How will they rule ??!

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I have no problem with mockery and parody. The Baby Trump dirigible is cute and cheeky. Let's remember, Trump submitted himself to a Comedy Central roast. Lets not take everything so d@mn serious.
Agreed, but if somebody had made a big eared goofy balloon for Obama’s visit or a fat cow balloon for Hillary, it would have been racist and sexist.

This could be good for us? Just build that daggum wall, then ship all the liberal drug loving losers to mexico where they can worship their cartel ran govt and do all the meth they want.

130 political assasinations in NINE MONTHS!!!!!!

^ Why is this not on the news? If this was happening in some country far far away that we don’t share a border with, crying ass losers would be demanding we do something. But meh, no big deal. We’re just supposed to open our border to this savage ass gang ran country.

Idk what this really means tho. Is this just new president bowing down to cartels and basically saying “hey, ok, you win. We’re pulling military off the streets, and we’ll leave you alone if you quit killing a politician EVERY 2 DAYS! Please, we beg you!”?

We gotta protect our damn border and I would prefer we go full on nuclear in regards to these fn cartels.
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These mother touchers claiming they want objectivity is the biggest load of horse crap. They go out of their way to prevent opposing viewpoints. We see what happens with the left in charge of media, Hollywood and academia. It’s non-stop liberal garbage, not informing anyone of the negative stuff about the left or their scandals and corruption. It’s constant bashing of Republicans and making sure they don’t get to speak on campus, that any actor that’s conservative gets buried and in media, it’s worshiping of Democrats and bashing of Trump and Republicans.
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A GOP-led Senate panel concluded on Tuesday that the US intelligence community’s 18-month-old conclusions about the 2016 presidential election — that Moscow meddled to hurt Hillary Clinton and help Donald Trump— were “well supported.
Reports showed that our media, like Vox, collaborated with the HRC campaign to help her and hurt DT. She also used an unethical advantage from evil lobbyist donations.

Get over it bitchtits.

Look at this POS clown. And to think there is a party of people like her who think like her.
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If only all caves were located in abandoned Walmart’s complete with A/C, nice furniture, and electronics.
The most humane treatment, based on the lefty posts (or lack thereof) for 8 years, would be them dying from drones or via genocide like so many brown kids did under Obama's policies.
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The most humane treatment, based on the lefty posts (or lack thereof) for 8 years, would be them dying from drones or via genocide like so many brown kids did under Obama's policies.

Yep. And Obama had the house and senate during his presidency and did nothing to change immigration laws. Why not? It seems to be all the rage now.
Colonialism and immigration . . . not the same things. But liberals do love revisionists. You fit right in. Rumors of Nixon? btw, I am of native American descent and I accept your requirement for DNA testing, provided that you pay for it. Also required is that you submit to a 12 panel drug test which I will pay for. The results of my DNA test you are free to share with the Paddock (my name excluded). The results of your drug screen I share with your employer. This offer is only good for 72 hours and on the basis that you do currently have quality employment, that which would result in you being terminated for illegal drug use, similar to how you infer a disqualified opinion if unable to establish native American ancestry. Man up and post a phone number.
Going to do a DNA test shortly myself. Will share results and no name as well.
That just shows that Trump has created an environment for more child sex traffickers. So there is just more of them now to be arrested. Under Obama they all hid away in their holes to scared to come out. See how easily stupid random data can be manipulated?
Wow! Stupid just hit a new level.
Here's the thing about Trump - he makes it incredibly hard for Dems to work with him. He has zero tact. Forget NK and foreign trade, this "dealmaker" can't even make it across the aisle.

Serious question - what do you think of the summits with Kim and Putin? If ***** tried this shit then you guys actually WOULD be in the streets with your guns.
Does not matter who it is if they are not liberal, Dems will not work with them. Once again, kids taught by you are doomed.
Thousands without power in Los Angeles after high demand due to heat wave - CNN

Rolling blackouts, this is what happens when green power replaces fossil or nuclear power for political reasons.
This policy will in all likelihood cause deaths today. Yet the media won’t say a peep about it, no one will protest. All because it makes them feel better to move to green power, guarantee the folks that made money from it don’t go without.

Say that reminds me...

Another thing the media never talks about is California's water shortage crisis. Not the whole story anyway.

Oh sure, they will scream from the surface mined mountain tops about how climate change is responsible for the water shortages. But the MSM never mentions the disastrous effect that rapid population growth has had/is having on their water shortage problem.

And every single water plan they put in place is a band aid...a temporary fix. They don't have sustainability plan in place to even accommodate the current population in Cali. But hey...let's open that border and let millions more in to put an even bigger strain on that problem. Because...votes.

Say that reminds me...

Another thing the media never talks about is California's water shortage crisis. Not the whole story anyway.

Oh sure, they will scream from the surface mined mountain tops about how climate change is responsible for the water shortages. But the MSM never mentions the disastrous effect that rapid population growth has had/is having on their water shortage problem.

And every single water plan they put in place is a band aid...a temporary fix. They don't have sustainability plan in place to even accommodate the current population in Cali. But hey...let's open that border and let millions more in to put an even bigger strain on that problem. Because...votes.


Its crazy, put 35 million people in the middle of a desert and then blame water shortages on Co2?
Say that reminds me...

Another thing the media never talks about is California's water shortage crisis. Not the whole story anyway.

Oh sure, they will scream from the surface mined mountain tops about how climate change is responsible for the water shortages. But the MSM never mentions the disastrous effect that rapid population growth has had/is having on their water shortage problem.

And every single water plan they put in place is a band aid...a temporary fix. They don't have sustainability plan in place to even accommodate the current population in Cali. But hey...let's open that border and let millions more in to put an even bigger strain on that problem. Because...votes.

This is dumb as it gets. They've made a point of talking about especially in regards to climate change and the related draining of the rivers, aquifers, and reservoirs by agriculture. There were tons of photos of the marinas setting on bare ground. There were stories about no water in the lakes for the wildfire fighting airplane tankers to utilize. Also when Tom Selleck was caught stealing water. Just because you don't pay attention doesn't mean the whole exists in your head.
This is dumb as it gets. They've made a point of talking about especially in regards to climate change and the related draining of the rivers, aquifers, and reservoirs by agriculture. There were tons of photos of the marinas setting on bare ground. There were stories about no water in the lakes for the wildfire fighting airplane tankers to utilize. Also when Tom Selleck was caught stealing water. Just because you don't pay attention doesn't mean the whole exists in your head.
No. Your reading comprehension skills are as dumb as it gets.

The whole point of my post is that they talk about everything EXCEPT the population growth problem when it comes to factors that contribute to the water shortages in Cali.
So everything involving NK that's positive for the administration is propaganda and we can't believe a any of if. But everything that's negative and can be used to attack the administration is gospel. Either way the administration loses.

Am I doing it right?
When dealing with NK yes, the administration always loses. Been that way for 60 years. Obama avoided directly losing to NK by just ignoring them instead of getting the usual nothing from negotiating. Even by doing that he still lost by letting them further refine their weapons program. NK is a nuclear power now and always will be, you don't go backwards from there. People just have to accept it and move on the the next phase of how to use economics to change the country in our favor like we did with the USSR.