How will they rule ??!

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No. Your reading comprehension skills are as dumb as it gets.

The whole point of my post is that they talk about everything EXCEPT the population growth problem when it comes to factors that contribute to the water shortages in Cali.
No and I'm telling you you need a mirror bad. There have been all kinds of articles about the added strain on the water supplies by an increasing population and an increasing agriculture industry and which is the priority. Dumb is thinking because you haven't read it, it hasn't been written fool.
This is the shit levi and platinum take in daily.

If Dems get control of the WH and senate they 100% should pack the court. Republicans play dirty and to win, bout time Dems learned to do the same. McConnell took the SCOTUS fight to a new level and it will escalate again. Add 6 new justices and dominate SCOTUS rulings for a few years. Maybe that would be enough to convince both sides to return to a permanent 2/3s vote again and some kind of respectful normalcy.
If Dems get control of the WH and senate they 100% should pack the court. Republicans play dirty and to win, bout time Dems learned to do the same. McConnell took the SCOTUS fight to a new level and it will escalate again. Add 6 new justices and dominate SCOTUS rulings for a few years. Maybe that would be enough to convince both sides to return to a permanent 2/3s vote again and some kind of respectful normalcy.

You really are retarded. Mitch did what your boy Harry Reid set up to use. Spare me they stole a seat. It was a Presidential election year. And guess what Americans decided they didn't want a POS liberal on the court or they would of voted Hillary.

You can thank Harry for allowing this to happen moron.
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You really are retarded. Mitch did what your boy Harry Reid set up to use. Spare me they stole a seat. It was a Presidential election year. And guess what Americans decided they didn't want a POS liberal on the court or they would of voted Hillary.

You can thank Harry for allowing this to happen moron.
Actually they did vote for Hillary by 3 million more votes than Trump.
No and I'm telling you you need a mirror bad. There have been all kinds of articles about the added strain on the water supplies by an increasing population and an increasing agriculture industry and which is the priority. Dumb is thinking because you haven't read it, it hasn't been written fool.
A few articles yes. But most of those articles circle back around to climate change and all but dismiss population growth. The same way you just did in the post above.

How does the population growth issue factor in to Cali's plans to fix the problem? Do they even consider it?

Point is that it doesn't take a genius or a scientist to figure out that if you take a natural resource that is in short supply...and then add more and more people to the list of people using said resource...then you are compounding the problem exponentially. It's not a sustainable course of action regardless of the reason for the shortage.

And they aren't effectively addressing that particular part of the equation. When it's the one tangible thing that they actually have control over. Why? Because it doesn't fit the agenda of open borders. And it doesn't fit the agenda of climate change.

Open your eyes, man.
If Dems get control of the WH and senate they 100% should pack the court. Republicans play dirty and to win, bout time Dems learned to do the same. McConnell took the SCOTUS fight to a new level and it will escalate again. Add 6 new justices and dominate SCOTUS rulings for a few years. Maybe that would be enough to convince both sides to return to a permanent 2/3s vote again and some kind of respectful normalcy.
Can return to permanent 2/3 vote after Pubs get in office again and further pack court in their direction. If not, in a 100 years we could have several K SC members.
This is the shit levi and platinum take in daily.

What the hell. Actually read that article, it is terrifying. Court packing is OK because it was done when the country was new and geographically expanding, and when the country was at war with itself. Court packing is bad because in these 7 examples, it was used by authoritarians to consolidate their power. But remember, the left might want to stack the court to ram through shit nobody wants, but Trump is the evil monarch Nazi. By the way, if you get the votes to confirm your 30 lefty justices, why not just pass laws?

The "scholar" advocating court packing wrote a book "It's Time to Fight Dirty" where he also advocates splitting California into 3 states, and statehood for Puerto Rico specifically for electoral college stacking. If you actually want another Civil War, change the rules of the game. Pack the court and change the electoral map to guarantee victory for your side. I'm sure it will go over well with the rest of the country.
Actually they did vote for Hillary by 3 million more votes than Trump.
Both houses of Congress, statehouse across the country in a historic shift over BO's term, plus resounding electoral victory despite being heavily outspent including states like WI, MI, and PA....and the biggest driver has not been GOP policy but rejection of smarmy c-suckers like you. Congrats!
You’re a f*cking race baiting, idiot.

There’s actually a lot packed in here in so little of an exchange. The left projects it’s own racist tendencies on others, assuming everyone must be as racist as they are and the right gets pissed off it has to defend itself against baseless accusations only appropriate against its extreme, which it routinely disowns, while the left unabashedly fully embraces its extremists.

Also, as perhaps this thread’s only actual European, there is plenty wrong with European ideas and culture and America has its own distinct, exceptional culture. The left’s notion that we don’t have a culture here is patently absurd.
Say that reminds me...

Another thing the media never talks about is California's water shortage crisis. Not the whole story anyway.

Oh sure, they will scream from the surface mined mountain tops about how climate change is responsible for the water shortages. But the MSM never mentions the disastrous effect that rapid population growth has had/is having on their water shortage problem.

And every single water plan they put in place is a band aid...a temporary fix. They don't have sustainability plan in place to even accommodate the current population in Cali. But hey...let's open that border and let millions more in to put an even bigger strain on that problem. Because...votes.

How much water could they have if they had spent half as much on desalination plants as they have on green energy?

You don’t agree that a gender can be given after birth?! YOU’RE FIRED BIGOT!

(All while being bigots about his opinion.... which also happens to be a fact).
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Tomorrow is the big day for the Supreme Court announcement. Liberals will keep us entertained for months with their hate and obstruction tactics. The nominee will be called every evil thing a lib can dream up.
It will be one of the nastiest fights in a long time no doubt. The dems and Hollywood libs will literally try everything in the book to stop the nominee. Even if it gets people hurt or killed.
Rich people pay rich people to pay middle class people to blame poor people. Dumb people can't follow the money hence Fox News.
How much water could they have if they had spent half as much on desalination plants as they have on green energy?

They can’t because they’ve hamstrung themselves by decommissioning fossil power plants.
Desalination takes ALOT of electricity.
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