How will they rule ??!

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This coward put on the breaks real quick once he realized she was going to end his miserable existence.

Pound sand you stupid liberal. Nothing you just typed makes any sense to the actual problems stupid liberals like you claim are happening.

Sit down and shut up child. Adults are working on it.

Working on what? Reuniting babies with their parents? How's that going so far?

You sound like you watch a lot of TV.
Wah wah wah. Those terrible white people that don't want to import the worlds problems. What is wrong with them?

You're assuming that people seeking asylum from shithole countries means they're bringing their "problems" with them? You sound like you drank whatever kind of propaganda drips out of Trump's micro dick. Slurp it up, you feckless hillbilly.
You're assuming that people seeking asylum from shithole countries means they're bringing their "problems" with them? You sound like you drank whatever kind of propaganda drips out of Trump's micro dick. Slurp it up, you feckless hillbilly.
Anyone else picture bwls2 as this guy?

Dave Chalian was DC Bureau Chief for Yahoo in 2012 who was caught on a hot mic saying Romney wanted black people to drown. After a brief outrage, Politico hired him a couple months later.

Joy Reid keeping her job is he ultimate hypocrisy of the left, I think.

Also, could you imagine the outrage if DWS had been a Republican? This is a monster who ran Hillary’s campaign in 2008 then took over for Tim Kaine as the head of the DNC (who also became Hillary’s VP coincidentally) and proven to collude with media and dictate coverage, trying to rig the primary. Then being forced out and then being hired on by the Hillary camp again.

Like WTF?

How many cases do you think the Freedom From Religion have taken on against Islam?

So this story is, it’s a guy from the town who went to school there, played there, is a pastor and talked to them about leadership Andrew teamwork and quotes one bible verse. Well, media wrote about it and then Freedom from Religion went nuts.

Same scumbags who freak out over a nativity scene and don’t want Christmas mentioned but are total cowards against Islam.
You're assuming that people seeking asylum from shithole countries means they're bringing their own "children" with them? You sound like you drank whatever kind of propaganda drips out of Pelosi's stank puss. Slurp it up, you bleeding heart fag.

Nice one, moe.
Colonialism and immigration . . . not the same things. But liberals do love revisionists. You fit right in. Rumors of Nixon? btw, I am of native American descent and I accept your requirement for DNA testing, provided that you pay for it. Also required is that you submit to a 12 panel drug test which I will pay for. The results of my DNA test you are free to share with the Paddock (my name excluded). The results of your drug screen I share with your employer. This offer is only good for 72 hours and on the basis that you do currently have quality employment, that which would result in you being terminated for illegal drug use, similar to how you infer a disqualified opinion if unable to establish native American ancestry. Man up and post a phone number.

I’d like to ask the left if they’re the “educated party” then why are they so desperate to bring in uneducated and low-skilled third world people? If the left doesn’t need to grow the welfare state for votes then why are they so desperate to get these people in here?

I’d love to see these leftist douchebags faced with these scenarios in their personal lives.

Illegal migrant says,
“I hear you need a roommate. I’ll live with you. Now I can’t pay rent, I can’t speak your language and expect you to speak mine, demand that you pay for me and my family’s education, healthcare, food and shelter and don’t expect me to assimilate to any country norms.”
You are a sad sack of shit. I love it. Trump is your yes your President.

Suck Trump's dick because he's winning.

Hey, no one here can accuse me of being all #notmypresident - he's currently our president. It's just that he's terrible at it.

When's the last time Melania gave Donald a blowjob? Begrudgingly on election night?

"You all remember that beautiful night..." - Donald Trump to a group of Boy Scouts
I’d like to ask the left if they’re the “educated party” then why are they so desperate to bring in uneducated and low-skilled third world people? If the left doesn’t need to grow the welfare state for votes then why are they so desperate to get these people in here?

I’d love to see these leftist douchebags faced with these scenarios in their personal lives.

Illegal migrant says,
“I hear you need a roommate. I’ll live with you. Now I can’t pay rent, I can’t speak your language and expect you to speak mine, demand that you pay for me and my family’s education, healthcare, food and shelter and don’t expect me to assimilate to any country norms.”

Bro, nobody has ever applied to be someone's roommate with those stipulations. Ever. LMAO you thought that was a sweet little metaphor though, didn't you?
Hey, no one here can accuse me of being all #notmypresident - he's currently our president. It's just that he's terrible at it.

When's the last time Melania gave Donald a blowjob? Begrudgingly on election night?

"You all remember that beautiful night..." - Donald Trump to a group of Boy Scouts

You think Trump isn’t a good President? I don’t think you understand what a President is supposed to do according to the Constitution. Trump is killing it as President.
I’d like to ask the left if they’re the “educated party” then why are they so desperate to bring in uneducated and low-skilled third world people? If the left doesn’t need to grow the welfare state for votes then why are they so desperate to get these people in here?
They need people who don't their total bs is bs so that they have some to lord over. I mean, they were born & educated to rule us, right? They can't handle that so many, thanks to DT, ain't taking their sh!t anymore.
You think Trump isn’t a good President? I don’t think you understand what a President is supposed to do according to the Constitution. Trump is killing it as President.

No, I do not think Donald Trump is a good president. Sorry if I haven't made that clear. Blast away!
They need people who don't their total bs is bs so that they have some to lord over. I mean, they were born & educated to rule us, right? They can't handle that so many, thanks to DT, ain't taking their sh!t anymore.

Bro, are you drunk?

I agree, and Trump is the best we’ve had since then. You probably aren’t old enough to remember, but the MSM treated Reagan in much the same way as they have Trump.

You know why Reagan is considered a good President? Results, he was right about how to handle communism, the media revolted, but he held his ground like leaders do.
Dems were at that time still being led by people that chose country over party, so while they disagreed with the Pres, they still worked with him.
A little advice -- Get control of your fragile emotions, stop being outraged by every single thing that he says, and pay attention to what he has actually done/is doing.

Despite the chaos, Trump has managed to push the most conservative agenda in a generation

Heritage: Donald Trump has achieved more than Ronald Reagan in first year

Donald Trump's First Year: A Conservative Success Story

Trump Already the Most Successful President Since Reagan

If you are a right-of-center person, there hasn't been a better period than this in at least three decades. -- Never Trumper, Mitch McConnell
Can you impeach a pope?

Check out @AMike4761’s Tweet:

I know not everyone is religious in this thread, but for those that are:

Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep's clothing but inwardly are ravenous wolves.

— Matthew 7:15

I’ve never thought anything of any pope. They’re just a man like everyone else. But this one seems waaaaay off.