How will they rule ??!

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    Votes: 41 82.0%
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    Votes: 9 18.0%

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Let me tell you what you probably shouldn't do to help a country like that. Promise a big factory selling clothing with 100k jobs and 25k houses to home the workers only to have 25k jobs and 6k houses. Probably has nothing to do with the Clintons though.
I agree with McCoulough. NBA progressives need to share their wealth equally with the WNBA. Popovich, LeBron, all of them. Everyone equal.

I read the lefties here and I learn.
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Because they want to control you . . . completely. Plain and simple. Order out of chaos. They've got their own vision of freedom and liberty to sell. A place where you are free of worries of where to live, what to eat, free if worry over healthcare, free of worry over basic income (they will decide how much that amount needs to be, another worry you should be freed from), etc. to infinity. That you may claim it is your right to determine your own fate for such things, that that is YOUR version if freedom, is more repulsive to them than a shit sandwich is to Queen of England. So they will inundate this country with every possible disaster and filth and scum they can find, terrorize your minds with their doubts, until no other option is available but to relent to one disastrous form of their new failing order after the next.

Absolutely agree. I'm in the younger generation and I fear not many will think outside of the box because their brainwashed by the modern news/social media company's.

Brexit was not supposed to pass, it was meant as a way to silence those that didn’t like what was going on in Great Britain.
The elites in GB have stalled and stalled the break hoping the fervor would die down.

I don’t believe the leadership has any intention of leaving the EU, damn what the citizens want.

Whomever said that’s what the left wants to do with Trump is correct. It’s sickening
It isn't that they make so little as it is the DA's paying NBA players so much. I mean I DGAS bout NBA either.
If the max salary in the NBA was $100K per year, we would still have the exact same guys playing. Tickets would cost 10 dollars and you could get a hot dog and a beer for 2 bucks.

The closest I get to following the NBA is to watch their Lexington KY farm team. I'm pretty interested in that.
If the max salary in the NBA was $100K per year, we would still have the exact same guys playing. Tickets would cost 10 dollars and you could get a hot dog and a beer for 2 bucks.

The closest I get to following the NBA is to watch their Lexington KY farm team. I'm pretty interested in that.
Interestingly, they don't even pay those players on the farm team...but the tickets are a lot more than $10, the hot dogs are ridiculously pricey, and the beer doesn't even exist. How does that work, exactly?
This is from moe's post for some reason I am unable to quote posts and I have to use text editor to post period. The text box doesn't come up until I post in text editor and then edit my post. All messed up on my end.

The secret story of how America lost the drug war with the Taliban

Tina Kaidanow

State Department deputy chief of mission in Afghanistan who issued an immediate stand-down order halting Operation Reciprocity after discovering Justice Department prosecutors in New York had approved building a narcoterrorism criminal conspiracy case against Taliban leader Mullah Omar and 25 top associates.

Its authors counter that Operation Reciprocity was designed in accordance with that White House strategy, an assertion backed up by interviews with current and former officials familiar with it and a review of government documents and congressional records. The authors believe the real reason it was shut down was fears it would jeopardize the administration’s efforts to engage the Taliban in peace talks and still-secret prisoner swap negotiations involving U.S. Army Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl. They tried to revive the effort after Kaidanow transferred back to Washington that fall, but by then, they say, circumstances had changed and the project never gained traction again.
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If the max salary in the NBA was $100K per year, we would still have the exact same guys playing. Tickets would cost 10 dollars and you could get a hot dog and a beer for 2 bucks.

The closest I get to following the NBA is to watch their Lexington KY farm team. I'm pretty interested in that.

Dont think youre correct there... see the kentucky farm team...
From the article above.

If you’re Putin, embarking upon a summit with the most Russophilic
president since World War II, who is taking a crowbar to the alliance of your enemies, why wouldn’t you help him again in 2018 and 2020?

Just announced today.

U.S. Ambassador to NATO Kay Bailey Hutchison says member states are “making progress” to increase defense spending at the urging of President Trump.

“NATO really is making progress, and they are doing it really at President Trump’s insistence,” Ms. Hutchison said on “Fox News Sunday.” “And I think it is very clear, and he’s been very direct, about the Europeans needing to do more for their own security.”

Ms. Hutchison said there are signs that other member nations are heeding the president’s call.

“Now, I think, for the first time, we are really seeing the Europeans actually start going in the right direction,” she said. “Every ally is now increasing defense spending. We’ve had the largest increase in defense spending since the Cold War. And in the year and a half that President Trump has been in office, it has doubled. I think he is making an impact, and I think that the Europeans, including Chancellor Merkel just recently, who has said we are going to do more, we need to do more, it’s the right thing to do.”
Interestingly, they don't even pay those players on the farm team...but the tickets are a lot more than $10, the hot dogs are ridiculously pricey, and the beer doesn't even exist. How does that work, exactly?

Dont think youre correct there... see the kentucky farm team...

If you fellas would like to twist my words and make them articulate, accurate, and witty, then go right ahead. [winking]
From the article above.

If you’re Putin, embarking upon a summit with the most Russophilic
president since World War II, who is taking a crowbar to the alliance of your enemies, why wouldn’t you help him again in 2018 and 2020?

Just announced today.

U.S. Ambassador to NATO Kay Bailey Hutchison says member states are “making progress” to increase defense spending at the urging of President Trump.

“NATO really is making progress, and they are doing it really at President Trump’s insistence,” Ms. Hutchison said on “Fox News Sunday.” “And I think it is very clear, and he’s been very direct, about the Europeans needing to do more for their own security.”

Ms. Hutchison said there are signs that other member nations are heeding the president’s call.

“Now, I think, for the first time, we are really seeing the Europeans actually start going in the right direction,” she said. “Every ally is now increasing defense spending. We’ve had the largest increase in defense spending since the Cold War. And in the year and a half that President Trump has been in office, it has doubled. I think he is making an impact, and I think that the Europeans, including Chancellor Merkel just recently, who has said we are going to do more, we need to do more, it’s the right thing to do.”

The nitwit marxists could care less about fact.
RBG kicks off and Trump will get a 6-3 advatange.

I hope he outlaws liberalism.
What liberals, true to their brainless, myopic view of the world, fail to understand is they have caused their own downfall. The use of the nuclear option by Harry “I’m a complete dumbass” Reid during the eight year failed experiment of Obama opened the door for the GOP to use it with regard to Supreme Court nominees. And the use of liberal US district courts to slow Presidential executive orders will now backfire. Why? Conservative groups will now use litigation to eradicate liberalism since the final say will be a conservative US Supreme Court. Liberalism, as affecting United States government, laws and policy, will be extinguished.