How will they rule ??!

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The GOP is fast becoming the party of the white-haired old men shoveling viagra in their mouths with little hands and short fingers.
Yet they elected a president, hold both houses of congress, control the governors of the vast majority of the states and hold the state houses of most states. They also have the vast majority of local elected officials.

So this little band of white old men are getting it done. Meanwhile your side has to resort to lies and crazy talk about doing away with ICE and the Russians are coming. Since Joe Scarborough left the GOP Happy Days Are Here Again.
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There's no such thing. You can say it until you're blue in the face. Hillary lost. On top of losing and even after liberals targeted, harassed and threatened the electoral college electors she had more defectors than Trump. The most ever in history. What a loser she is.
Liberals believe this is a vast conspiracy led by our founding fathers, mostly Thomas Jefferson, to keep Hillary Clinton from becoming President in 2016, They knew 200+ years in advance she would run so they rig it against her. Damn ole Electoral College. It is sexist too.
Really not sure who I want Trump to nominate, probably Kethledge would be my favorite right now of the ones listed.
Any of the three should be home runs. Of course one never knows how they will act once on the court. But I believe the people who are going to influence this decision have done their home work and we should be blessed with a conservative. Kethledge is really good.
Every ally is now increasing defense spending. Largest increase in Nato defense spending since the cold war. I bet Putin is thrilled. His master plan to "elect Trump" is paying off. Now his surrounding enemies are getting much stronger. Brilliant.

President Trump has already made a major, unprecedented impact in getting NATO allies to spend more on their own defense, U.S. NATO Ambassador Kay Bailey Hutchison said.

"I've worked for three presidents, all of whom have said the same thing," Hutchison said. "Now, I think for the first time, we are really seeing the Europeans start going in the same direction. Every ally is now increasing defense spending -- we've had the largest increase in defense spending since the Cold War."

"He's making an impact, and the Europeans, including [German] Chancellor Angela Merkel, have said 'we need to do more, we are going to do more -- it's the right thing to do,'" Hutchison said.

Haitian government tries to end petroleum subsidies, Haitians riot.

Deplorable state of affairs in that country, just abhorrent and abysmal living conditions...and they are rioting over the lifting of subsidies so gas prices will be henceforth guided by the market? Most are so impoverished they don't even own a vehicle. I don't get it.

They have a piece of property in the caribbean that could be a tourist mecca. Instead, they live in pervasive filth, poor health, poverty, corruption, and crime.

Obviously, natural disasters haven't helped. But how do you even begin to fix a country like that? I can't even begin to understand their frame of mind.

The owner of the bookstore called the police because he didn't want confrontation in his store, so liberals are now angered that he didn't stand by and allow the woman to verbally attack/harass Bannon in his place of business.

As a result, a former Hillary advisor is on a mission to ruin the owner's business and potentially his life. Conform or they will ruin you, even physically attack you in some cases. Bannon is the big, bad fascist, though.

Haitian government tries to end petroleum subsidies, Haitians riot.

Deplorable state of affairs in that country, just abhorrent and abysmal living conditions...and they are rioting over the lifting of subsidies so gas prices will be henceforth guided by the market? Most are so impoverished they don't even own a vehicle. I don't get it.

They have a piece of property in the caribbean that could be a tourist mecca. Instead, they live in pervasive filth, poor health, poverty, corruption, and crime.

Obviously, natural disasters haven't helped. But how do you even begin to fix a country like that? I can't even begin to understand their frame of mind.
Give to the Clinton Foundation and watch it get worse I guess.
"There's nothing better than participating in a capitalist economy, chopping it up with legal immigrants, in a civil society." -- Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

Cortez: "Hello fellow proletariat members! I hear you like to refer to conversing about the revolution as "chopping it up", well let me tell you how down with the cause I am!"

Store owner: "Cállate y compra algo!"

Cortez: "He said he's on board with the Revolution!"
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