How will they rule ??!

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Some of the female comments in that thread are so delusional. One said, “If they promoted it more or were forced to pay the same percentage of revenue, it would get more interest.”

Hahaha. It’s an inferior product. It’s not that people don’t know about it. They just don’t care. It’s why UK forces women’s basketball on us during Big Blue Madness because no one would give a crap to go watch them.

Trump has called breastfeeding “disgusting”

The president himself has also expressed revulsion at the act of breastfeeding.
He clearly says "late age". Besides, he has a point. Some fat, old, wrinkly heifer breastfeeding in public is disgusting. No one wants to see that mess. Put your damn clothes on.

P.S. No one gives a shit what Trump, or his administration, thinks about breastfeeding. Women who want to breastfeed will do so. The garbage that boy reads and posts is downright dumb.

P.S.S. There's also this gem.

Correction: A previous version of this article referred to Ecuador as a Central American country. It is in South America.

Oh, so it’s not weird and disgusting that a four year old was on the cover of a magazine sucking a boob? WTF?

I must have the person you’re talking to on ignore but these dumb shits continue to miss that they bitch so much about the dumbest stuff that normal people tune them out.

When you go nuts about ice cream scoops, Diet Coke, handshakes, koi fish, freaking out over every effing thing, you sound like a crazy person. It would be like a woman not being able to shut up about another girl at work. At some point, you’re just an obsessed nut job who is unhinged and cannot be taken serious.
some fat, old, wrinkly heifer breastfeeding in public is disgusting

Because no one probably cares or wants to read that article I was bored and took one for the team and did a little research. Lesbian women are mad because they are being called bigots and accused of transphobia for refusing to date/have sex with men. Yes you read that right.

You see in the madness that is political correctness we are told trans women (men dressed as women) are in fact women. Well some of those men (trans women) aren't gay and are exclusively attracted to women like straight men. They call themselves trans lesbian. So they're straight men who dress as women and identify as lesbian and are attracted to other lesbian women.

And since lesbian women date/have sex exclusively with other lesbian women they are being told to ignore the fact that trans lesbian are men and have a penis and date/have sex with them since in the world of political correctness they're basically lesbian women too.
Because no one probably cares or wants to read that article I was bored and took one for the team and did a little research. Lesbian women are mad because they are being called bigots and accused of transphobia for refusing to date/have sex with men. Yes you read that right.

You see in the madness that is political correctness we are told trans women (men dressed as women) are in fact women. Well some of those men (trans women) aren't gay and are exclusively attracted to women like straight men. They call themselves trans lesbian. So they're straight men who dress as women and identify as lesbian and are attracted to other lesbian women.

And since lesbian women date/have sex exclusively with other lesbian women they are being told to ignore the fact that trans lesbian are men and have a penis and date/have sex with them since in the world of political correctness they're basically lesbian women too.
Oh, when you put it like that it makes perfect sense. o_O
Because no one probably cares or wants to read that article I was bored and took one for the team and did a little research. Lesbian women are mad because they are being called bigots and accused of transphobia for refusing to date/have sex with men. Yes you read that right.

You see in the madness that is political correctness we are told trans women (men dressed as women) are in fact women. Well some of those men (trans women) aren't gay and are exclusively attracted to women like straight men. They call themselves trans lesbian. So they're straight men who dress as women and identify as lesbian and are attracted to other lesbian women.

And since lesbian women date/have sex exclusively with other lesbian women they are being told to ignore the fact that trans lesbian are men and have a penis and date/have sex with them since in the world of political correctness they're basically lesbian women too.

[laughing] This is what you call a social justice warrior conundrum.
Humphrey, who was a leading conservative senator from 1978-90, also revealed that he will change his party registration to independent “as soon as Trump’s nomination becomes official.”

Read Newsmax: Former U.S. Senator: I'm Quitting GOP Over Trump |

John Gizzi gets it. He knows Trump is draining the swamp on both sides of the lake. Glad you are posting John Gizzi here is another crumb for you.
Humphrey, who was a leading conservative senator from 1978-90, also revealed that he will change his party registration to independent “as soon as Trump’s nomination becomes official.”

Read Newsmax: Former U.S. Senator: I'm Quitting GOP Over Trump |
Humphrey, who was a leading conservative senator from 1978-90, also revealed that he will change his party registration to independent “as soon as Trump’s nomination becomes official.”

Read Newsmax: Former U.S. Senator: I'm Quitting GOP Over Trump |

You're on the wrong side of history.

But please keep enlightening us with your thoughts about how bad Trump is.

Shit I need more laughter throughout my day and some of you clowns are providing just that.
Can you say. Winning!!

US is not energy independent and Trump had zero to do with our current oil boom.
And there were no death panels to get rid of

Forgot to add:
- increased health insurance costs for millions of Americans
- getting owned by North Korea because he thinks he's on the Apprentice still
- added trillions to the deficit and treasury revenue has plummeted
- committed human rights violations at the border
- took brides from China to let ZTE off the hook
- destroyed American standing around the globe, particularly with our allies
- committed treason and other high crimes against the Republic
- moving the country towards authoritarian, Turkey style rule
- filled the swamp with guys like Pruitt
- tearing the country apart and moving it towards civil war

Republicans sacrificed the principles of our country for short-term wins.
This government has done nothing to fix the real issues in this country and are more concerned with winning the culture wars. Still no plan to fix healthcare, infrastructure, deficits, social security, medicare, income inequality, and the militarization of the police.

Then you hear our government is trying to bully and blackmail countries to stop a campaign for breastfeeding, all at the behest of their masters in the formula business. Just sickening.
you guys are so ignorant that you are cheering a Supreme Court that will continue to erode workers rights and give big business more and more power.
US is not energy independent and Trump had zero to do with our current oil boom.
And there were no death panels to get rid of

Forgot to add:
- increased health insurance costs for millions of Americans
- getting owned by North Korea because he thinks he's on the Apprentice still
- added trillions to the deficit and treasury revenue has plummeted
- committed human rights violations at the border
- took brides from China to let ZTE off the hook
- destroyed American standing around the globe, particularly with our allies
- committed treason and other high crimes against the Republic
- moving the country towards authoritarian, Turkey style rule
- filled the swamp with guys like Pruitt
- tearing the country apart and moving it towards civil war

Republicans sacrificed the principles of our country for short-term wins.

Literally everything in your post is wrong, the entire post.
Some of the female comments in that thread are so delusional. One said, “If they promoted it more or were forced to pay the same percentage of revenue, it would get more interest.”

Hahaha. It’s an inferior product. It’s not that people don’t know about it. They just don’t care. It’s why UK forces women’s basketball on us during Big Blue Madness because no one would give a crap to go watch them.
I wish some (not all because most do) women would just accept the fact their bodies are not compatible to a man's when it comes to playing basketball. Blame nature on that. Women are superior in many, many, many things such as having babies. They have mastered that and it is much easier for them than hitting a jump shot.
you guys are so ignorant that you are cheering a Supreme Court that will continue to erode workers rights and give big business more and more power.

You don't seem to know a whole lot about the current Supreme Court. It is very pro-business but not in a 5-4 manner. Most decisions if they are not politically charged, usually have one or more of the libs joining. The Supreme Ct. is not there to prop up unions it is there to interpret the Constitution. If you are looking for the land of the worker's party go to China or North Korea.

There have been 36 justices to serve on the court since the 1946 term. Of the 10 most pro-business justices since then, six are members of the current court. Two were appointed by former President Obama (Justices Elena Kagan and Sonia Sotomayor) and have decided in favor of business more than some of their Republican-appointed colleagues.
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There's a reply to that tweet that is pretty accurate.

This is no longer, "I just disagree with your politics" which had been that way for quite some time. Now it's essentially a war where it's straight enemies.
Segregation has always been a Democrat thing. Even the blacks on some college campuses are crying for it now. Hollywood and Democrat politicians want everyone who does not agree with them to sit at the back of the bus.
you guys are so ignorant that you are cheering a Supreme Court that will continue to erode workers rights and give big business more and more power.
Your entire leftist way of thinking will be irrelevant for decades to come in a few months. Liberalism will be officially controlled through conservative judicial activism. The best part? Liberals are powerless to prevent it.
This government has done nothing to fix the real issues in this country and are more concerned with winning the culture wars. Still no plan to fix healthcare, infrastructure, deficits, social security, medicare, income inequality, and the militarization of the police.....Just sickening.
Y'all had total control of healthcare issue & came up with Obamacare's limited & expensive options. Now your folks stand in the way of private healthcare reforms. Just stop the nonsense.

Y'all increased SS & Medicare benefits w/o paying for them. Why should anyone listen to you? What is the Dem proposal? More taxes I'd bet.

Try to protect the country with improved defense & Dems blackmail for more social spending. Don't cry about deficits.

Oh yea, debt went form 63% of GDP when O elected to 105% when DT elected. It's gone to 107% since then. So you're really all upset about a 2% increase & didn't utter a peep about 42% increase. Pretty much fake news.
Big business backs amnesty and high levels of immigration. Why are you the way you are?

This is lost on these idiots.

The group who has Warren Buffett, George Soros, Eric Schmidt, Silicon Valley, Big Pharma, big businesses who wants to replace Americans with foreign slaves, has Hollywood, controls most of our media, controls academia, controls social media, has Starbucks (lol), etc etc somehow believes they're the rebels and the "oppressed."

"Down with the one percent!" yells the douche with his iPhone and Starbucks coffee while voting the same as those people above.
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Segregation has always been a Democrat thing. Even the blacks on some college campuses are crying for it now. Hollywood and Democrat politicians want everyone who does not agree with them to sit at the back of the bus.

On college campuses, they have segregated graduation ceremonies and "blacks only" dorms. Somehow this is "progress."
This government has done nothing to fix the real issues in this country and are more concerned with winning the culture wars. Still no plan to fix healthcare, infrastructure, deficits, social security, medicare, income inequality, and the militarization of the police.

Did Cardkilla just time travel back to 2008? I though Obama fixed all that shit. I mean, we didn't hear a goddam peep about there being any problems over the past 8 years.