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Should the Washington Post award itself a few Pinocchios?

Ms. Trump got the Post’s attention when she appeared on the Fox Business Network last week and responded to a question from Maria Bartiromo about the possibility of wage inflation. Ms. Trump said:

I think one of the tremendous opportunities that we’re seeing because the economy is so strong is that people who have been out of the workforce are coming back off the sidelines. And this is something we are working incredibly hard to incentivize. Because there is a large population of... prime-age men and women who are out of the workforce and who are now slowly starting to return... Two million people have come off food stamps and have come back into the economy. So we’re starting to see people who have been on the sidelines reenter the economy, and we think that’s incredibly positive and we’re very excited about that.
Most people would agree that, if true, such news certainly counts as positive and exciting. But in its “Fact Checker” feature the Washington Post claims that the President’s daughter deserves two out of a possible four “Pinocchios” for allegedly making false claims.

Longtime news consumers have no doubt grown wary of such pronouncements from media outlets. Two years ago, this column’s most celebrated alumnus noted:

Some good work is done under the rubric of “fact checking,” but the label is deceptive. Calling it “fact checking” is meant to convey an extra degree of objective authority, but “fact check” journalists do not limit themselves to questions of verifiable objective fact. Frequently they accuse politicians of dishonesty because the journalists favor a different interpretation of facts that are not in dispute. Sometimes their “rulings” are mere opinions on matters about which they do not know the facts, or that are not factual questions at all.

Readers are bound to be especially wary of the Post’s latest contribution to the genre. Even while accusing Ms. Trump of peddling falsehoods, the Post acknowledges that she’s on target with the only checkable fact in her comment. The Post writes that Ms. Trump “pointed to ‘2 million people’ who “have come off food stamps” (an accurate statistic) as evidence of the economy’s strength, noting that they were “starting to reenter the economy.” Experts say that’s debatable.”

Sure, experts can debate Ms. Trump’s analysis of people leaving government benefit programs and question whether this phenomenon is due to a rising economy. Experts—and what would we do without them?—can also debate whether the opportunities are “tremendous,” whether she’s working “incredibly hard” and whether team Trump is “very excited.” But these are matters of opinion, not fact.

Assessing whether the number of people returning to the labor market is “large” can certainly be informed by objective data, but this question also depends on context and assumptions subject to debate by reasonable people. To suggest that Ms. Trump is lying in giving her perfectly reasonable take on the improving labor market is, if not fake news, certainly unfair. And in any case her argument just got much stronger, with the Labor Department reporting that a net of more than 600,000 people joined the U.S. labor force in June.
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I agree, and Trump is the best we’ve had since then. You probably aren’t old enough to remember, but the MSM treated Reagan in much the same way as they have Trump.

You know why Reagan is considered a good President? Results, he was right about how to handle communism, the media revolted, but he held his ground like leaders do.
Dems were at that time still being led by people that chose country over party, so while they disagreed with the Pres, they still worked with him.

Here's the thing about Trump - he makes it incredibly hard for Dems to work with him. He has zero tact. Forget NK and foreign trade, this "dealmaker" can't even make it across the aisle.

Serious question - what do you think of the summits with Kim and Putin? If ***** tried this shit then you guys actually WOULD be in the streets with your guns.
Here's the thing about Trump - he makes it incredibly hard for Dems to work with him. He has zero tact. Forget NK and foreign trade, this "dealmaker" can't even make it across the aisle.

Serious question - what do you think of the summits with Kim and Putin? If ***** tried this shit then you guys actually WOULD be in the streets with your guns.

He has tried over and over to reach across the aisle. The infrastructure deal should be something the Dems are all about, but they can’t because their base is all in on resistance.

Obama met Putin several times, why would we give a crap about him meeting Putin? You guys are the one that has created this nonsense that Russia is our enemy, they aren’t.
There is nothing wrong with meeting Kim, it’s a good start. We have given them absolutely nothing. In return they’ve turned over Americans, stopped testing missiles, and are about to return remains of US soldiers from the Korean War. If the talks fell apart tomorrow the US will have gained from them and relinquished nothing.

The whole oppose everything move is ridiculous, and doesn’t help the nation at all. There was serious corruption by the Obama administration, the justice dept and intel agencies were weaponized and used to gather and leak info on opponents. That is what tyrants do.
"Abolish ICE!"

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He has tried over and over to reach across the aisle. The infrastructure deal should be something the Dems are all about, but they can’t because their base is all in on resistance.

Obama met Putin several times, why would we give a crap about him meeting Putin? You guys are the one that has created this nonsense that Russia is our enemy, they aren’t.
There is nothing wrong with meeting Kim, it’s a good start. We have given them absolutely nothing. In return they’ve turned over Americans, stopped testing missiles, and are about to return remains of US soldiers from the Korean War. If the talks fell apart tomorrow the US will have gained from them and relinquished nothing.

The whole oppose everything move is ridiculous, and doesn’t help the nation at all. There was serious corruption by the Obama administration, the justice dept and intel agencies were weaponized and used to gather and leak info on opponents. That is what tyrants do.
There was no infrastructure deal. Trumps entire plan was let the states & private companies pay for infrastructure & the Feds will help with a few bucks here and there. Republicans saw that plan, laughed their asses off, and told Trump to join the real world. No bill even got started in congress. Infrastructure is something he could have gotten a big win on and all he did was a massive belly flop.
The bastard went directly against his voters and offered 1.8 million illegals amnesty with a path to citizenship and it wasn't enough.

The Republican controlled House has passed hundreds of bills that Trump is ready to sign, but they lay dormant in the Senate because the Democrats are refusing to hold votes on them.

The problem is Democrats are obstructionists. Even if it's beneficial to them they have to be against it because they can't allow Trump a win. Their base is demanding resist at all costs.
There was no infrastructure deal. Trumps entire plan was let the states & private companies pay for infrastructure & the Feds will help with a few bucks here and there. Republicans saw that plan, laughed their asses off, and told Trump to join the real world. No bill even got started in congress. Infrastructure is something he could have gotten a big win on and all he did was a massive belly flop.

Did he not try to get Dems onboard? Did they not completely balk at even hinting they might be interested? He needed Democrat help, get them onboard and Trump could’ve gotten a vote on it, at this start negotiating.
That should tell them how far left they’ve gone, actually the 2016 election should’ve, but they doubled down on crazy.

A normal person would have looked at 2016 and analyzed why they lost the house, the senate and the presidency. “Why didn’t our message resonate?”

Nope. Doubled down on identity politics, called everyone Nazis/sexist/racist, demanded a recount, threatened electors, pushed Russian nonsense, have totally came out in favor of open borders, elected a socialist in New York, became super violent, etc.

I guess expecting civility and pro American interest is difficult after you’ve told your base that the other side is Hitler.
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If she gets that look in her eyes and suddenly grabs you by the balls, you have to stop her mid caress, then you both have to say "yes" out loud. No more spontaneity.

New Australian law requires that all partners must say 'yes' – out loud

The new law states, in effect, that if you want to have sex you must ask for it clearly, and then hear a verbal “yes” back, under new reforms announced by the New South Wales.
Not if you're invited, apparently you have stomped on too many brain cells after your racist rant a couple of post earlier. Heaven help those poor kids that you teach. They will not learn anything of note and will be dumber for listening to you.
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That should tell them how far left they’ve gone, actually the 2016 election should’ve, but they doubled down on crazy.
Thanks to the media, they can stay in their angry little bubble. Why face reality when Vox and ThinkProgress give them the daily outrage.
Thousands without power in Los Angeles after high demand due to heat wave - CNN

Rolling blackouts, this is what happens when green power replaces fossil or nuclear power for political reasons.
This policy will in all likelihood cause deaths today. Yet the media won’t say a peep about it, no one will protest. All because it makes them feel better to move to green power, guarantee the folks that made money from it don’t go without.
Thousands without power in Los Angeles after high demand due to heat wave - CNN

Rolling blackouts, this is what happens when green power replaces fossil or nuclear power for political reasons.
This policy will in all likelihood cause deaths today. Yet the media won’t say a peep about it, no one will protest. All because it makes them feel better to move to green power, guarantee the folks that made money from it don’t go without.

Bill, Bill, Bill

It’s not green energy’s fault.

Anyone that lives in anything larger than a tiny house is putting the rest of us in danger.

If you choose to live in a dwelling that uses too much energy to cool/heat then you shall be demonized and power shall be rationed. If you go over your allotted amount, you shall render your carbon tax to pay for your indulgence.
That just shows that Trump has created an environment for more child sex traffickers. So there is just more of them now to be arrested. Under Obama they all hid away in their holes to scared to come out. See how easily stupid random data can be manipulated?
Do you read the stupid shit you type before you click "post reply"?
If she gets that look in her eyes and suddenly grabs you by the balls, you have to stop her mid caress, then you both have to say "yes" out loud. No more spontaneity.

New Australian law requires that all partners must say 'yes' – out loud

The new law states, in effect, that if you want to have sex you must ask for it clearly, and then hear a verbal “yes” back, under new reforms announced by the New South Wales.

I just told my wife this. She didn’t believe me.
A little advice -- Get control of your fragile emotions, stop being outraged by every single thing that he says, and pay attention to what he has actually done/is doing.

Despite the chaos, Trump has managed to push the most conservative agenda in a generation

Heritage: Donald Trump has achieved more than Ronald Reagan in first year

Donald Trump's First Year: A Conservative Success Story

Trump Already the Most Successful President Since Reagan

If you are a right-of-center person, there hasn't been a better period than this in at least three decades. -- Never Trumper, Mitch McConnell
MM wasn't a NTer. He supported him - weakly.
That just shows that Trump has created an environment for more child sex traffickers. So there is just more of them now to be arrested. Under Obama they all hid away in their holes to scared to come out. See how easily stupid random data can be manipulated?
IOW, Trump is doing a hellava job. Thanks for your support.
Here's the thing about Trump - he makes it incredibly hard for Dems to work with him. He has zero tact. Forget NK and foreign trade, this "dealmaker" can't even make it across the aisle.
As if Obama & Dems EVER tried to consider Pubs opinion. Obama's best thought was "We won.". When Boehner tried to get a budget deal & thought it set, Obama says, "yea, but I want another $400B spending.".

You're so full of bs.
Correct. Getting to the colonies in the 17th and 18th centuries was controlled as a process of departure, not entry. This crucial distinction is so overwhelming, any debate on the matter requires the modern revisionist to hold a level of ignorance so out of proportion to the importance of the actual history, no informed person should bother.

Only the tiniest number of new colonists during that period were able to do so on their own, and by virtue of wealth. Considerable wealth. The cost equivalent to no less than one half of a middle class Englishman's yearly earnings. A German's? All of it.

The massive majority of Europeans "allowed" to depart for the colonies were in fact indentured servants. Men and often families who had put up much, if not all, of their own money, now permanently indebted to their "sponsor" who sought to profit from a specific service assigned to them in the colonies.

This is just the most basic of surface scratching introductions to the actual process during the period. But modern revisionists would have you believe otherwise, that those opportunities were available to anyone, from everywhere, and that nothing was expected of them upon arrival. Not even a smile or a clean shave, much less to be free of disease or wrongful intent.

Mods can you pin this post for all the blockheads that argue for illegal immigration? TIA.

Also, free Willy.
Mods can you pin this post for all the blockheads that argue for illegal immigration? TIA.

Also, free Willy.
Correct. Getting to the colonies in the 17th and 18th centuries was controlled as a process of departure, not entry. This crucial distinction is so overwhelming, any debate on the matter requires the modern revisionist to hold a level of ignorance so out of proportion to the importance of the actual history, no informed person should bother.

Only the tiniest number of new colonists during that period were able to do so on their own, and by virtue of wealth. Considerable wealth. The cost equivalent to no less than one half of a middle class Englishman's yearly earnings. A German's? All of it.

The massive majority of Europeans "allowed" to depart for the colonies were in fact indentured servants. Men and often families who had put up much, if not all, of their own money, now permanently indebted to their "sponsor" who sought to profit from a specific service assigned to them in the colonies.

This is just the most basic of surface scratching introductions to the actual process during the period. But modern revisionists would have you believe otherwise, that those opportunities were available to anyone, from everywhere, and that nothing was expected of them upon arrival. Not even a smile or a clean shave, much less to be free of disease or wrongful intent.

Just as a side note to Kopicat when this country was growing I think people tend to think that when the population grew by a million people that a million more immigrants came in. The true majority of growth came from families already here having 8 to 15 kids. Early immigration has nothing to do with today anyway, two different times.