puts forth his real first choice. Giving the Dems a win that way would also insulate him somewhat against the idea that the replublic needs to give the Ds control of the House as a check against Trump's power.

Or nah.
She is the least experienced, but she also seems like the most steadfast in her convictions imo. I just want desperately to avoid another Souter or Kennedy
I agree 1000%. This is always a concern to me when a nomination is made. You never know how things are going to turn out. Even Reagan had a few who were not who we thought they were going to be. Of course Bush screwed Conservatives and the more I find out about the Bush family the more I think this may have been by design. They were not who I thought they were.
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I'm wondering if Trump thinks losing a SC battle might be good for him in November? Perhaps Barrett isn't really his first choice - so he nominates her, knowing the left won't be able to help itself, it will reveal it's own insanity for all to see (which hurts them electorally). Barrett is withdrawn, then he puts forth his real first choice. Giving the Dems a win that way would also insulate him somewhat against the idea that the replublic needs to give the Ds control of the House as a check against Trump's power.

Or nah.
Maybe. Trashing a catholic woman would help him in the rust belt.
Guiliani looks like he's had a major stroke recently or just gone full retard. The crap that comes out of his mouth is unreal. Had no idea that you could obstruct justice in plain sight as President and Jewels is doing without repercussions.
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Guiliani looks like he's had a major stroke recently or just gone full retard. The crap that comes out of his mouth is unreal. Had no idea that you could obstruct justice in plain sight as President and Jewels is doing without repercussions.

Everybody on the media is allllll in on the "well doesn't matter who runs Bevin is not gonna win anyway.." train. Maybe he won't, idk, but Beshear or Grimes would be much worse for the state. Talk about a douche vs turd sandwich. Well, Grimes is a criminal who has already abused her power as SoS.

If Bevin would have shut his mouth about teachers, I think he had a great chance of being elected.
Bevin has diarrhea of the mouth sometimes, but is the best governor we’ve had in years.
I agree 1000%. This is always a concern to me when a nomination is made. You never know how things are going to turn out. Even Reagan had a few who were not who we thought they were going to be. Of course Bush screwed Conservatives and the more I find out about the Bush family the more I think this may have been by design. They were not who I thought they were.
So Roberts becomes the new swing vote?
With McCain on his death bed (unable to vote), McConnell isn't sure if he can get Barrett confirmed. He has told the president that Hardiman and Kethledge would be the easiest of the four finalists to confirm. Rand Paul opposes Kavanaugh.

Anyone associated with Bush or Kennedy should not even be considered. Why would a Republican not want to confirm Barrett? Someone tells me, "Hey, this conservative person who was under Scalia can be on the SCOTUS for 40 years. You cool with that?" Um yeah, I'm taking that every time. I wouldn't trust some of the other names at all.
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Bevin has diarrhea of the mouth sometimes, but is the best governor we’ve had in years.
He is a nut job sometimes but it takes a nut job to take on the public employees unions and that pension pile of shit. Can't wait to hear the carebear/unicorn campaign that Beshear puts together to fix it.
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I'm wondering if Trump thinks losing a SC battle might be good for him in November? Perhaps Barrett isn't really his first choice - so he nominates her, knowing the left won't be able to help itself, it will reveal it's own insanity for all to see (which hurts them electorally). Barrett is withdrawn, then he puts forth his real first choice. Giving the Dems a win that way would also insulate him somewhat against the idea that the replublic needs to give the Ds control of the House as a check against Trump's power.

Or nah.

I would take my best shot now and get someone confirmed before the election. If the dems were to somehow takeover the senate in January (not likely but also not impossible), Shummer could refuse to give any Trump nominee a vote until the next election (2 years). I wouldn't put that past the dems as payback for Garland.
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Democrat (Socialists) are screwed when America starts paying attention. Democrats beginning to encourage other Democrats to wake up and stop drinking the Kool-Aid, and starting the #WalkAway campaign, walk away from that corrupt party. I grew up in Kentucky in a household of life-long Democrats and can say that it is a shame that Democrat constituents are so WEAK to have allowed this party to be hijacked by Marxist/Socialists with the intent to destroy the absolute greatest nation man-kind has ever witnessed. These jackasses will be crushed or America will go down in flames. I betting on crushed. LIBERALISM IS A MENTAL DISORDER, as best.
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I would take may best shot now and get someone confirmed before the election. If the dems were to somehow takeover the senate in January (not likely but also not impossible), Shummer could refuse to give any Trump nominee a vote until the next election (2 years). I wouldn't put that past the dems as payback for Garland.
Yep. Really, my earlier musing aside, Trump doesn't have enough vote cushion to allow for that kind of gamesmanship. McCain clearly intends to be a thorn in Trump's side, opposing him on virtually everything - no matter how much McCain might support it otherwise. So, whether he's present to vote or not, you can't depend on him. I think Murkowski and Collins both may be more problematic than is commonly perceived - i think they both oppose Barret on Row grounds, but maybe they aren't reliable even on nominees who seem to pose no threat to Row. The New York Times is courting both of them - more grounded conservatives have given way to that sort of pressure......
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I'm skeptical of that situation for a couple of reasons. Being re-elected is not guaranteed considering the levels of deceit/cheating that Democrats have proven to resort to and RBG will not retire while a Republican is in office so that would have to bank on her dying while Trump is in office, which isn't a guarantee.

Im skeptical as well.. but that doesnt change anything for this.. shes not most qualified IMO.. and she doesnt have any cases to show as how she will rule in the future. Basically, if were worried about getting another kennedy.. she would be the most questionable... even though her past writings are strongly conservative... no case law