How will they rule ??!

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Rich people pay rich people to pay middle class people to blame poor people. Dumb people can't follow the money hence Fox News.

You’re the ones selling out poor Americans in favor of even poorer non Americans that are illegally entering the Country.
Rich people pay rich people to pay middle class people to blame poor people. Dumb people can't follow the money hence Fox News.

Cool story bro.

I guess you believe everyone should be on the same playing field regardless of their qualifications.

Best thing about America is you can be one of those poor people and make it to the top.
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From November 2016 to November 2017 there was a 5-point drop in the number of people who call themselves Republicans, from 42 percent to 37 percent, according to Gallup. In that same time, the number of people identifying as Democrats stayed flat at 44 percent.

Do the math and a 2-point edge for the Democrats in party identification, 44 percent to 42 percent, has been pushed to 7 points, 44 percent to 37 percent, in just one year.
From November 2016 to November 2017 there was a 5-point drop in the number of people who call themselves Republicans, from 42 percent to 37 percent, according to Gallup. In that same time, the number of people identifying as Democrats stayed flat at 44 percent.

Do the math and a 2-point edge for the Democrats in party identification, 44 percent to 42 percent, has been pushed to 7 points, 44 percent to 37 percent, in just one year.

Here's the part you liberals don't get. Many of us are pissed at the old guard Republican Party too. But we like what our President is doing for our country and LOVE that he has driven you liberals batshit crazy. Your statistics mean nothing
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It is no wonder that women are voting with their feet. According to a recent analysis by the Pew Research Center, 56 percent of women identify as or lean toward Democrats. The gap is even wider among college graduates and minority voters. The party should take note that 70 percent of millennial women have either registered as Democrats or lean Democratic. We will no longer be available to help the Republicans appeal to these changing demographic realities.

This Republican Party is no family of ours. And so we say goodbye.

Susan Bevan is national co-chairwoman and Susan Cullman is co-chairwoman emeritus of Republican Majority for Choice.
From November 2016 to November 2017 there was a 5-point drop in the number of people who call themselves Republicans, from 42 percent to 37 percent, according to Gallup. In that same time, the number of people identifying as Democrats stayed flat at 44 percent.

Do the math and a 2-point edge for the Democrats in party identification, 44 percent to 42 percent, has been pushed to 7 points, 44 percent to 37 percent, in just one year.

Then there is no way Trump should get re-elected, and there should be a blue wave this Fall, right?
Neither will happen though, because blue collar democrats voted for Trump.
Former GOP Rep. Charles Djou (Hawaii) announced he is leaving the Republican Party.

Djou — who served in Congress briefly after winning a special election in 2010 — said he is leaving the GOP because he is not willing to abandon his principles.

Djou in a piece published in the Honolulu Civil Beat took aim at President Trump and criticized Republicans for failing to call him out.

"I can no longer stand with a Republican Party that is led by a man I firmly believe is taking the party of Lincoln in a direction I fundamentally disagree with, and a party that is unwilling to stand up to him," Djou wrote.
If Dems get control of the WH and senate they 100% should pack the court.

Please. You'd be in here crying if Reps expanded the court and Trump nominated 3 judges tomorrow.

How about the Dems actually come up with policy that people support instead of governing through the courts and forcing their dumb and rejected ideas onto the country.

Actually they did vote for Hillary by 3 million more votes than Trump.

There's no such thing. You can say it until you're blue in the face. Hillary lost. On top of losing and even after liberals targeted, harassed and threatened the electoral college electors she had more defectors than Trump. The most ever in history. What a loser she is.
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Former GOP Rep. Charles Djou (Hawaii) announced he is leaving the Republican Party.

Djou — who served in Congress briefly after winning a special election in 2010 — said he is leaving the GOP because he is not willing to abandon his principles.

Djou in a piece published in the Honolulu Civil Beat took aim at President Trump and criticized Republicans for failing to call him out.

"I can no longer stand with a Republican Party that is led by a man I firmly believe is taking the party of Lincoln in a direction I fundamentally disagree with, and a party that is unwilling to stand up to him," Djou wrote.
And where the hell is he going to go? Screw him too.
A few articles yes. But most of those articles circle back around to climate change and all but dismiss population growth. The same way you just did in the post above.

How does the population growth issue factor in to Cali's plans to fix the problem? Do they even consider it?

Point is that it doesn't take a genius or a scientist to figure out that if you take a natural resource that is in short supply...and then add more and more people to the list of people using said resource...then you are compounding the problem exponentially. It's not a sustainable course of action regardless of the reason for the shortage.

And they aren't effectively addressing that particular part of the equation. When it's the one tangible thing that they actually have control over. Why? Because it doesn't fit the agenda of open borders. And it doesn't fit the agenda of climate change.

Open your eyes, man.

Was watching an episode of lock up a few months back and they were at San Quentin. Due to the violence the warden made the decision to ban all weights. So now when prisoners go out on the yard they use the water fountain and fill up garbage bags full of water. One inmate said they weighed 30-50lbs.

Hundreds of inmates do this per day every single day. When they're done on the yard that day they rip the bags open and dump the water in the grass. That seems like a lot of unnecessary waste for a state whose residents have a strict water cap.
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A GOP-led Senate panel concluded on Tuesday that the US intelligence community’s 18-month-old conclusions about the 2016 presidential election — that Moscow meddled to hurt Hillary Clinton and help Donald Trump— were “well supported.

Another former republican---not a liberal:
"I just think they've lost their way and I can't be associated with it," Comey said in an interview on the ABC News podcast “Start Here,” adding that he no longer considers himself a Republican.

From November 2016 to November 2017 there was a 5-point drop in the number of people who call themselves Republicans, from 42 percent to 37 percent, according to Gallup. In that same time, the number of people identifying as Democrats stayed flat at 44 percent.

Do the math and a 2-point edge for the Democrats in party identification, 44 percent to 42 percent, has been pushed to 7 points, 44 percent to 37 percent, in just one year.

It is no wonder that women are voting with their feet. According to a recent analysis by the Pew Research Center, 56 percent of women identify as or lean toward Democrats. The gap is even wider among college graduates and minority voters. The party should take note that 70 percent of millennial women have either registered as Democrats or lean Democratic. We will no longer be available to help the Republicans appeal to these changing demographic realities.

This Republican Party is no family of ours. And so we say goodbye.

Susan Bevan is national co-chairwoman and Susan Cullman is co-chairwoman emeritus of Republican Majority for Choice.

Former GOP Rep. Charles Djou (Hawaii) announced he is leaving the Republican Party.

Djou — who served in Congress briefly after winning a special election in 2010 — said he is leaving the GOP because he is not willing to abandon his principles.

Djou in a piece published in the Honolulu Civil Beat took aim at President Trump and criticized Republicans for failing to call him out.

"I can no longer stand with a Republican Party that is led by a man I firmly believe is taking the party of Lincoln in a direction I fundamentally disagree with, and a party that is unwilling to stand up to him," Djou wrote.

Ten of thousands of Democrats leaving the party. All with names, faces and personal confessionals.
The GOP is fast becoming the party of the white-haired old men shoveling viagra in their mouths with little hands and short fingers.
The GOP is fast becoming the party of the white-haired old men shoveling viagra in their mouths with little hands and short fingers.

Most people are naive and idealistic when they’re young, then they get out in the world, mature and realize things aren’t the way they’re presented.
Then you have people like Levi, who don’t mature, and think life is like a Disney movie.
The GOP is fast becoming the party of the white-haired old men shoveling viagra in their mouths with little hands and short fingers.
Compared to the party of brainwashed millennials who think Trump already made his scotus pick and of course that pick that hasn't been made yet is the most racist person ever. They'll soon grow up and realize they've been lied to.
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Former GOP Rep. Charles Djou (Hawaii) announced he is leaving the Republican Party.

Djou — who served in Congress briefly after winning a special election in 2010 — said he is leaving the GOP because he is not willing to abandon his principles.

Djou in a piece published in the Honolulu Civil Beat took aim at President Trump and criticized Republicans for failing to call him out.

"I can no longer stand with a Republican Party that is led by a man I firmly believe is taking the party of Lincoln in a direction I fundamentally disagree with, and a party that is unwilling to stand up to him," Djou wrote.
This is the swamp draining itself.
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Another republican:
“Republicans have permanently eliminated themselves from credibility to govern,” Rubin said. “You can’t be willing to sacrifice core American values for the sake of a tax cut and be deemed to be worthy of trust going forward.”
The last thing this world needs is political intellectuals. I'm with Buckley: "I'd rather be governed by the first 100 names in the Boston phone book." Libs or not, they have to have common sense.
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